Welcome to QRA Weekly!
Finally the ice has gone!
It's been great to get some outdoor play and lunch times, at last! Thank you again for your patience earlier in the week and for the quick adjustments to the routines. It is greatly appreciated.
It's been a busy week, as ever, at Queens Road.
I spent a considerable amount of time in classrooms on Tuesday to see how the children are getting on in their learning. I was so pleased with the children's behaviour and attitudes in lessons! The relationships between staff and pupils is absolutely a strength in our school, and this was reflected in the way the children conduct themselves in the classroom with respect for each other, the adults, and their learning.
In a few weeks we have our Year 5 and Year 6 residential trip, which is always a real highlight of the year. These visits allow the children to gain skills that are simply out of the reach of day-to-day school and present a brilliant and memorable opportunity for the children. For those of you who have children attending this, we are hosting a little bit of a Q&A session after school on Monday to inform you of the key bits of information that may be useful to know. Please attend if you can!
Have a brilliant weekend,
Mr Smith
For Year 6 parents and carers, please keep your eyes peeled for an invite for your child to attend booster sessions before or after school as we prepare them for their end of year SATs.
Attending these sessions will give them the best chance possible of maximising their potential and confidence before the big week in May! These sessions will be ran in small groups by Mrs Whiteley, Mr Mitchell and myself and relate to Reading and/or Mathematics initially.
Please remember as well that lateness is a vital part of attendance.
So far this year, a total of 7307 minutes of learning has been lost across school due to lateness. This equates to 121 hours, or 20 school days, or four full weeks of lost learning! Much of this time will be reading and phonics, which is the vital focus of learning and indeed underpins all learning.
Remember, when it comes to attendance, every minute counts. If you feel you need support in getting children to school on time, please get in touch.
A reminder that it is very important that school has your most up-to-date contact information, including information for other family members you would like us to contact in an emergency.
This includes phone numbers, email addresses and home addresses.
It is vital that we have this information so that we can contact you if we need to.
If any of the above information needs updating, please do so through the Arbor app or by visiting the school office at your earliest convenience.
Our current school attendance rate sits at 94.2% for the year.
This week we achieved 95.5% across school.
Please remember to report your child's absence to the school office and reach out for support if needed.
Our attendance winners this week are year 5 WITH 97.8% - a great effort
Remember to please schedule non-urgent appointments outside school hours when possible.
If you're facing any challenges that are affecting your child's attendance, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to support you and can offer guidance or connect you with helpful resources.
Our remaining INSET days for this year will take place on:
22nd July
23rd July
Created with images by somkanokwan - "Standardized test form with answers bubbled in and a pencil, foc" • Anastasiia - "3D hourglass symbolizes modern business timekeeping for appointments schedules and deadlines. Concept Time Management, Business Tools, Modern Technology" • Thomas Reimer - "Street Sign to Contact"