How do you feel about the 45 days suspension? Arianna bonatti & mallory loken

Talahn Sandifer
“I think there have been a few less fights, but I haven’t seen anyone get suspended for 45 days. I think that it being there as a rule they could enforce at any time is the only thing that has helped.”
Macy Daniels
“I think it’s a little excessive. I don’t think it’s one of the only reasons our student environment has improved, but I do think that it sets a harder standard.”
Nadia Moore
“Personally, I don't think the 45 day suspension is necessary. I think it did help with less fighting, but, at that point, you're just giving the student what he/she wants, rather than giving them an efficient punishment.”
Alice Wadsworth-Curcuru
“I think that the 45 day suspension rule has decreased fights, but I don’t think it's fair to take students out of school for that long.”
Bridgett Weber
“I think it’s reasonable because fights can cause violence in the school, so I feel like the 45 day suspension would stop fights. I think it’s a good punishment.”
Sophia Kays
“I think in some ways it is fair, because you shouldn’t really answer those things with violence. It can also seem unfair if you are the one being attacked or standing up for yourself. I think there should be more protection for people being harassed.”
Annika Johnson
“I think the 45 day suspension is long, but it acts as a punishment and a reflection for students' behavior.”
Campus Safety
Mr. Ward
“I think the 45 day suspension has kind of improved the environment, but only for a small select few has it made a major impact.”
Art Teacher
Gregg Stevens
“I think it’s important to communicate to students that they don't have the right to affect other students' education negatively. On the other hand, I don't think it necessarily helps a student achieve what they’re trying to achieve in their education.”