The following report summarizes the results of the 2024 Annual Resident Survey. It includes both the multiple-choice responses and relevant notes from resident comments. Staff sorted all comments and will use them to create action items for each department.
2,522 residents participated in this year's survey. This is down from the previous year, which saw 3,227 residents participate.
Survey Report Outline
- Demographics
- Master Association
- Community Standards
- Community Center
- Aquatics
- Parks
- Oquirrh Lake
- Communication
Resident Demographics
Where do people live?
Of the survey respondents, most live in Highland Park, Eastlake and Founders Villages. Garden Park and Cascade saw the largest increases, while Highland Park and Heights Park villages saw the largest decreases.
What type of home?
Most of the survey respondents live in single-family homes or townhomes. The breakdown is consistent with previous years' surveys. The smallest portion represents paired homes with 2%.
How long have you lived in Daybreak?
Of the survey respondents, most have lived in Daybreak for 3-5 years. We saw a significant increase in the 3-5 yrs (7%) and large drops in <1 yr (2%) and 1-2 yrs (7%).
How young are our residents?
Most of the survey respondents are 36-45 years old. In comparison to last year's survey, there was a 2% drop in 26-35 year olds. The 56-65-year-old category also increased by 1.5%, and the >65 group jumped by 2.5%.
How many children are in the home?
This graph shows the breakdown of survey respondents with children who live in the household. There was a 2.5% increase in the number of homes with 0 children and a decrease of 1.5% for homes with 3 children.
This section reviews the resident feed back regarding the Master Association as a whole and how the staff interacts with and assists residents with their needs.
Overall Satisfaction provided by the CCMC management team
This is a new question to our survey. CCMC uses this information to evaluate the overall company performance of their on-site teams. Participants were asked to rate on a scale of 1 (extremely dissatisfied) to 5 (extremely satisfied).
Implementation of resident feedback, responsiveness and customer service.
This question is focused on the Master Association's implementation of feedback by residents, responsiveness and the customer service provided.
Some of the comments provided were regarding the consistency of the information given to them. Some issues with getting responses back or return communication from staff. There were several comments praising the staff's compassion for residents in difficult circumstances.
- The staff will create a plan to ensure all staff are updated with new policies or procedures and any changes to current information.
- Staff will return emails or phone calls within 24 - 48 business hours, as is CCMC policy.
Value of Assessment Rate
Residents were asked if the assessment rate provides a good value for the services and amenities provided here in the community. The 3% increase in the "Strongly Agree" category comes after a 10% drop in 2023.
Comments from residents mention that Amenities (parks, fitness, pools, open spaces) are not keeping up with community growth, and residents are concerned about overcrowding. There was also feedback that mentions the process of changing banks last summer. There were comments mentioning that with the increasing number of housing units in the community, assessments should be kept the same or lowered. Finally, some residents are frustrated they cannot opt out of paying for certain amenities they do not use, such as pools or the DCC.
Value of Internet Rate
Do residents feel the CenturyLink internet cost included in the assessment for most homes in Daybreak provides a good value?
Many residents provided feedback that mentions poor customer service and outages of the service. Some residents would like the option to choose a different internet service provider and be able to opt out of the CenturyLink bulk rate. There are also many residents who fell the $33/month rate for 500 Mbps is a good value.
The management team will provide the comments and survey results to the CenturyLink team to review and continue to work to provide improved service and value to Daybreak residents.
Community Standards
Community standards covers everything related to the design review process, as well as the design guideline compliance and violation process.
Community Standards
Many residents would like compliance to relax on the Association rules, and others would like staff to be more restrictive. These opposing viewpoints revealed a perception of inconsistent enforcement, especially when residents do not comply with violations and rules. Some residents feel singled out and harassed when they receive a violation.
The most common violation complaints included issues with dog waste, trash bins and parking. There were some complaints about receiving a violation for a neighbor's issue (i.e., trash cans).
- The Community Standards department will continue working with the communications team to develop items to help residents understand better the role of duties of the standards team.
