
Prep School Newsletter Friday 13 October 2023

Excitement is growing for the long awaited Sponsored Walk next Friday 20 October. Please would you complete the online form to confirm your child's participation and catering needs by Monday 16 October.

We are delighted to invite our Prep School families to Super Sports Saturday on 18 November at 8:45 am. Come and meet the PE team and hear from Mrs Hughes about sport and the important part it plays in developing well-rounded, confident individuals!

Don't forget! There is a White Rose Maths Information evening on Wednesday 18 October (see Dates for Your Diary below), where the guiding principles of the mastery curriculum, some of the theory behind it, how it is taught in school and how you can support at home will be shared and discussed.

Our Charity Prefects, Josie and Jendayi, worked hard to collect the generous donations today for Wear it Gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. We raised over £230!

“ Thank you for raising all this money to combat childhood cancer!” Josie and Jendayi

What happened in school this week?

Wear it Gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Thank you for your contributions today!

Forest Explorers

Forest Explorers have had a lovely week. We have been learning about our “superpowers”, our 5 senses. We worked very hard on sorting objects into things we can see, hear, smell, touch and taste.


This week the children in Reception have enjoyed talking about food! We enjoyed reading the books – Oliver’s Vegetables by Vivian French and Don’t Forget the Bacon by Pat Hutchins.

Year 1

Year 1 explored their senses in science this week. We listened to some audio clips, looked at pictures to spot specific objects, participated in a taste and smell test and finally used our hands to touch different classroom objects. The children used excellent descriptive language and enjoyed making a graph of favourite fruit from our taste test!

Year 2

This week in Year 2, we embarked on an exciting journey to celebrate Black History Month by completing our own research. We eagerly delved into various aspects of Black History, exploring influential figures and significant achievements; take a look at what we learnt.

Year 3

In science, Year 3 have been learning about rock permeability. They carried out an experiment to test different rock samples to find out which is the most permeable. Using a pipette, rocks and a jug of water they carefully dropped water onto the rocks and recorded their observations. It was really interesting (and great fun) to see which rocks the water ran off and which rocks the water soaked into.

Year 4

This week, Year 4 have been learning about The Water Cycle. They learnt many new terms such as transpiration, condensation and precipitation, and learnt that water continuously moves around the earth in different forms.

Year 4 really enjoyed this song which helped them to remember the water cycle process

Year 5

Artists have been trying to fool people with their artwork for hundreds of years. This week, Year Five have explored trompe l'oeil (to trick the eye) in their own pieces. Using line, shading and angle, the eye is tricked into thinking there are tubes travelling into the distance.

During the week, learning about the phases of the moon has created huge interest, as has exploring Children's Rights. There has been eager reading of our novel 'Street Child' and maths investigations have demanded methodical thinking.

Year 6

Year 6 were a delight to take to the Art room this week. Based on independent research, they have had great fun making Frida Kahlo headbands, showing adaptability and skill when making delicate flowers and leaves to decorate them. The year group have also started to draft self-portraits and are proving to be a great cohort of budding artists.

Confident: Yes, No, Maybe?!

On Monday some of the children in Year 6 attended the Halo lecture in the Senior School. The theme was: ‘ Confident: Yes, No, Maybe?!’ They were challenged to think about what made them feel confident and how they can approach situations to build up their confidence. Thank you to Mrs Luther for a great lecture! We look forward to the next one.

Music News - Cakes and concerto

This Wednesday the Prep School had their very first Cakes and Concerto of the academic year. It was a fantastic evening with an array of performances from our talented Year 5 and 6 musicians: opening with a piano solo by Ursala and finishing with an exciting Dua Lipa vocal ensemble by Eva, Emilia and Harriet. Other musical highlights included beautiful vocal solos by Bea, Amelie and Sophia G, a guitar solo by Cyra and piano solos by Cassie and Shona. We look forward to the next performance where year 3 and 4 will be showcasing their musical abilities. Thank you to everyone who supported the event, including our wonderful audience of parents and KC staff.

Have a wonderful weekend!