This Week at Evergreen
For many of us, the season of Lent is either unfamiliar or undesirable. All the talk of darkness and fasting makes us wonder, "Why can't we just skip to the happiness of Easter?" But what if the true purpose of Lent is to call us back to ourselves? What if it's an invitation to rest and renewal? What if it's an opportunity to fall into goodness?
This weeks message by Pastor Thad Cummings: Imagine a New Kingdom
Save the Date
Here are some things coming up at Evergreen. Watch here for more info...
- March 20: Exploring Egypt presentation
- March 30: Communion
- April 2: Rebounderz Family Event
- April 14: Ladies Night Out
- April 18: Good Friday Service & Communion @ 6:30
- April 20: Easter Service @ 10am
- April 21: Council Meeting
- April 27: Communion
Series Art Work
Title: Our Center
Artist: Evergreen Congregation
Artist Statement: As Christians, God is our Center. We move outward, remembering that He is our foundation and that the cross of Christ is where our eternal life begins.
Sunday Live Streaming/YouTube
If you are unable to join us in person on Sunday morning, we encourage you to join our live stream through YouTube Live. Click the button below to join. After clicking the link, click on "Latest" video. Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date.
Need to update your contact info? Want to connect with one of the ministry leaders? Want more info about our ministry at Evergreen? Scan the QR code or click the button below to do so.
Evergreen Weekly/Praise & Prayer
Are you not getting the Evergreen Weekly or Praise and Prayer emails? Email to let us know so we can add you to them.
From the Council
Both balloted motions were passed at the congregational meeting this past Sunday. Thank you to those who were able to attend.
This Weeks "Love In Action"
Ready for some fun? Love Your Neighbor is hosting a Pickleball Tournament on Saturday, May 17 to raise funds that will support under-resourced families in our community. Gather your team and register using the button below. Don't miss this amazing opportunity to play, give back, and make a difference.
When owning a home, you can save money by doing your own household repairs, but what if you lack the skills? Bills can quickly add up. Love Your Neighbor, in partnership with local churches, provides community support to under-resourced families and is seeking volunteers for general household repairs in the Hudsonville area. They are also looking for volunteers willing to drive people to and from medical appointments, teachers for life skills classes, and mentors. There is currently a need for more female mentors. If you are willing to help in any of these areas, please click on the link below.
Encore Event: Exploring Egypt
Egypt: a fascinating ancient civilization, a place of refuge for the people of God throughout history, in many ways a cradle of Christianity, and a key player in the current spread of Christianity in Africa and throughout the Middle East. Join us in the Sycamore Room on Thursday, March 20 @ 7pm, to hear Pastor Tom and Jaci Walcott talk about their trip to Egypt with Resonate Global Missions last fall. Dessert to follow.
Evergreen 101
So you've been checking out Evergreen for a while and you have some questions? You know what Sunday mornings are like, but what about the rest of the week? Join Pastor Brandon on Sunday, March 30 to learn more about this community of people who want to follow Jesus and recover our lives. For those interested, this conversation serves as the first step towards membership, though there's zero pressure to take that step. We simply want to provide space to get to know each other better. We'll meet immediately following the service for about an hour in the Aspen Room (at the end of the hall across from the Sycamore Room). Kids are welcome to attend and are free to entertain themselves as needed. Click the button below or scan the QR code at the Welcome Center to register.
Family Fun Event @ Rebounderz
All family and friends are invited to come out for a night of fun at Rebounderz in Jenison on Wednesday, April 2 from 6-8pm! Whether you are heading out of town for Spring Break or hanging around home, we will have a great time together with activities for all ages! A special addition this year: unlimited Black Light Mini Golf! Cost is $15/jumper (4 and under $10). Click the button below to register.
April Ladies Night Out
Plant a trio of succulents in a mug. Cost is $5. Bring your own mug or choose one of ours. Join us on Monday, April 14 in the Courtyard from 6:30-8:30pm. Please bring a snack to share if you are able. Register at the Welcome Center in the courtyard. Deadline to register is Sunday, April 13.
Thank You From the Youth
The smoked meat fundraiser was a great event! We had almost 200 people enjoying a variety of smoked meats and delicious desserts. We raised around $4,000 to support students going on the mission trip to the Dominican Republic this summer. Thanks to everyone who donated meat, pie, or prizes, purchased tickets, donated generously, or volunteered their time. We are still looking to support 13 people going on the mission trip with prayer and a small financial gift. Envelopes are hanging in the courtyard for people going on the mission trip. Please select an envelope and write your contact information on the sign-up sheet. In addition to prayer, please provide $40 in cash that can be used to purchase snacks in the airport or a souvenir on the trip. Please return the money and your contact information in the enclosed envelope to Jesse ( by June 1. Thank you for supporting youth ministry!
Community Night
Community Night continues this week. Come enjoy a meal and conversation from 5:45-6:30pm (serving will end at 6:15), followed by youth group, recovery groups, adult classes/small groups, or space in the courtyard for conversation.
Dinner 3/19/25: Sloppy Joes; 3/26/25: Taco Bar
Here's the schedule for the week:
- Dinner - 5:45 in the Courtyard
- 3rd-5th Your Group - 6:30pm in the Sycamore Room
- Adult classes/small groups - 6:30pm in various rooms
- Bridge to Life Recovery Meeting* - 6:30pm in the Cedar Room
*Bridge to Life Recovery Meeting is an Evergreen-style 12 Step Meeting that is open to anyone who is struggling with addiction or who would like to learn more about the process of recovery.
Youth groups for 3rd-12th grade are meeting weekly. Contact Chris ( for questions about 3rd-5th grade and Jesse ( for 6th-12th grade.
- 3rd-5th Grade: Sycamore Room, Wendesdays from 6:30-8pm
- 6th-8th Grade: Sycamore Room, Sundays from 4:30-6pm
- 9th-12th Grade: Sycamore Room, Sundays from 6-7:30pm
Giving at Evergreen
You can find ways to give to Evergreen in a variety of ways. As you consider your giving, know that, as always, all tithes and offerings go to support our youth ministries (birth-12th grade), recovery, the arts (music, drama, visual arts, dance), multiple outreaches, and many more ministries. If you are interested in giving to the work we are doing, you can do so by clicking the link below.
4 Corners Offering
For March, our 4 corners offering partner is SEEK LISTEN PARTNER. Their mission is to help create sustainable health care, education, and resources for impacted communities throughout the world. They believe in empowering people to care for themselves and their communities.