- Additional training on consistency, follow through, reasonableness and quality of quantity in the violation process.
- The goal during standard and stressful interactions is serving and finding a better way to put residents first.
Design Review
Feedback from residents included frustration with the difficulty of the application process. There were also concerns regarding the cost of the applications. Residents would also like to see quicker approvals and free applications for certain modifications.
- Consistency and timeliness in the DRC process is our continuous goal.
- Hiring an assistant in the Design Review coordinator process to answer phone calls and help with efficiency and processing applications.
Daybreak Community Center
The Daybreak Community Center (DCC), located in Founders Park Village, features a full gym, indoor track, as well as a variety of fitness, cardio and weight equipment. This is also where you'll access group fitness classes. This section focuses on the satisfaction of the services and amenities provided at the center.
DCC Hours
We saw more comments this year regarding extending the hours of the facility later into the evening (i.e., 11:00 pm or midnight).
DCC Fitness Equipment
Residents expressed concerns about underage kids using the equipment. Some comments stated that residents feel the DCC is too crowded and would like to see an additional fitness center built, specifically in the Upper Daybreak villages. More weights and additional equipment was also requested. We did recieve positive feedback on the new Fitness Studio that opened earlier this year.
- Staff will continue to educate residents about the age policy and enforce the policy quickly.
- Staff will communicate the feedback to the developer regarding additional facilities.
- More equipment will likely be added to the new Fitness Studio.
DCC Group Fitness Classes
Many residents would like fitness classes to be included in their dues. Currently, the cost is $7/person for each class. They also requested more fitness classes at night and additional class variety.
- The DCC staff and fitness supervisor are continually working to add new classes. A fitness survey will be provided to residents in the near future to gain more specific feedback on the fitness programs.
DCC Customer Service
Residents understand the age of the staff, but better customer service is desired. As is better enforcement of rules and policies for attendees.
- The front desk staff will be taking on additional tasks, including system and resident account audits and facilities walks to monitor attendees more frequently.
Frequency of Amenity Use
This question inquired about how often residents use the community center, basketball courts and tennis courts located throughout the community.
Residents do not like non-residents using amenities. Many requests for additional pickleball courts. Residents would like a certain amount of free guest passes each year, especially grandparents who do not have children living with them. As mentioned above, the requests for a second center in Upper Daybreak remain high.
- We will work with the communications department to create a campaign reminding residents that all outdoor tennis courts are also marked for pickleball.
- We will also work with the communications department to highlight the various guest pass options for residents.
This section will cover everything related to the various pools located here in Daybreak.
Frequency of Pool Use
Pool usage has remained consistent over the past year, with many residents requesting free guest passes for families. Many commenters requested more hot tubs and an adult pool/adult hours. Again, there were numerous requests for an indoor pool this year. Residents also requested more, larger pools, specifically in Upper Daybreak areas.
- See the action plan under "Amenity Use" for guest pass plan.
- Future amenity planning and suggestions will be provided to the developer.
- Due to governmental policies, we are unable to accommodate specific "adult hours" or amenities unless the facility is designated for a specific age group (i.e., Garden Park or SpringHouse)
Satisfaction with Daybreak Pools
Comments provided feedback regarding overstaffing at pools. We received numerous requests for an extended pool season at additional pools. Pool cleanliness was mentioned by many residents.
- We will continue to promote the lifeguard rotation schedule for resident to review and better understand the process.
- A power washer was acquired last season and will continue to be used to keep the pools and pool decks clean.
- Staff will skim the pools hourly to remove debris.
Here, residents were asked how often they used the dozens of parks within Daybreak, as well as their satisfaction with the parks they visit.
Frequency of Park Visits
Residents requested additional dog parks. Many complaints about dog park guests not picking up after pets, as well as comments about the state of the grass in the dog park. Some requests for updated equipment in older parks, such as Sunrise and Sunflower parks
- We are looking into artificial turf as an alternative to the lawn.
Park Satisfaction Level
Residents would like to see more toddler play equipment and all-abilities play equipment in the parks. Also, parks with more traditional play equipment such as swings and slides.
