Our Vision:
The STREAM committee is dedicated to developing a program that is inquiry based and that will develop students into confident, self-directed learners. In a safe and supportive environment our students will be engaged in group problem solving with applicable solutions that develops independent thinking while fostering collaboration. Students will have opportunities to gain real world experience through community partnerships and internships. Our goal is to combine science, technology, research, engineering, art, and mathematics to prepare our students to be contributing members of the 21st century work force.
So, you’re going to be teaching STREAM? That’s great! You may be a first-time STREAM teacher, an experienced STEM teacher eager to add new engagement and differentiation to your pedagogy, or a parent or guardian supporting your curious learner. In either case, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and dive into learning, planning, and preparing. I’m guessing that one question you have is: How can I plan and organize to make my STREAM lessons successful? Look below for some inspiration!
What’s STREAMing at...
Chase School
Rutherford School
Cooke School
RJK Middle School!
Students in Ms. Garcia's 8th grade class collaborating to build our first Robot!
St. John's Street Science Store
Who: K-12 Teachers
What: A full room of STREAM and science materials!
Where: St. John’s Street Community School (22 St. John Street, Monticello) - Room 234 (2nd floor). Parking is behind the school.
When: Any school day before 9:00am and after 3:00pm until 6:00pm (security leaves at 6:00pm)
Why: To support and enhance your STREAM and science lessons!
1. Use our inventory to see what is available: https://monticellocsd-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/kkeesler_k12mcsd_net/Ebw3c7ljpWpPlYvJUOkU8osB9YgVp3h_km1tppIQf0yFcw?e=qFSzcL
2. Email Jen Gorr at jgorr@k12mcsd.net the DATE and TIME you plan to stop by, so she knows you will be in the building.
3. Bring your school ID.
4. When you arrive, ask the security guard to radio maintenance to unlock room 234 for you as it is locked!
5. Please note what you took AND how many items you took on the https://monticellocsd-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/kkeesler_k12mcsd_net/Ebw3c7ljpWpPlYvJUOkU8osB9YgVp3h_km1tppIQf0yFcw?e=qFSzcL, so we can track what may need to be replaced.
6. Use the materials as long as you need them! If they are items that can be reused, please return them!
STREAM Lesson Support: If you need support and/or advice on leading a STREAM or science lesson, let your science liaison or DIL know. As a committee, we are happy to welcome you to our meetings, or meet with you individually, to discuss any ideas!
Your STREAM Team: Kayleigh Bowles, Kelly Keesler, Eric Shewmaker, Emily Takacs, Kiowa Garcia, Patti Anderson, Joana Dutcher
Do you have something you would like us to highlight on the Spring newsletter?