
THE Montessori Journal: Vol - III September 2023


Krishna Janmashtami: A Day of love, blessings, and divine play.

“Do everything you have to do, but not with greed, not with ego, not with envy; but with love, compassion, humility and devotion.”

The day of love and fortune marks the birth of Lord Krishna, one of the most powerful and famous reincarnations of Lord Vishnu. To seek the blessings of Lord Krishna, Janmashtami was celebrated at Salwan Montessori School on September 6, 2023, with joy and enthusiasm. Dressed as Radha and Krishna, the adorable little ones from Nursery and KG classes added a traditional touch to the celebration as they danced to the beat of Janmashtami songs, filling the air with joy and a festive spirit. They also reenacted a scene from Krishna Leela, captivating everyone with their performance. The children thoroughly enjoyed their fun-filled art and craft activities.

The celebration proved to be both informative and entertaining for the tiny tots.

Little Stars, Big Celebrations: A Joyful Janmashtami Performance!
School Kids Embrace Krishna's Grace: Janmashtami Celebrations in Full Swing!
Matki Toddlers: Little Krishnas Breaking the Matki Tradition!
Janmashtami: Celebrating the Eternal Bond of Krishna and His Devoted Mother!

Teacher’s Day

"The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don't tell you what to see."

Teachers take hands, open minds and touch hearts unconditionally. The love they shower on their students is unparalleled. To acknowledge the love and affection a teacher bestows and the way she makes the school a home for the children, we celebrated 'Teachers Day ' like every year on Tuesday, 5th September 2023.

The parents and children made the day very special by conducting a special assembly for their teachers. The children dressed up like their teachers and acted like them. They also danced to the tunes of foot tapping music and expressed their love and gratitude by gifting them a flower, card and a chocolate. The parents also presented a lovely dance drama to portray a teacher's life. It was indeed a lovely celebration, and the teachers thoroughly enjoyed the show.

Parents' Heartfelt Tribute: A Special Performance on Teacher's Day!
You Taught Us to Shine: Kids' Special Performance on Teacher's Day!

Ganesh Chaturthi

“Ganesh Chaturthi is not just a festival; it’s an expression of our faith and devotion.”

Ganesh Chaturthi is a joyous occasion celebrated with joy and fervour in Salwan Montessori School on 19th September 2023. Children were introduced to the wisdom and intelligence of Lord Ganesha through a skit featuring the beloved elephant-headed deity, teaching kids about his cleverness in overcoming obstacles.

Children danced on peppy tunes, invoking a sense of happiness and unity. Children enthusiastically engaged in making Ganesha idols from clay, and his favourite modak symbolizing creativity and craftsmanship. This hands-on experience instils reverence for the deity's artistry.

Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration instilled values of intelligence, creativity, and unity in the little ones.

Little Devotees, Big Celebrations: Kids Performing for Ganesh Chaturthi!
Tiny Hands, Eco-Friendly Hearts: Kids Craft Ganesha and मोदक from Clay!
Ganesh Chaturthi Joy: Kids Performing with Wholehearted Zeal!

Remembering Mahatma Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri - you must be the change you want to see in the world.

“There is nothing higher than the Truth.”

Salwan Montessori School celebrated Gandhi Jayanti with a lot of enthusiasm on Friday, 29 September 2023. To commemorate the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of our nation and Sh. Lal Bahadur Shastri, second Prime-Minister of independent India, a special assembly, was organized to assimilate the teachings of the two great leaders.

Through the various presentations, tiny- tots conveyed Gandhi ji' s noble messages in the most effective and influential manner. The special assembly began with Bapu's favorite bhajan followed by action songs and dance. A child came dressed up as Mahatma Gandhi initiated the Dandi march and the followers delivered short speeches highlighting their quotes. Confident little Salwanians performed on the value of "Speak no evil, hear no evil and See no evil".

Students were exposed to the life and struggle of Mahatma Gandhi and Shastri ji through effective video clippings and were motivated to imbibe the exemplary qualities of simple living and high thinking which are so valuable and relevant in today's world.

Young Hearts, Gandhi's Legacy: Kids Performing on Gandhi Jayanti!
Gandhi Ji's Three Monkeys: See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil – Embracing Wisdom for a Better World.
Little Hands, Big Tribute: Kids' Craftwork on Gandhi Jayanti!
Dandi March: Inspiring the Young Minds of Tomorrow!



“Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.”

World Literacy Day was celebrated on 8th September 2023 with enthusiasm at Salwan Montessori School on virtual mode. Students and teachers joined together virtually to promote the importance of literacy and discussed the power of reading and writing in shaping our future. Various activities such as letter games, scavenger hunt, and storytelling sessions were taken. This day served as a reminder of the transformative potential of literacy in our lives and society.

Little Salwanians Celebrate World Literacy: Reading the World, One Page at a Time!

