" ... May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. - ROMANS 15-5-6

What is the greatest gift you have ever received?

I remember when I was young wanting a certain dollhouse that was very popular and very difficult to get. My mom and dad surprised me with it one Christmas. But my mom also led me to the greatest gift of all - the gift of Jesus Christ, God's Son. I remember as a young child my mother helping me to memorize John 3:16 and explain what that verse means and asking Jesus to come into my heart. I don't remember a lot of the circumstances, but I remember that time of prayer as a 5-year-old child like it was yesterday. Christmas is a time for giving, but it is also a great time for receiving. Have you received God's Greatest Gift? If not, this could be the Christmas you receive the Greatest Gift of all!

"Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift."

II Corinthians 9:15 NKJV

The Greatest Gift of All!


Security Training

During LCA's October Professional Development, faculty and staff participated in emergency response training with Serving Protectors. They shared that LCA is well above other schools and churches that they have worked with as far as the procedures, strategies, and devices our school has in place. They shared additional strategies with us along with hands on practice for various situations.

Vulnerability Assessment

LCA recently had a vulnerability assessment performed by an outside source. Again, the feedback was that LCA is above and beyond other schools and churches with the security measures LCA has in place. We will be receiving recommendations from them soon and and work through the suggestions given.

We are continuing to work through the process of contracting security personnel. We have presented options to our board including a quote from the county for an SRO and a quote from a security company that utilizes retired police and military. We are awaiting a board decision on the best way to move forward. I hope to have additional information to share with you very soon!

Master Site Plan

As we plan for the future we have another exciting announcement to make. We have begun working on a master site plan for the 20 acres of additional land purchased last year adjacent to our LCA property! As we look to the future, we are excited to see what God still has in store for LCA. Be looking for additional information in the coming months about our plans for expansion.

'Tis the Season ... of Giving!

LCA keeps giving!
LCA collected 753 filled shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child, the ministry of Samaritan's Purse that shares God's Gift of Salvation with children around the world.

December Fun!

December Dates to Remember
December 19 - Christmas Break begins at 1:00 dismissal. We return on Wednesday, January 3.
January 11 - End of Quarter 2
January 12 - No School: Professional Development Day
January 15 - No School: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 16-19 - Spirit Week
January 20 - High School Homecoming Dance
January 27-February 3 - Jr./Sr. Mission Trip to Costa Rica
School Closure Procedures

Several factors are taken into consideration when determining a school closure or delay.

  • One factor is the bussing from our local school districts. We have bussing from Southwest Licking, Licking Heights and Reynoldsburg. If the majority of those districts close we consider closing.
  • Another factor is the condition of our parking lot and sidewalks. If there has not been enough time to get the area safe for the arrival of our students we likely will not have school.
  • The safety of our children is certainly a priority, but their education is also important to us. So please be assured that after all conditions are evaluated, if we can have school we will.
  • We utilize our RenWeb Parent Alert system to text and call our families typially between 5:30 and 6:00 AM, and we also notify NBC-4, ABC-6 and WBNS-10TV regarding closures and delays.
  • Please note there will be no extended care in the case of a 2 hour delay.

Re-enrollment Time!

Re-enrollment is January 1st - January 31st. Details will be sent home via email December 15th. Plan now to secure your spot for the '24-'25 school year.

Merry Christmas!

Jesus - the Greatest Gift of all ... and the Reason for this Season!

The mission of LIberty Christian Academy is to provide a quality Christian education in a Christ-centered environment in order to reach students for Christ and equip them to serve God and impact the world through biblical thought and action.