- The maintenance team does park and playground inspections one a month and immediately repairs anything that poses any sort of safety issue for residents. If it is not hazardous, we repair the equipment the best we can until the Association budget allows for replacement.
Oquirrh Lake
These questions are focused on Oquirrh Lake, the lake trails, the Beach Club and watercraft check-out.
Lake & Trails Frequency of Use
Residents would like to see the common area maintenance held to the same standard as the residents. They also pointed out the number of dead or dying trees that need to be replaced. Multiple comments regarding the pet waste stations not being emptied frequently enough and that additional pet waste stations are needed. We have received both support and opposition to the maintenance of the duck population and requests for better maintenance of lake plants. The new lights on the lake trails have been well received.
- Many trees are being replaced using different varieties where it is feasible due to design constraints. Trees are receiving treatments for anthracnose, lilac ash borer and iron chlorosis.
- There were several areas of grass that died back through the drought. The lawn repair budget has been increased and we are targeting areas that have struggled due to insects and irrigation issues.
- We are also actively treating insects and monitoring the irrigation for issues.
- An application of Sealant will be applied to the asphalt trails in Highland park this year. Last year, we did East Lake and Lake Ave. Next year, we will focus on the Lake.
- The Daybreak Groundskeeping team visits our most popular parks at least once every day of the week, every other common area is visited at least once a week, and we strive to make sure there are no hazards (potential or current) posed to anyone there. If hazards or loose trash are spotted at any of the parks we get to, we drop overything and take care of it immediately.
- The maintenance team visits all 350+ dog stations and trash cans at least once a week, with approximately 30 of those that are visited 4 times a week and another 50 that are visited daily. If a station is missed or neglected, residents are encourage to report the issue via the Daybreak Direct app.
- The team will be installing approximately 15 new pet waste stations in the Cascade Village area in the coming months, with more sprinkled throughout the community not long after.
Lake Amenity Frequency of Use
Residents would like to not have to pay for a watercraft permit each season. There were mentions of the amount of duck waste on the docks, beaches and grass areas around the lake. A few comments suggesting the Duffy Boat is a waste of time and money. As mentioned, several comments on the new trail lights, and inquiries about the lights on the bridges.
- The Duffy Boat will be made more available, adding additional times for resident reservations.
- The Maintenance and Groundskeeping team worked very hard last fall, as well as this spring to get the old bollards around the lake swapped out with new solar bollards. None of these are inactive or broken in any way. The Founder's Village and parts of Eastlake still have many of the older style bollards that we have been continually maintaining. These bollards are hard-wired and will take some time to swap to the newer style.
Beach Club Satisfaction
Residents would like to see the hours of the Beach Club extended in the morning during hot weather and extend the season past August to take advantage of later summer weather. we had a few mentions of unfriendly staff members.
- Hours have been adjusted to start at 9:00 am each morning.
- Depending on staff availability, the Beach Club will remain open past Labor Day at least on weekends, potentially on weekdays.
Communication plays a pivotal role for residents in the community. It's important they stay current on what is taking place in the community, including meetings, policies and general information about Daybreak.
Community Website
Residents were asked how often they visited the community website,
Next, residents were asked to rate how easy the website is to navigate. Some residents find the website confusing, especially due to the amount of information that is presented on certain pages. There is also still some confusion on which website to visit, Association vs. LiveDAYBREAK.
- The Communications team is currently working to restructure the more information-heavy pages to use more visuals and less verbiage.
- The team is also working with the web developer and the LiveDAYBREAK communications team on a potential refresh of the sites.
The final question is focused on how residents preferred to receive their communication. There is still confusion about the roles of the various entities here in Daybreak and what aspect each of them manages. Overwhelmingly, residents prefer email communication. Over time, communication preferences have changed very little.
Thank you!
Thank you to the all of the residents who took the time to provide us with feedback. This annual survey provides the Association team, as well as the Board of Directors with valuable feedback. This information helps to guide their decisions on how to best plan for the future of Daybreak. We'll see you next spring for the 2024 survey!