Dungog Public School Newsletter Term 2, Week 4 2024

Calendar of events

  • Monday 20th May & 3rd June - Fortnightly PBL Assembly
  • Tuesday 21st May - GRIP Conference
  • Tuesday 21st & 28th May - Breakfast Club
  • Tuesday 21st & 28th May - Learn & Grow Playgroup
  • Wednesday 22nd & 29th May - Wellbeing Wednesday
  • Wednesday 22nd May - WOW Day
  • Wednesday 22nd May - 2G English Aged Care Visit
  • Wednesday 22nd May - National Simultaneous Storytime
  • Wednesday 22nd May - Zone X-Country
  • Thursday 23rd May - Australia's Biggest Morning Tea
  • Thursday 23rd May - Premier's Debating Challenge vs Rutherford PS
  • Thursday 23rd May - Hunter Netball Trials
  • Friday 24th May - Hunter Boys & Girls Touch Trials
  • Friday 24th May - Dhurrumiri & Barrangga Boccia
  • Monday 27th May - P&C Meeting
  • Wednesday 29th May - Star Struck: Cast B Combined rehearsal
  • Thursday 30th May - Whole School Fortnightly Assembly
  • Friday 31st May - PSSA Knockout – B&G Touch Football Gala Day
  • Monday 10th June - Public Holiday - King's Birthday
  • Monday 17th - 21st June - Parent Teacher Interviews
  • Tuesday 25th June - School Photo's

Principals MESSAGE

What a busy start to the term we have had… Please keep an eye on the calendar as we have a variety of extra-curricular events occurring this term.

All parents/carers and community members are reminded that there is no authorised parking in the ARTC NSW Rail Network access laneway. It is recommended that you take the time to read the signs erected at the entry of the access laneway.

DPS likes hearing all about our students’ achievements outside of school. Please send photos and information about the achievement to the school email and we will share the news on Facebook or our newsletter.

During Term 2, students in Years 4 to 6 will be participating in the ‘Tell Them from Me Survey’. The purpose of the survey for students is to measure student engagement and wellbeing which will provide data for our school to identify strengths and areas for improvement. An information note will go home this week.

Mobile phones or Smart Watches are not allowed at school with DPS students. If students need to bring a mobile phone or Smart Watch to school, it is expected that the phone/watch will be signed into the office for the day.

Our Lost Property bin is overflowing with students’ belongings. Please ensure all items that are brought to school are labelled with your child’s name.

Congratulations to the students that have participated in numerous sporting events over the last fortnight! Great to see our students representing at Zone and Regional trials.

Ms Kylie Pennell - Principal

Principals Award



WEEK 2 & 3 - 90%


kO with Miss Petersen

In English, KO have been practising their segmenting skills to help read words and sentences. In Mathematics, we have been learning how to identify and name 2D shapes such as circles, squares, rectangles and triangles. We have also been subitising, which is the ability to look at a small set of objects and instantly know how many there are without counting them. Please remember to read your home reader every day and then bring it back to school so you can swap it for a new book. Happy Reading!

k/1m with Mrs morgan

In English, K/1M have been reading the story, Banjo and Ruby Red. We have discussed how animals and people can help each other and why it is important to be kind and helpful to others. We have been counting the sides and corners of 2D shapes, and naming circles, squares, triangles and rectangles in Mathematics, as well as subitising, which is the ability to look at a small set of objects and instantly know how many there are without counting them. We are super subitisers! Please remember to read your home reader every day and then bring it back to school so you can swap it for a new book. Happy Reading!

1P with Ms Palmowski

1P have had a great start to the term, following class expectations, having a positive attitude to their learning and showing their personal best. In Mathematics, we are learning about positional language and how to follow directions accurately. In English, we are reading Hiding Henry and learning all about how important it is to find our flock and the sense of belonging. We are focusing on forming our letters correctly when writing and using our finger taps to spell unknown words. Its been great to see so many students bringing their homework folders in on a Wednesday and Friday. I encourage all students to read other books at home too to assist them with their reading. You can write these on their record sheet too. Have a great week!

