Crickhowell High SchOol Careers Newsletter January 2024 Edition

Happy New Year

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda

This Newsletter is appropriate for all of our learners, but there are some sections specifically targeted to certain Year Groups.

Our VISION for Careers and Work-Related Education in Crickhowell High School

Our CWRE will ensure effective, careers education and guidance is provided and is inclusive for all students. It will help to develop the skills that students need in the world of work and challenge their preconceptions and stereotypes, by raising their aspirations and making them fully aware of the opportunities available in the education system and within the world of work.

We will provide the support and guidance to help them to make informed decisions about their future pathways and lifestyle expectations. We will include our local community and external partners to support the provision, alongside using the 12 pedagogical principles to engage learners to develop an enquiring mindset. Feedback from learners, staff and stakeholders will be regularly collated, evaluated and utilised to ensure continuous improvement is evident.

Career of the Week from My Path Careers - Games Tester!

Help Yourself and Research Some Ideas!

Also, we have a fantastic Careers Advisor in School, 3 days a week - Vicky Jones!
Vicky is available every Thursday Lunchtime for a DROP IN SESSION in WBC, or you can contact her on

Sectors or Skills sets/Clusters??

A new way of thinking......

Which Cluster do you see yourself working in?

Year 8

Choosing Subjects Guidance

You will be choosing your GCSE subjects during this academic year! We do this early in CHS!

Sign in to your Unifrog account and you can access the Subjects Library with lots of information! Remember to change the age group at the top of the page before searching!

Year 10

Well done for completing your WORK EXPERIENCE! Make sure you write you REFLECTIONS and UPDATE your UNIFROG ACTIVITIES PAGE!

Scroll down on the HOME PAGE to the Activities section to record your Work Experience.

Year 11

All Y11 students will have a one to one meeting with our Careers Advisor, Vicky Jones. You can contact her if you need advice.

Use Unifrog and Careers Wales to explore your options! (Unifrog link above and Careers Wales link is below)

Applying for a Job?

Scan the QR code to book the upcoming events.

Interested in working in health care?

Explore the NHS Careers website for information about different roles and events!

Sixth form opportunities and CWRE Support

Going to university?

Log in to your Unifrog account and sign up for these events to find out moreā€¦

Interested in an Apprenticeship?

Scan the QR code on the image above to join the event. You can also click on the link below for a handy, interactive guide!

Apprenticeship Opportunities!

Unifrog Apprenticeship Support and Events

Log into Unifrog with your school email to view the apprenticeship section
For more information about Post 18 Options, see below:-
Sign in to register for informaiton events

Calling all previous Crickhowell Students!

Join our alumni!!

Are you a former student of Crickhowell High?

Scan the QR Code on the poster below!

Speakers for schools opportunities

See the website for careers information, a variety of live broadcasts and videos you can watch at any time!

Live and virtual work experience opportunities, newsletters and information about many different jobs

I hope you found this Newsletter useful!

Mrs Goold