'Nutrition Day’

“The first wealth is health.“– Ralph Waldo Emerson.

We at Salwan Montessori School celebrated 'Nutrition Day' on 11th September. Children were encouraged to bring some fruit to make fruit chaat in the school. This was a great way to promote healthy snacking habits and to teach children that eating fruits can be both tasty and good for their health. The teachers gave a talk on healthy and unhealthy food, highlighting the importance and benefits of eating some fruit every day.

Children decorated the fruit platter with a lot of enthusiasm and creativity. They relished the fruit chaat with their friends.

Tiny Chefs, Nutritional Feasts: Kids Cooking Up Health on Nutrition Day!
Nutrition Day: Little Chefs Cooking Up Healthy Delights!

Math Magic

“Math magic we explore with glee, Counting, shapes, and patterns, it's a sight to see.”

Love for mathematics, spatial thinking, critical thinking, problem solving, and even effective communication skills can be developed by making Math a fun and enjoyable subject. Through interesting activities, hands-on experiences and fun games, we, at Salwan Montessori School, help children develop love for Maths. Children were given a plethora of opportunities to understand and revise various mathematical concepts through loads of fun and frolic.

Unlocking the World of Math Magic: Making Numbers Fun for Kids!
Math Magic Unleashed: Young Minds Discovering the Joy of Numbers!

Hindi Diwas

“वक्ताओं की ताक़त भाषा, लेखक का अभिमान है भाषा, भाषाओँ के शीर्ष पर बैठी, मेरी प्यारी हिंदी भाषाI”

हिंदी दिवस का महत्व बच्चों को समझाने के उद्देश्य से सलवान मोंटेसरी स्कूल ने गुरूवार, 14 सितम्बर को हिंदी दिवस मनाया l इस अवसर पर नर्सरी और के. जी कक्षा के विद्यार्थियों ने हास्य व्यंग्य की कविताएं सुनायी l बच्चों ने इस दिवस पर विशुद्ध हिंदी का उत्साहपूर्वक प्रयोग करने का सफल प्रयास किया l

हिंदी दिवस: बच्चों के साथ हिंदी का सफर, मस्ती और शिक्षा!
हिंदी दिवस: छोटे आदर्श नागरिक का संवाद !


"Leave the Bags Behind, Let Knowledge Shine!"

Salwan Montessori School joyfully celebrated "No Bag Day" on 15th September 2023, with a delightful twist, embracing the enchanting theme of Barbie. The school brimmed with beautiful pink colour as girls donned their pink party frocks, while boys sported dapper pink shirts.

Adding a touch of nostalgia and charm, girls brought along their cherished Barbie dolls, while boys proudly carried miniature cars. Our school echoed with laughter and merriment as children danced to catchy Barbie tunes, expressing their inner superstars. A captivating puppet show starring Barbie dolls enthralled our little audience.

In the spirit of creativity, children engaged in Barbie-themed crafts, fostering artistic expression and teamwork. "No Bag Day" transformed into a day of fun, imagination, and camaraderie, leaving lasting memories for our young adventurers.

No Bag Day: Inspiring little ones to Reach the Heights of Their Dreams!
No Bag Day: Little Salwanians' Performance - Celebrating the Joy of Bagless Day!
No Bag Day: A Day of Fun!

"Embrace the Green, Celebrate Bamboo Day!"

Bamboo, a versatile and sustainable natural resource, took center stage at our school as we celebrated Bamboo Day with enthusiasm and eco-consciousness on 18th September 2023. This special day was organized to educate students about the importance of bamboo in our lives and to promote environmental awareness.

The day began with an informative discussion in the classes where students gathered to learn about the significance of bamboo, its eco-friendly qualities, rapid growth, and its potential to combat climate change by reducing carbon emissions.

Following the discussion students participated in various activities that showcased the versatility of bamboo. These activities included bamboo crafts, bamboo dance etc. The creativity and innovation displayed by our students were truly impressive. As the day concluded, students left with a deeper appreciation for bamboo's importance in our lives and its role in building a more sustainable future. Bamboo Day at our school was a resounding success, reinforcing the message that small, eco-conscious choices can have a significant impact on our planet.

Bamboo Day: Little Salwanians Crafting Wonders with Bamboo!
Crafting Magic with Kids and Bamboo!
Bamboo Day: Fun with Kids and Bamboo!

Team Building Activity

Team building activities play a crucial role in promoting collaboration, communication, and social development among young children. Team Building Activities were organized by the Salwan Montessori School on 12th September 2023, to foster collaboration and social development in young Salwanians.

Through various activities, children got an opportunity to interact with their peers, develop important social skills, and establish a sense of belonging within a group. These games involved children cooperating and working together to achieve a common goal rather than competing against each other.

Building Fun, One Team at a Time: Young Salwanians Enjoying Team-Building Adventures!
Young Hearts, Strong Bonds: Kids Building Teams and Making Memories!

Little Scientistic at Work

"We should not teach children the sciences but give them a taste for them."

Children are intrinsically programmed to learn and explore. Introducing children to science at a young age assists in their brain development. Interesting science experiments enhance curiosity and develop mental faculties apart from becoming a major fun element in the classes.

So, to provide opportunities to our young learners to develop a scientific approach and lifelong love for science, apart from the fun experiments done in regular class Salwan Montessori School dedicated Friday, 22nd November to our young learners to conduct various experiments for exploration and learning. Children enthusiastically participated and fully enjoyed the process of learning.

Little Scientists at Work: Curiosity Sparked, Experiments Embarked!
Little Scientists at Work: Exploring, Experimenting, and Exciting Discoveries!

Fireless Cooking

Cooking is an essential life skill that doesn't always require traditional methods involving fire. In our presentation today, we explored the exciting world of cooking without fire, showcasing various techniques and recipes that are not only delicious but also safe and accessible.

The children brought ingredients from home and made their own dish with a lot of excitement and confidence. It gave them a feeling of achievement and pride to cook for themselves and their friends. They expressed their joy while they shared their dishes with each other.

Little Chefs, Big Heartfelt Meals.
Where Taste and Imagination Come to Play.
Tiny Hands, Big Flavors!


“A healthy outside starts from the inside.” – Robert Urich

Address Health Solutions India Private Limited took the reins of care, concern and professional check-up under their radar and conducted a comprehensive health check-up of all Salwanians studying at SMS for the academic year 2023-24, in the month of September. This annual feature is a mandatory part of the school curriculum which ensures not only wholesome development but also keeps a check on the vital milestones of the students. A team of qualified doctors, dentists, and nurses left no stone unturned in covering the vital aspects such as anthropometry, hearing, vision, dentistry, and general physical and systemic examinations of the students.

Empowering Young Minds with Good Health.

Life Skills - BE POSITIVE

Positive involvement is a critical part of parenting that helps build your child's strengths and abilities and also builds your relationship. This gives your child a strong foundation of support that sets him or her up for future success.

It also develops honesty, social behaviour, positive conversations, self-worth, sincere for children, learning to develop a positive mindset can mean that many aspects of life is much easier. There are many challenges that children face in their development, from anxiety to confusion about daily life. Having a strong and resilient positive mindset can help children to combat these things.

We, at Salwan Montessori School helped our little ones in better understanding the theme 'Be positive' through various activities and stories. Our little ones enjoyed and participated with full zeal and enthusiasm.

Little Salwaians Thriving: Life Skills for Joyful Living!



"If you want to change attitudes, start with a change in behaviour." — William Glasser.

A workshop on Managing Childhood Behavioural Issues was organised by Salwan Montessori School for parents on 23rd September 2023. The workshop played an important role in reinforcing the parent’s perception in general. Our speaker Ms Harshpreet Kaur who is a RCI Licensed Rehabilitation psychologist and ABA therapist from Dubai made the session very interactive and helped parents to deep dive into challenging behaviours of children that impact the daily routines and activities of family life. She focused on real-life routines, examine why behaviours occur and persist, and helped in developing practical solutions that will increase the quality of life of children and family. She introduced simple and effective strategies that promotes desired behaviours. The session received positive feedback from the attendees.

Empowering Parents, Elevating Education.


“Kids lose themselves in books, they find themselves there too.” – Lewis Keegan.

A Reading Workshop for parents was conducted by the Salwan Montessori School on 2nd September 2023, as a vital initiative to foster early literacy development. This collaborative effort aims to empower parents with the tools and knowledge needed to support their child's reading journey.

During the workshop, teachers provide insights into the importance of early reading, and its benefits. They also guided parents on selecting age-appropriate books, reading techniques, and creating a reading-friendly environment at home to make the process enjoyable.

Parents attended the workshop with a lot of enthusiasm as they found the workshop informative and enlightening.

Enhancing Education Through Parental Connections.

Parent Academy

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” - Helen Keller.

Parent-teacher collaboration in the early years of a child's education is of paramount importance. This partnership between parents and educators lays a strong foundation for a child's development and academic success. Since the early years of a child's life are a critical period of growth and development, the collaborative efforts of parents and teachers play a pivotal role in shaping a child's future. This partnership creates a supportive environment that fosters learning, emotional well-being, and social development.

To bridge the gap between classroom teaching and parents, and to make them equal partners in their child's learning, SALWAN MONTESSORI SCHOOL has initiated the launch of PARENT ACADEMY. In this academy, parents will have the opportunity to be exposed to different modules and strategies crucial to their child's development.

The first Parent Academy session was conducted on September 16, 2023. Two modules were covered in this session: "Health and Nutrition," conducted by Nutritionist & Dietician Ms. Shuchita Sharma (an external resource person), and "Socio-Emotional Concerns of Young Learners," presented by in-house teachers. The session had a profound impact on the parents, providing them with a hands-on experience and opportunities for reflection on how to handle various situations. The session was a great success and received appreciation from all attendees.

Educational Excellence Through Parental Involvement.
Bridging the Gap, Strengthening Bonds.



“Our life is shaped by our mind, for we become what we think.”

Exploring Inner Peace: A Mindfulness Art Workshop” was organised for staff on 11th September 2023 by Ms. Banpreet Kaur (Mindfulness based therapist). Art therapy combines the creative process of making art with psychological techniques to promote self-expression, healing, and self-awareness. Mindfulness, on the other hand, involves being present in the moment, observing thoughts and feelings without judgment. Together, they create a powerful tool for self-discovery and emotional well-being.

Empowering Educators, Igniting Minds!


“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.” – Dolly Parton

Having balance between work and home life can be a challenge.

Balancing a career with home life provides benefits in each environment. One becomes healthier, both mentally and physically, and will increase productivity, career wise. With improved Work-Life Balance one will be managing time better; will be working less and producing more. The work life balance workshop was organised for the school staff on 15th September 2023 and was conducted by Ms. Riya Choudhary (Psychologist) to show how to focus on the important things, set accurate and achievable goals, and communicate better with everyone at work, and family at home. She very well explained about the explain the benefits of work life balance, how to recognize the signs of an unbalanced life, How to Identify employer resources for a balanced lifestyle, How to Improve time management and goal setting, Use the most effective work methods for you, create balance at work and at home and Manage stress.

Empowering Educators: Striking the Perfect Work-Life Balance!

"A Sustainability Initiative: Say No to Plastic’!"

Salwan Montessori School proudly spearheaded the "Say No to Plastic" campaign, uniting parents, teachers, and MTS staff in our collective mission to combat plastic pollution and promote Sustainable Human Behavior.

Our dedicated Salwaians took meaningful steps to address this urgent environmental issue, and we are thrilled to announce the successful completion of this vital campaign by collecting plastic waste of 170 kg. Through this concerted effort, we are resolutely committed to protecting our cherished planet Earth from the harmful repercussions of plastic pollution.

By joining forces as a community, we are effecting substantial change by reducing plastic usage and mitigating its adverse impact on our environment. This initiative not only benefits our immediate well-being but also secures a healthier and more sustainable world for generations to come.

Salwanians Performing: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle for a Greener Future!
School Plastic-Free Zone: A Campaign Triumph!
Join the Revolution: Parents Making a Difference, One Plastic-Free Choice at a Time!
Choose the Future: Say No to Plastic!
Say goodbye to plastic, for a cleaner, greener future!
From Campaign to Collection: 170 Kg of Plastic, One Step Closer to a Plastic-Free World!

Safety and Security Measures

“Preparedness is the calm before, during and after the storm”

Mock Fire Drill and evacuation drills are conducted in the school to create awareness and preparedness during calamities. The students are trained to be alert, quick and responsible, follow instructions, maintain calm and avoid panic to avert stampedes and casualties. These drills help in building courage and confidence amongst students and develop leadership skills. To help children understand about disaster management and evacuation process, we do such drills after every quarter. Salwan Montessori School conducted the mock drill on 7th September at 11am. All the staff members vacated the building as soon as the fire alarm went off. The evacuation was completed in 3 minutes 40 seconds. Head count was done by the class teachers to ensure the presence of everyone. The drill focused on activation of the full response system, incorporate decision making and life safety aspects.

"Mock Drill for Safety: Preparing Today, Protecting Tomorrow."


A Passion for Reading: Meher of KG B, embarked on her reading journey at the tender age of 2, swiftly progressing beyond basic letters to proficient sentence reading. Now, at 5.6 years old, she effortlessly delves into novels and can independently decipher her class teacher's instructions on the board.

The Magic of Books: played a pivotal role in nurturing Meher’s love for reading. Remarkably, her fondness for visiting the mall is not for toys, movies, food, or shopping; rather, it's the allure of bookstores that captivates her. She willingly spends at least an hour there, engrossed in the world of books.

Meher also displays Exceptional Mathematical and Puzzle-Solving Skills: Meher's talents extend beyond reading; she excels in mathematics and puzzle solving. Her abilities encompass addition and subtraction, as well as word searches.

Kudos to our young star!

"Tiny Readers, Mighty Thinkers."

Parenting Tips of the Month

"Parenting Tips: Building Bonds, Shaping Futures."

"Early childhood education is the key to unlocking a child's potential, fostering a love for learning that will last a lifetime."

"Little Salwanians: Where Imagination Takes Flight!"

"Stay Tuned for Our Next Journal!"