
The Eagle Weekly 10/8/23

October 8, 2023

The Week Ahead

Mid Marking Progress Reports and Citizenship

Around East This Week

Mrs. Richmond's class reviewing steps of scientific method with a Bubble Lab. Students experiment with different brands of dish soap to discover which would make the largest bubbles.
Catapult design challenge in Tech Ed with Mrs. Browning. Goal is to get the m&m to go farthest
We kicked off our monthly grade level character ed meetings this week with a discussion on Respect.
Counselors Mr. Alesi and Ms. Hoskisson talked to science classes about Anti-Bullying this week

Eagle of the Week!

The Eagle of the Week is one student selected every week and nominated by a teacher for acts that go above and beyond for the MSE Community. This week's "Eagle of the Week" is Alyssa P! She was nominated by Mr. Maisano who said "Her hard work is not only evident in the impressive results she achieves but also in the meticulous approach she takes to her studies. Alyssa's positive attitude is infectious, creating an uplifting and enjoyable atmosphere in any academic setting. She not only excels individually but also contributes to the success of her peers through encouragement and support. Alyssa's remarkable combination of effort, hard work, and positivity makes her an inspiring role model for her fellow students and a joy to have in any classroom."

Positive Office Referral Student

Congrats to our Positive Office Referral, "Be the Change" student of the week Alton C. Thanks for displaying positive behavior and being recognized by your teachers!

Bowling Club

MSE Science Olympiad

Students interested in Science Olympiad must be willing to commit to attending practices after school and attend the Macomb County Tournament on Saturday March 16, 2024 along with 1 or 2 invitational tournaments (Dates TBD)

Holiday Help Forms

Washington DC Trip: June 2024

Any students interested in attending Washington DC in June should see Mrs. Conger in R3 for more information and requirements.

2023 MSE Football


Around L'Anse Creuse Public Schools