

Principal's Message

Welcome back after a lovely half term break. It is so reassuring to see how well everyone settles back in so quickly. I was truly impressed with how well the children worked in their houses on Monday afternoon. We focused on them looking at our academy mission statement and vision to support them to understand how much we want them to enjoy and participate in getting a great education. We were treated to a celebration assembly of poems, songs and a Haka.

Next week is anti-bullying week. On Monday it is Odd Socks Day! What is Odd Socks Day? (anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk)

What is Odd Socks day?

Most importantly, Odd Socks Day is designed to be fun! It’s an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique!

There is no pressure to wear the latest fashion or to buy expensive costumes. All you have to do to take part is wear odd socks to your school, at work or at home, it couldn’t be simpler! Odd Socks day will take place on the first day of Anti-Bullying Week each year to help raise awareness of bullying. We would like to invite participating schools and workplaces to ask participants to make a £1 donation - or any donation you think appropriate - to support us in continuing to coordinate the week every year. Anti Bullying Alliance-Just Giving Page

The academy is consulting on the Academy’s admission arrangements. These arrangements are for students who will be starting in September 2025. The consultation is taking place for a period of six weeks, between Monday 13 November 2023 – Sunday 31 December 2023. Consultation will also be undertaken via West Northampton Council’s co-ordinated consultation process and will be on the West Northampton School Admissions Consultation website from the start of the consultation period.

Why are we consulting? The Trust must set (‘determine’) admission arrangements annually. Where changes are proposed to admission arrangements, the Trust must first publicly consult on those arrangements. If no changes are made to admission arrangements, they must be consulted on at least once every 7 years. The academy is not proposing any changes to its admissions arrangements for 2025 however is consulting in accordance with the requirement to consult on a 7-year cycle. Details can also be found on the school website at Falconers Hill Academy - Admissions

Star of The Week

Maple: Madison

Silver Birch: Ava

Elder: Ivy

Pine: Artur

Sequoia: Carter

Willow: George

Acer: Luna

Oak: Nathan

Extracurricular Activities

Adeline is student of the month in taekwondo. Well Done Adeline.

Learning Round-up

Maple: What a start to the new half term, in year 3 we had a visit from a tiger, it made a lot of mess! The children have enjoyed learning our new text ‘Tiger attack’. We enjoyed our house afternoon this week learning our mission statement and vision, in science we learnt about William Beaumont and fascinating things about the digestion system. The children have worked very hard this week, well done to all!

Silver Birch: What a great start to our new half term! We have kicked off this week by having a House afternoon where the children enjoyed joining forces with their House teams to learn about Falconer’s mission statement and creating songs about the names of their houses! In writing, we have been investigating the mysterious creature who ransacked our classroom. In reading, we have continued to read Stuck, learning to read it fluently and with tone. Our focus in Geography, this week, has been major rivers around the globe. We are looking forward to seeing where this half term will take us!

Elder: We have had a great start to the new half term. We have had a house afternoon focused on our school mission statement. In Science, we have also learnt about Galileo and his relationship with our new sound topic. In Talk for Writing we have been using our skills to work out what our new text is about and have started to story map the text. I look forward to this new half term!

Pine: What a great first week back after the half term holiday. To start this half term we were able to work with different year groups in our houses to discuss our school’s values and how they link to the historical figures our houses are named after. In class, we have introduced our new texts in Talk for Reading and Talk for Writing: The Jabberwocky and Elf Road! We are also looking forward to some exciting science lessons all about sound after our introduction to Galileo Galilei this week! I can’t wait to find out what this half term will bring!

Willow: Welcome back Willow. It has been a great week starting our new topics. They have enjoyed starting our multiplication and division unit in maths. We have started to compare the Olmec’s to the Mayans in History, looking at what is similar and what was different. I am looking forward to another great term.

Sequoia: Welcome back Sequoia, we have had a great week, kicked off by the House Afternoon where we all enjoyed joining with different year groups to create and discover more about our house. In Science we learnt about our focus scientist, Mary Anning and in RE we looked at how we can each recall events differently as this will lead up to our key question. We enjoyed being introduced to our new texts in Talk for Reading (The Day War Came) and Talk for Writing (Should animals be kept in captivity?) and are looking forward to exploring them more over the term. I can’t wait to see what this half term brings Sequoia!

Acer: We’ve had a busy first week back in Acer! On Monday, we enjoyed working in house teams to embed our understanding of our school mission and vision. In maths, we’ve been revising multiples and factors, as well as prime, square and cube numbers and we’ve also been practising efficient strategies for multiplication and division. In reading, we explored the context of our new text, ‘No Ballet Shoes in Syria’ and in writing we’ve had fun creating a story map with actions, to help internalise our new model text, ‘Little Vixen Street.’ A super start, Acer - well done!

Oak: Welcome back Oak! It’s been an exciting beginning of the term. During House afternoon children, in their House teams, learned more about our school’s mission statement by creating songs and poems about their houses’ names. In maths, Oak class revisited multiples and factors as well as prime, square and cube numbers. In Talk for Writing, children made a discovery of an extraordinary fox, which inspired us to discuss facts and myths about foxes. Durin Conscience Alley drama activity, children shared their ideas about how we should behave if we were to encounter a fox. Talk for Reading was a nice surprise too, as the children met Aya, an eleven-year-old girl, who had to flee her country to escape a civil war. The children are thrilled to hear all about Aya’s life before the war and her struggles as a refugee in the novel “No Ballet Shoes in Syria”. Well done Oak class, keep it up!

