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What is the impact to property owners if Proposition 1 is approved?

If approved, the Riverside Fire Authority fire levy rate will be restored to $1.35 per $1,000 of assessed value for taxes collected in 2025. This would amount to an increase of $2.61 per month for every $100,000 of assessed value.

The cost increase to the average RFA homeowner in 2025, with a home value at $385,000, would be $10.05 per month OR $120.54 per year. The table on the right below displays the estimate of how much more a property owner would pay in 2025 to support Proposition 1, when compared to what they paid in 2024. The table on left below gives an estimate of the total tax obligation a property owner would have to the RFA if Proposition 1 is approved.

If approved, the annual levy limit factor would increase as needed, but never exceed 6%, for years 2026-2030. The fire levy can never exceed a rate of $1.50. In 2031 and forward, the limit factor would revert back to the regular statutory maximum of 1% per year.

RFA will use these revenues to keep from falling behind inflation and other increased costs year after year. Operating revenues will be able to adequately cover costs of keeping fire engines and ambulances responding to emergencies, plus program expansions explained in "What will RFA Use the Funds For?"


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