1M with Miss maytom

1M have had a positive start to term really engrossing themselves in learning! We have been learning all about hidden messages in comprehension texts by engaging in reading Hiding Henry who teaches us all about belonging. Our handwriting skills are really improving, and we have been working really hard increasing our phonological knowledge. We also have been collecting data in science and making graphs about 1M's favourite ice cream and cookies and cream was the winner. Homework will continue to come home each week and we encourage all students to do the activities and record this in their reading log. Make sure you remember your jumpers as is it getting cold and your hats so you can play on wattle grass when it is open! Looking forward to another great week.

release from face to face with Miss Gregory

Week 4 has gone by so quickly for our curious minds. Kindergarten had so much fun last week learning about digital technologies and going on a scavenger hunt around the school! 1M and Dhurrumiri have learnt about types of transportation and it's purpose. Both of our Starstruck groups have been working hard at school, practicing their dances ready for their performance in June!


dhurrumiri room with Mrs allison

Dhurrumiri have continued to create and experiment with flying machines. We found that we could make a balloon powered rocket cross the classroom and paper helicopters fly faster and slower based on the size of the paper we used. On Friday's we continue to master our culinary skills. This term we are making sweets. Don't forget to ask us what we've been making.

barrangga room with miss wallace

Time has absolutely flown by this term. I can't believe we are at Week 4 already. We have been keeping busy with our Literacy learning doing Word of the Week and Gathang Word of the Week, whole class grammar, and creating our own persuasive texts. In Mathematics we have been looking at lexical zeros. We have been learning about healthy eating and enjoyed creating our portion plates in PDHPE. In cooking we have made chocolate crackles and spaghetti bolognese. Have a fabulous week!


2j with miss muddle

In 2J, we have had an amazing week! We continued to write some amazing arguments in our persuasive writing. We have really enjoyed exploring our History unit further this week and have researched and explored a lot of new things about Australia. We will continue exploring the concepts of Multiculturalism in our unit of work and students will complete a speech on a set topic that they will present in class. Our regulation station and zones of regulation continues to run smoothly and we are learning lots of ways this can be helpful in our Personal Development and Health Unit of work. Our Growth Mindset is focused on making responsible choices and following expectations. We reviewed the expectations across the school last week and how to be respectful and responsible learners.

2V with Mrs middlebrook

In 2V, we are dedicated to working hard to achieve our personal best in all areas of learning. In English, we are diving into the exciting world of persuasive texts, where students are learning to craft strong arguments to convince others of their opinions. Through engaging activities, we are becoming skilled at using persuasive language and techniques. Our History focus is on understanding and celebrating multiculturalism. Students are busy writing speeches about different cultures and preparing to present their findings to the class, helping us appreciate the diverse world we live in. In Health, we are exploring the importance of healthy eating and how to be healthy heroes. Through fun and interactive lessons, students learn about nutritious foods and healthy lifestyle choices. Additionally, we continue to emphasise the importance of a growth mindset, practicing how to never give up, keep trying, and work as a team both in and out of the classroom. Our goal is to build resilience and cooperation among all students. Keep up the fantastic work, 2V! Let's continue striving for excellence together.

2/3l with mrs long

It is great to see the sun again, however we may need to wait for the grounds to dry out for sport to continue. 2/3L have been diligently working with spelling and our Word of the Week which is now based on our new novel called The Thing About Oliver. In Mathematics we are working from a new program which has been introducing some new language. We are also beginning a new unit of work in Science on Digital Technology with Ms Donnelly. We also have welcomed a new student to our class, Harley. Our PBL focus for the next few weeks is based on empathy and to learn more about our feelings and the feelings of our peers. Have a wonderful week everyone.

3c with mrs curry

In our continuous effort to foster a supportive and inclusive school environment, we are focusing on being upstanders. We encourage all students to make positive choices, whether in the classroom or on the playground, by standing up for themselves and others, showing kindness, and demonstrating respect. Conversations at home also will support this goal. Let's work together to create a safe and welcoming space for everyone!