Family Learning

Family Learning courses offer free, fun opportunities for parents, carers and children to learn together. All courses are taught by experienced, qualified teachings who will help to identify learning aims for you and your children in a safe, friendly environment.

Parents and carers can attend courses in local libraries throughout Northamptonshire.

Find more info about courses starting in September and book at Family Learning courses

Dates for your diary

Children in Need: Friday 17th November

Mufti Day - Wear what you like (within reason) for a chocolate donation. Friday 24th November 2023

Y3 New Intake Tour 2023-2024: Wednesday 6th December - 9AM & 11AM

Christmas Jumper Day: Thursday 7th December

Daventry Carol Service (Choir): Tuesday 12th December

Santa Run: Wednesday 13th December

Christmas concerts: Mon 18th and Tues 19th December - Times TBC

Christmas Disco - Y3 & Y4 13th and Y5 & Y6 14th - Times and year groups TBC

Christmas Party: Weds 20th December

Reports: Monday 18th December


Your child should have come in with their Accelerated Reader book and reading journal. Please remember to record when your child is reading at home. A target of 3 times a week or more is great.


Overall Attendance: 96.1%

Maple: 94.1%

Silver Birch: 96.2%

Elder: 95.0%

Pine: 95.8%

Sequoia: 93%

Willow: 98.9% 1st Place

Acer: 98.5% 2nd place

Oak: 97.6% 3nd Place

House Points

King: 256

Gandhi: 220

Pankhurst: 230

Parks: 198

After School Clubs - Term 1

  • Mondays: Recorder Club
  • Tuesdays: Football Club, Choir
  • Wednesdays: Multi Sports
  • Thursdays: Tag Rugby
  • Fridays: Shakespeare Club (Y5 and Y6 Only), Elite Football (Invitation Only)

Healthy Eating and Well Being

We are working hard to promote healthy eating in school. Caterlink provide a wide range of salads to accompany our school meal offer. Their meals are nutritional and well balanced. Below is a link to the Better Health website where you can find guides to healthy meals and lunchboxes.

Healthy Eating Award

We are working towards out Healthy Schools Award. Please take a look at our draft Healthy Food and Physical Activity policies. Please remember to send your child in with water in their water bottle and a healthy packed lunch. Don't forget to consider the fresh cooked balanced meals from Caterlink.

Reminder - snacks at playtime must be healthy e.g. fruit, low sugar/salt bars. This should not be crisps. Water bottles need to contain water and not squash OR fizzy drinks.

Allergy awareness - we are a nut-free school. Please ensure Nutella sandwiches and Celebrations and other sweets containing nuts are not brought into school.

Notice Board

Daventry Junior Park Run

When is it? It is held every Sunday at 9:00am.

Where is it? The event takes place at Daventry Country Park, Northern Way, Daventry, Northamptonshire, NN11 2JB

What does it cost to join in? It's free! but please register before you first come along by visiting Junior Park run Only ever register with parkrun once and don't forget to bring a scannable copy of your barcode. If you forget it, you won't get a time.

For more information please visit home | Daventry Country Park junior parkrun | Daventry Country Park junior parkrun

We use My Family Coach to help our parents and carers understand their children’s behaviour. My Family Coach is a free website written by behaviour experts with 20 years’ experience working with over 5,000 schools. My Family Coach will support you through the tough times, inspire you with new ideas, free online classes and share practical tips to make parenting that little bit easier.

My Family Journal App - Find patterns and triggers to make sense of your child’s behaviour and find helpful ideas to try with our free journal app. Your journal is completely confidential to you. We don’t offer prescriptions, just more ideas to consider to help you understand the reasons behind the behaviours you’re seeing. Enjoy the benefits of journaling with all the advantages of our free app. Using the power of the My Family Journal, we can help you find and tackle the reasons behind the behaviour. https://www.myfamilycoach.com/journal/



Our Vision

To ensure all our children are engaged in the present and prepared for the future. Our children will leave us motivated to take on new challenges and with the confidence to persevere in all they do. Through a world class education, all our children will develop the ability to become lifelong learners. Our exciting, engaging and innovative curriculum will ignite a passion for learning in all of us.

Our children are members of a diverse community that is kind, responsible and respectful to all. Everyone is valued and celebrated. Everyone is encouraged to be ambitious and aspirational. Through our active collaboration between home and school, we develop resilient, confident and independent learners.

Keep in touch


01327 703132


Twitter: @FalconersHill

Facebook: Falconer's Hill Academy

Term Dates 2023-2024

Term 1

Training Day 1st September & 4th September 2023

Term starts 5th September 2023

Term Ends 20th October 2023

Term 2

Term starts 6th November 2023

Term ends 20th December 2023

Term 3

Training Day 3rd January 2024

Term starts 4th January 2024

Term ends 16th February 2024

Term 4

Term starts 26th February 2024

Term ends 28th March 2024

Term 5

Term starts 15th April 2024

Term ends 24th May 2024

Term 6

Term starts 3rd June 2024

Term ends 22nd July 2024

Training Day 23rd July 2024 & 24th July 2024