Welcome to this week's newsletter
Dear families,
This week we have been once again talking to students about proactively being a community in which we are kind, thoughtful and supportive of one another. We have entitled it ‘Who we are is what we believe in.’ We are making Manor School, through our collective efforts, an ideal place in which to learn because:
- The values and expectations are shared with you openly
- Your health is valued (this is why we have become involved in the Bounce Forward Resilience Project)
- You are heard and your voice has helped to shape improvements (we have brought back Humanity slips)
- You feel included and belonging (see all the positives below and the next opportunities to get involved in)
- You are expected to be your best self and present yourself well
- You have a learning and life balance (through our free after-school tuition and extra-curricular programme)
- We are all kind and show our Humanity and Empathy
I have a dream for this school. We will eradicate all unpleasantness; we will be civilised and supportive of one another. Students will correct those who are being mean or thoughtless, by saying “we don’t do that here”. That is what our normal will be. Please help us to do this by talking with your children about always doing the right thing and championing helping others to do the same.
Here are the positive things we have reflected on from last term, plus opportunities on the horizon:
- 46,414 positive points awarded in total by Christmas
- 28,571 REACH and 17,843 enrichment points gained
- 65 students have achieved their bronze REACH award, 6 have achieved silver, and 1 gold
- 5 students have achieved their enrichment bronze award
- The Christmas reward event was a success with 120 students (top 20 of each year group) being invited to enjoy a Christmas film and snacks - the next event will be held before the Easter break
- Achievement assemblies held highlighted a large % of students who have achieved 97%+ attendance or have achieved 0 behaviour incidents since September
- The Tutor student of the term and Progress Leader student of the term awards all commented on students demonstrating our values and going above and beyond for others in our community
- 1000 Christmas cards designed by our students were delivered to others in our local community
Upcoming events:
- Competitions Week this week – an opportunity for students to earn enrichment points and REACH points again, with all subject areas represented
- Futsal competitions for girls and boys this term
- Jim G and Lily L will be representing the district at cross country on 20 January
- Trip to the University of Northampton on 23 Jan for GCSE / A Level PE students
- ‘Carry a basketball not a knife’ campaign to be working with Year 9 on Monday 5 and Monday 12 February
- Hosting a Year 3/4 hockey competition for our Trust's primary schools on 22 January - another opportunity for some of our sports leaders to excel
Please encourage your child to participate as much as they can and gain the benefits of being involved in something larger than themselves alone.
Dr Newman and the Manor School family
Bounce Forward student survey
Your child may have talked to you about the Bounce Forward sessions they participated in during tutor time last term. We are taking part in a national project with the charity on building resilience and mental strength in children and young people. Harry Kane has partnered with the charity and his team have heard about the work we are doing in our Bounce Forward sessions on building resilience and psychological fitness.
They are in the process of selecting 1 school from the 10 that are involved in the project (Manor is one of them) so Harry can meet the students and hear about Bounce Forward at their school.
There is a very good chance Manor will be chosen but we need your help to make 100% sure we are picked, including getting a 90% response rate from the student survey as Bounce Forward are keen to gather student views as part of the project. If your child hasn’t already completed the survey in tutor time, please ask them to use the link below to complete it now.
Later this academic year the whole school will be using the Harry Kane physical resilience lessons from Bounce Forward, focusing on the role exercise, diet and sleep have on our resilience.
DofE equipment wanted
The Duke of Edinburgh Award is now up and running in school, and students will soon be participating in their first expedition.
If you have any camping/walking equipment at home that you no longer use, we would love to rehome it and use it for the school's Duke of Edinburgh Award for future years.
Any items from the following list would be very helpful:
- Tents
- Roll mats
- Sleeping bags
- Waterproof coats/trousers
- Large rucksacks
- Camping cutlery and Trangia stoves
If you have any items that you would be happy to donate, please ask your child to pass them on to Miss Pell in the PE office.
Thank you in advance for your generosity and support.
U13 hardball cricket
If you child is in Year 7/8 and is interested in representing the school in outdoor hardball cricket this summer (with home games at Raunds Town CC), please fill out the following form ASAP as we would need to enter a side into a league by February.
Online safety
Please see the following parent/carer guides on Disney+ and managing screen time.
Careers information and guidance
On Monday 15 January Year 10 will have an assembly with Moulton College about apprenticeships, T-Levels, and the courses they offer.
Year 11 tutors are currently asking their students for updates on applications completed to colleges and sixth forms. There are still opportunities for Year 11 students to speak to Mr Hill to discuss their post-16 options and applications. Please find below details of the open events that Colleges of Further Education are offering this year, as well as a guide for students applying to college.
A total of 37 students in Year 13 have already made UCAS applications and are currently receiving offers of places. An additional 18 students are working towards meeting the final deadline for UCAS applications (Wednesday 31 January). The remainder of Year 13 are all currently working with their tutors on updating their CVs and making work applications.