3b with miss blissett

It's shaping up to be an exciting and dynamic term with PSSA trials, Star Struck rehearsals, and the Choir already in full swing! In English, we've been honing our predicting skills to make educated guesses and draw deeper inferences from images and text. We're diving into Persuasive writing, focusing on using high modality language, compelling statistics, and emotive expressions to create convincing arguments. In Mathematics, we're exploring the intriguing world of chance events, delving into the probability and likelihood of different outcomes. Over the past two weeks, we've put in tremendous effort to finalize and paint our sculptures, bringing them vividly to life. During our PBL lessons, we've been engaging in meaningful discussions about what it means to be an upstander and are actively recognising and celebrating those who embody this role.

Library/STEM with miss donnellY

It officially time! National Simultaneous Storytime is occurring this week. Students will be invited to the hall to participate together in listening to the story. We also are still enjoying using the 3D printers in library. Students are fascinated in building items in a 3D space that they then get to watch come to life in the printer. Don't forget, you can borrow from the library when your class goes at their designated time.


KO - Owen Grant
K/1M - Cody Oliver
1M - Archie Rumbel
1P - Vallee Collins
2V - Frankie Hinton
2J - Eloise Marshall
2/3L - Zoey Marsh
3C - Autumn Vellenga
3B - Ainslie Masson


Gus & Isabelle

WELL-BEING SUPPORT chaplain news

Making Mistakes

Making mistakes is part of life . Everyone makes them ALL of the time. It can be hard to admit that you’re wrong or made a mistake but don’t be too hard on yourself. Nobody is perfect. It’s good to learn from your mistakes so they are less likely to happen next time. If you’re really worried about a mistake you’ve made, talk to a parent, teacher, Philippa or kids helpline so they can help you. KIDS HELPLINE 1800 55 1800

What are Value Slips?

Value slips are rewards that are given out by teachers for a range of reasons. They can be handed out for great work, getting everything correct, having a go, working hard etc. When a teacher hands out a Value Slip the student puts their name and class on it and stores it in a box in the classroom. Before assemblies, the Ministers collect all the slips and put them in a giant box. During our Fortnightly Thursday assemblies 5 value slips are drawn out of the box, those students select a prize out of the prize box. At our Monday morning PBL assemblies 5 value slips are drawn out of the box, those students are given a Zooper Dooper Voucher.

class samples with 1M & Miss maytom


The Annual Report provides an account of our operations and achievements throughout the year. It is the result of rigorous self-assessment by staff, parents and carers, as well as student leaders. Download our Annual Reports for a detailed account of: - the progress we have made to provide high-quality educational opportunities for every child as set out in the School Plan, the impact of our strategies for improved learning, the benefit to all students from resources including equity funding and our operations and achievements throughout the year. https://reports.sparo.schools.nsw.gov.au/annual-report/2023/1792/2023_Dungog_Public_School_Annual_Report.pdf

Brighter Beginnings

From pregnancy until your child is 5 years of age, the brain develops more rapidly and they learn faster than at any other time. There are many things you can do in your child’s early years to help give them the best start in life. The Parent and Carer Information Hub ( https://www.nsw.gov.au/family-and-relationships/early-child-development#parent-and-carer-hub ) has services and resources to support you during this important time. You can also find out more about why the first 5 years of a child's life matter. ( https://www.nsw.gov.au/family-and-relationships/early-child-development/why-first-5-years-matter ) https://www.nsw.gov.au/sites/default/files/styles/video_lightbox_l_x2/public/video-thumbnails/YouTube_BB_Holding.png.avif?itok=6kjzq6as

P&C news


Dungog Community Preschool would like help to raise funds for the renovation of their new pre-school building, simply head to cookiedough.com.au and select register. You then simply complete the registration form with your details and select register again. In the second prompt, you will need to select that you are raising funds for Dungog Community Pre School (registration takes less than 5 mins). Then you are all set to start ordering your delicious cookie dough. Make sure you share the link with your family and friends as the more tubs you sell, the more prizes you receive. Orders need to be placed by 12th June 2024, for delivery by the end of June.
Please contact the school office to get a referral form.