Parkside Primary News Week ending: Friday 7th June 2024


All of the classes across the school had a fantastic day on Wednesday focusing on the Paris Olympics. They took part in themed geography, PE and topic lessons, with lots of opportunities to practise their French. They then shared their learning with another class in a different part of the school.

5A & 2P sharing their learning
5GB developing their map reading skills



Keeping children safe and kind online is a challenge we are facing every day. There are lots of positives to being online for children, from staying in touch with friends to learning about the world. There are some challenges, too, children are spending more time in the digital world than ever before and this online world can be tricky for children to navigate.

Thank you to those who attended the evening workshop this week. Next week is the daytime session on Thursday 13th June to give you some help and advice so that you can have more confidence in supporting your children. We do hope that you will be able to join us.



Please see below for the sports day new dates:

Please click the links above for a reminder of the details.



The final pre-loved event of this year will be Monday 17th June after school in the West Studio. Come and pick up uniform, clothing, books and toys to take away for free. We will also be taking end of year donations ready for next years pre-loved events, so why not have a clear out before the summer?



Just a reminder that class photos will be taken on Monday 10th June. If it is your child's PE day, please still come in PE kit so that the whole class is the same.



A reminder that on Friday 14th June we will be having a day focusing on possible jobs and careers to inspire the children and get them thinking about their futures. Children are invited to either come dressed as the job they would like to do in the future, or come in school uniform with a label/badge saying what profession they would like in the future. Please do not feel obliged to buy any clothing or items especially for this day; dress up is entirely optional.

As part of the day we would love it if any parents or family members would like to come in to school to speak to the children about their job role/career. If you are able to help, please complete the form by clicking the button below and we will be in touch. Thank you for your support.



As the graph below shows, our school attendance is currently below the national average. This is largely due to the number of families taking holidays during term time. Please can we remind everyone of the impact that time out of school has on children. Five days out of school is a lot of lost learning.

Please be aware that a period of five unauthorised days out of school will incur a penalty notice.

Please bear in mind that out of 365 days in a calendar year, 175 are not spent in school - plenty of free time for holidays & leisure.



We are excited to let you know that the Friends of Parkside PTA are organising a summer fair. It will be a fun event for all the family! More details to follow, but please make a note of the date - Tuesday 16th July 16th, 3.45 to 5.15pm.



The Friends of Parkside PTA would like the children to design them a logo. Please could all entries be handed in by Wednesday 12th June. Be as creative as you like, but please include the words "The Friends of Parkside PTA".

Feel free to print out and use the template below, or just use a plain piece of A4 but make sure to include your name and class.



Ballot papers have been sent home with your child tonight. Please post in the ballot boxes by Thursday 13th June.



Well done to all of our superstars this week.

Week commencing 3rd June

  • Year 1 - Emily & Hudson
  • Year 2 - Vincent & Teddy
  • Year 3 - Oliver & Cheyenne
  • Year 4 - Natalia, Blake & Oliver L
  • Year 5 - Leighton, Rosie & Alfie
  • Year 6 - Kristians, Ruby J & Isaac



Please see below the recent attendance data. As highlighted earlier in the newsletter, the week before half term's attendance was very low. Please remember that absence from school all adds up to a lot of lost learning.

From the first day of term to the last, the small moments in a school day make a real difference to your child. #AttendanceCounts

The Department of Education has advice on improving attendance - click here to view.

School Attendance is ‘everyone’s business’.

What an absence means for your child?

At primary school level, where pupils missing up to 14 days of school in key stage two are a quarter less likely to achieve level five or above in reading, writing or maths tests than those with no absence.

If you have any concerns regarding attendance please do not hesitate to contact Miss Curley, our Safeguarding and Attendance officer here at Parkside Primary School.



if you have any concerns about the safety and wellbeing of a child who attends Parkside Primary or require any additional support or advice with regards to attendance please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Greenley, our Safeguarding & Attendance Officer. If you have any question or worries about your child’s behaviour or require any additional family support then please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Daine, our Behaviour & Family Support Worker. Both members of staff are also available for children to talk to should they have any worries.

If you have any Safeguarding concerns outside of school hours, or are concerned a child has suffered or is likely to suffer significant harm and is at immediate risk call the Children’s Safeguarding Hub on (01482) 395500 or ring 999 (asking for the Police).



This free information guide addresses pop-up ads and offers some top tips for managing the risks. Click here to view as a pdf.



Please click the button below to view the school lunch menu. Please note that the current menu will continue when we return in September, starting with week 1.



Please click the button for the latest East Riding Local Offer bulletin. This includes the news that applications for the 2024 Freedom Activity Support Payment (FASP) are now open.

The Freedom Activity Support Payment (FASP) is a one-off payment of £300 which may be available to families living in the East Riding of Yorkshire to support children and young people whose special educational needs/ disabilities (SEND) prevents them accessing age appropriate social and leisure activities. Criteria applies so please check the local offer page before applying -



The Two Rivers Community Pantry is a project is aimed at providing support to those who are in need of some assistance.

To find out more visit or speak to school about making a referral.



Daily actions from Action for Happiness encouraging you to carry out small acts of kindness. Have a look at the calendar below or click here to download the pdf. 'Joyful June' suggests daily actions to find ways to help you look for something good in every day.



(Please note that all dates are subject to change. We will of course update you of any changes as soon as possible.)

Dates are also available on our website by clicking here.

Dates for Academic Year 2023/2024

Summer Term

  • Mon 10th June - Class Photos
  • Fri 14th June - RB Class Assembly
  • Fri 14th June - Your Future Profession Day
  • Mon 17th June - Last Preloved event of the year (3.30pm)
  • Wed 19th June - Year 3/4 Sports Day
  • Thurs 20th June - Year 5/6 Sports Day
  • Fri 21st June - RWR Class Assembly
  • w/c Mon 24th June - Last week of clubs
  • Mon 24th June - Nursery/Reception Sports Days
  • Tues 25th June - Year 1/2 Sports Day
  • Tues 9th July - Year 2 Performance
  • Wed 10th July - Year 2 Performance
  • Thurs 11th July - Moving Up morning
  • Tues 16th July - Year 6 Performance (9.15am)
  • Wed 17th July - Year 6 Performance (2.15pm)
  • Fri 19th July - Year 6 Leavers Assembly (pm)
  • Fri 19th July - School closes for Summer (3.30pm)

Dates for Academic Year 2024/2025

Autumn Term 2024

  • Tues 3rd Sept 2024 - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 25th Oct 2024 - School closes for half term (3.30pm)
  • Tues 5th Nov 2024 - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 20th Dec 2024 - School closes for Christmas (3.30pm)

Spring Term 2025

  • Tues 7th Jan 2025 - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 14th Feb 2025 - School closes for half term (3.30pm)
  • Mon 24th Feb 2025 - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 4th April 2025 - School closes for Easter (3.30pm)

Summer Term 2025

  • Tues 22nd April 2025 - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Mon 5th May 2025 - School closed for Bank Holiday
  • Tues 6th May 2025 - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 23rd May 2025 - School closes for half term (3.30pm)
  • Mon 2nd June 2025 - School re-opens (Doors open 8.45am)
  • Fri 18th July 2025 - School closes for Summer (3.30pm)



Telephone: 01405 763634


Please note that we send you our fortnightly newsletters as part of our remit of providing and supporting your child's education. In these newsletters we may include items from third parties that we believe will be may be in your child's interest. If you do not wish to receive our electronic newsletter, please email us on the address above.

(Additional newsletter graphics sourced from My Cute Graphics and Philip Martin clipart)