
Curriculum Overview Year 1 Autumn 2 Regent Farm Respects

Topic Summary

Do I understand you?

Our place amongst diverse and everchanging communities is explored as our pupils experience a range of factors that make us unique. We learn to embrace differences together and celebrate the uniqueness and individuality of each child. We also look at how the British monarchy impacted religious communities leading up to the gunpowder plot.

We will develop an understanding of the following terms; discrimination, diversity, identity and value.

In the topic we will be teaching the children the following key concepts:

  • Care – How do we care for others?
  • Happiness – What is the true meaning of happiness?
  • Empire – Who was King James 1?
  • Conflict – Can conflict be resolved peacefully?

Curriculum Visits/Events

  • St Hugh's Church
  • Fire Pit
  • November 28th - Author Vashti Hardy visit
  • Tuesday 12th December - Reception and Year 1 Christmas Performance 9:15am – show for parents from Miss Morgan/Miss Blanden’s Class
  • Tuesday 12th December - Reception and Year 1 Christmas Performance 2:30pm – show for parents from Miss Shaw’s Class
  • Tuesday 19th December Christmas Jumper Day and Decorations Morning

Subject Information

Key Texts and stimulus:

  • I Definitely don’t like Winter
  • Little Glow
  • Pink is for Boys
  • George’s Dragon at the Fire Station
  • Santa's Marvellous Mechanical Workshop
  • Jesus’ Christmas Party
  • Jolly Post Man


We will be using these texts as inspiration for our writing, using our knowledge from our daily phonics lessons to segment the words we want to spell before using our sound knowledge to support us writing them.

We will focus on writing sentences using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We will also introduce expanding sentences using adjectives and the conjunctions ‘and’.


We will continue solving problems using addition and subtract within 10. We will support our understanding of this by learning fact families and continue to use a maths resources such as number lines, Numicon, part-part whole models, 10 frames and many other practical equipment. We will then focus on identifying 2D and 3D shapes; looking at the different properties and continuing patterns.


Our focus for Science this half term will be everyday materials. We will be exploring, naming and discussing everyday materials. Then we will explore and experiment with a variety of materials to test their properties. We will also be observing and recording the Seasonal changes of Autumn to Winter.


We will be looking at Bonfire Night and we will learn about where it originated from and why it is celebrated today. Then we will be learning about Guy Fawkes, his religion and how this affected his relationship with the King.


In PSHE, we will be looking at what are safe relationships. We will look at recognising privacy and understanding what we keep private. We will also look at how we can stay safe and we will discuss what to do when we feel unsafe. Then we will be looking at the importance of seeking permission.

In RE, our focus is on how Christianity. We will visit St Hugh’s Church to see a Baptism and we will look at different symbols for God in a church. Then we will be looking at how Christians celebrate Christmas and how we celebrate our religions at Regent Farm.


This half term we will be focussing on the colour wheel and how adding white and black can create different tints and tones.

We will look at Georgia O’Keefe and create artwork inspired by her style using a variety of brush sizes and strokes.


We will learn about what the internet is and how to use it safely. Thinking about how and when we access the internet and how we should treat others online and on the internet. We shall also begin to think about the information we share online and who we should share it with.


Our P.E sessions will take place on Thursday and Friday.

This half term we will be focusing on gymnastics. We will be practicing our skills of balancing, jumping, creating shapes and rolling. We will also be partaking in skipping sessions, to support our progression of skipping with a rope.

If you would like any further details about this half term's curriculum in Year 1, please speak to your child's teacher.