Whitkirk News! 5th July 2024

A message from Miss Quarmby

I must start by saying the biggest thank you to our PTA! They organised a wonderful Summer Fair (even though it didn't feel very summery!) and it was lovely to see so many faces there too! Together, we raised £1,055.59! If any of our parents/ carers are able to access Match Funding through work, we'd really appreciate this, as this always boosts our total too! The money raised last year went towards our new adventure trail in the KS2 playground which our children love.

This week, our Year 6 children have performed their leavers production of 'School of Rock', and what a performance it was! We know how talented our children are, but seeing them perform on stage is so special and we could not have been prouder if we tried! As you know, this year, we have rolled out our Whitkirk Way (the experiences that we want children to have completed before they leave us at Whitkirk). In Year 6, this has supported our children in making decisions about their money and raising money for charity. This term, our Year 6 pupils decided to raise money for the Rob Burrows MND charity through the sale of refreshments and programs at their ‘We Will Rock You’ summer performance. We are very proud of our children showing sensitivity and understanding towards such a life debilitating illness.

We are looking forward to our transition days next week in new classes - Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th. Please keep a look out on Class Dojo for information regarding pick up and drop off for your child on those two days. Have a wonderful weekend!

Leeds Rhinos

As thank you for training all year, Mr Stout and Mr Shooter took children from the rugby club to watch the Leeds Rhinos train and meet the players. Great fun was had by all.

Uniform Exchange:

We know how quickly children grow and every year, lots of school uniform ends up in landfill. Do your bit to help our environment (and your pocket!) by donating and/or taking from our bank of pre-loved school uniform. It's free uniform for anybody who wants it and anybody is welcome to donate, take, or swap. Every little bit helps! Use the link to the Facebook page to find out more: Whitkirk Primary School Uniform Swap, Donate & Recycle | Facebook 

Upcoming dates/ events you may be interested IN:

  • 9th July - Year 6 SATS results day
  • 10th and 11th July - Transition days


This week, finishing in first place with 97.67% are 1JC. In second place are 3CO, with 96.67% and in third place are 2KD, with 96.33%.

Let's see what's been happening in our classes this week


Throughout the year Reception have conducted seasonal walks in Science. This week , the children went on a summer walk, (although we still not 100% sure it arrived in England!). The children identified green grass, leaves of different sizes, daisies and beautiful flowers, birds and mini beasts. The children then visited the allotment and were AMAZED by the crops growing, especially the green beans, pumpkins and apples on the apple trees! We then checked on the lettuce growing in the EYFS outdoor area and noticed that it is nearly ready to harvest! The children are very excited to make salads and sandwiches with the lettuce before the end of the term!

Key Stage 1

In Year 1 this week, we have enjoyed learning all about nocturnal animals in Science! We sorted a range of animals into day and night, and discussed what nocturnal animals did at night! In Art, we have finalised our design for our Orla Kiely print and created our sketch plans ready to use our shapes to print. In our writing unit, we have started our learning all about informal letters and were so excited to receive a letter from our new teachers!

What a wonderful week it has been in Year 2! In English, we have been using co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions, as well as beginning to write letters to Arthur France. In Maths, we have been consolidating our understanding of the four operations. In History, we learnt about the history of steel pan (it dates back to the 1700s!) Well done, superstars!

Lower Key Stage 2

This week, Year 3 have been amazing us with their mathematical knowledge and skills. To begin the week, we solved a range of problems based on working out ‘time durations’. The children’s resilience and ability to explain their reasoning really impressed us. Towards the end of the week, we have moved onto a new topic – shape. Using our prior knowledge, we have been exploring properties of 2D shapes, e.g. parallel and perpendicular lines.

Year 4 have had another busy week with performing poetry and pretending to be monks! The classes have loved collecting data in Maths to create their own bar charts, and are now superstars and interpreting graphs; I'm pretty certain we have some future statisticians in Year 4. We are so pleased that we can finish our week with a trip to Saltburn!

Upper Key Stage 2

Year 5 began the week with an English lesson that included English, Music AND Maths! They analysed the changes in tempo and volume throughout 'In the Hall of the Mountain King' using line graphs and then considered how this could be used to infer the story behind the piece of music. We've now begun preparations to create our own story based on this piece of music: Mr Sadler is really impressed with all our villainous ideas for our lead characters!

Show business fever has hit Year 6 this week. With dress rehearsals and two spectacular performances, the children have really risen to the occasion! In between this, the children have loved learning about electricity ⚡️ and how to make parallel circuits. The children especially enjoyed computing this week when they learnt how to programme microbits. They even created their own mini fitbits ( which counted their steps).


Have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday.