Welcome to this week's newsletter
Dear families,
We are in the middle of the first exam season of the year. Both Years 11 and 13 have been incredibly diligent and mature in their approach to trial exams. Please encourage them this weekend to continue to study - it will all pay off and the exams will be successfully overcome.
We are also delighted to announce the appointment of Mr Cooper as an additional Assistant Principal who will be starting in January. Mr Cooper will be focused on further strengthening the maths teaching and leadership. We are delighted with his appointment.
Please read the rest of this newsletter as it contains lots of excellent opportunities, activities and student successes.
Dr Newman and the Manor family
Computational thinking challenge
Over the last fortnight, 464 of our students took part in the Bebras Computation Thinking Challenge. This is an annual competition run in conjunction with Oxford University that allows students to extend their logical problem-solving skills.
The Bebras Challenge is organised in over 60 countries and designed to get students all over the world excited about computing. This year alone 408,339 students took part in the UK, and over 3 million worldwide, making it the largest computer science competition in the world.
The problems that the students have to solve are not easy and require them to access wordy questions before applying the information they have to the scenario. The final mark is out of 135, with questions ranked by difficulty.
We are incredibly proud of all who took part for their curiosity, aspiration and, of course, for their resilience. We will have the final results by Monday 27 November, and will invite those who reached the top 10% in the UK to take part in the second round of the challenge in the near future.
Why not try one of the questions they may have faced? I have included a challenge as an example.
Student illness and attendance
As we approach winter, there is an increased chance that your child may become ill. We know that sometimes our students cannot come to school because they are really unwell - and that's the right thing to do for them and other students. Medical advice is clear however that children with mild illness will often be well enough to attend - for example if they have a cough, or cold, without a temperature. The NHS guidance Is my child too ill for school? is designed to support parents/carers in their decision making about mild illness.
We would also like to remind parents/carers of the procedure concerning students feeling ill whilst at school. Students should first try too manage it in the lesson - sipping water often helps. If the problem persists or they feel worse and it is in lesson, they should tell the teacher. They will call a Senior Leader who will take them to Student Services to seek first aid. If it is at break or lunch, your child should take themselves to Student Services.
We will make an informed decision about their wellbeing and where possible support your child to stay in school. We will contact you if we believe your child is so unwell that they need collecting to go home and to bed. We would encourage parents/carers to discuss this process with your child and ask you not to simply arrive at school to collect them unless we have made contact with you.
If you would like to speak to a member of the attendance team regarding any attendance concerns, please email attendance@manor.school.
Sixth form applications
Thank you to everyone who attended our Sixth Form Open Evening last Thursday. If you couldn't make the event, please email ccollier@manor.school for a copy of the information provided during the talk, as well as asking any questions you may have.
Applications for the sixth form are now open. Students are encouraged to keep their options open, make informed choices and also apply to our sixth form alongside other applications. Students do not receive an automatic place at the Manor sixth form - they must apply.
The deadline for applications is Friday 12 January 2024. Click here for the application form.
Loughborough University trip
On Wednesday 15 November, we had the pleasure of taking 31 of our Year 12 students to Loughborough University for a tour around the campus and the sports facilities, with the Elephant Group also attending an Elephant Access launch event.
Students were inspired by their visit to this top university where they learnt about the path to university, university life, how to choose subjects, and what they what they can do between now and completing sixth form in order to stand a good chance of receiving an offer from a top university.
We are now looking forward to a conference in the spring, as well as working with different universities between now and the next Curriculum Day in February.
Elephant Group conference
A reminder that an online conference for parents/carers of students in the Elephant Group is taking place 6-7pm on Monday 27 November. Please see the flyer below for the Zoom meeting link and passcode.
Medical careers advice
Applications for a free NHS virtual work experience programme are now open to all students aged 14 years and above. Please click the following link for details.
We also have a biomedical scientist from Kettering General Hospital coming into school on Wednesday 6 December to deliver a careers talk. Any students in Years 11-13 who are interested need to email Miss Smedley on lsmedley@manor.school if they would like to attend.
Online safety
The UK Safer Internet Centre have produced the following privacy and safety checklists for two of the most popular social media apps.
REACH awards
As you are aware, students receive positive points for displaying our REACH values, with then further recognition to those who achieve the milestones for bronze, silver and gold.
I am extremely pleased to share that we now have 20 students who have achieved their bronze award having received 60 REACH points this academic year. Congratulations to:
- Year 7: Ewan L, Charlie L, Harry F, Ronnie E, Elsabeth H, Richard A, Phoebe C
- Year 8: Isla R, Olivia E, Jaxon I, Olga K, Kimberly L, Erin U, Lucy G, Amara K, Evan C, Skye L, Jessica K, Ece B
- Year 9: Freya M
We also have our first silver award recipient, which is phenomenal as this means that 90 REACH points have been received, and this award goes to Olivia E (Year 8) – keep up the great work Olivia!
Please encourage your child to continue striving for their REACH and Enrichment points so that we can continue to reward and praise all that are doing the right thing.
Miss Hustwait, Curriculum Leader for PE & Sport
Extra-curricular timetable
Please note that there will be no art club running after school on Mondays for the rest of this term.
Christmas hamper appeal
This year's hamper appeal is taking place from Monday 27 November to Wednesday 13 December. We are asking for students to donate items to put towards their tutor group's hamper, with the hampers then being collected by Raunds Foodbank. Please see the following image for suitable items to donate.
We thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.
Christmas lunch
We will soon be taking bookings for our Christmas lunch. Students should visit the LRC at lunchtime between Monday 4 and Friday 8 December to make their booking. Please see the following poster for details.