Making New Friends Reception - week 4

The children are well settled into life in Reception class now and new friendships are being solidified through play. Everyone has been working hard on phonics and literacy skills. Our key story, The Tiger Who Came to Tea, has become familiar enough that the children can retell the story (see Seesaw for the video link from Monday).

They've all had a go at rewriting parts of the story, either in words or pictures.

The Tiger left us a letter, that just said 'I'm sorry'. We think perhaps he regrets eating all the food at Sophie's house. The children were inspired to write back.

In other areas of the curriculum, the children have been focussing on their identities by talking about what makes them special and their families. We've made collage self-portraits and played at making homes in cities complete with shops, roads and trainlines.. and even a swimming pool!

Examining family and self through guided activities and play.

Our maths focus continues to be grouping and sorting. It was fun finding natural object outside and choosing how to group them.

Finally, a few photos of the opportunities for play this week.