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The Lenham School Newsletter

Term 2 - Christmas Edition


A Time to Celebrate- Mr Ferguson



Year 11 - Strive for Success

Reading for Pleasure

Paul Cree - Poet and Rapper

Growth of the Sixth Form

Work with a Primary School

Student Council go to Parliament

Spotlight on Performing Arts

Sport at TLS

Trips, Trips, Trips

Careers - Shaping the Future

TLS at Christmas

Kent Teacher of the Year 2025

Refer Kent

How to Find Out More

Second Hand Uniform

Dates for the Diary - Term 3

'A Time to Celebrate'

Dear Parent/Carer,

As we approach Christmas, it’s an ideal time for reflection, and parent, student, and staff surveys play a crucial role in this process. These surveys provide valuable insights into the experiences, needs, and concerns of our school community, helping to identify areas of strength and opportunities for growth. By gathering this collective feedback, we can make informed, positive changes that support the success and well-being of every member of our school community, leading to a more inclusive and thriving environment as we enter the new year. I have shared all of this with the student body this week in our Christmas Assemblies; I want them to use Christmas to reflect on how well they have done and how far we have come as a school. So, what did everyone say?

Firstly, it is worth noting that this was by far the most popular survey we have done. Nearly all staff completed it, about 200 parents and over 500 students. This has given us our most accurate picture yet:

Staff Feedback

• 100% feel they have good relationships with students.

• 100% have a good relationship with each other.

• 94% say they enjoy their work.

Parent Headlines

• 90% say their child is happy.

• 97% say their child is safe.

• 95% say poor behaviour has been dealt with quickly (highest it has ever been).

• 95% say their child does well.

• 94% say they would recommend the school (highest it has been).

Student Headlines

• 96% of students say they have work that challenges them.

• 92% of students say that teachers help them do their best.

• 68% of students say they take part in clubs (highest it has been).

• 88% would recommend the school.

• 92% feel they are encouraged to be independent.

• 95% feel they are encouraged to respect others, no matter their background.

Areas to Develop

• Everyone would like to see a consistent approach to the use of toilets.

• Everyone would like to see us stay committed to creating more and more opportunities for everyone. Music and football have been great, but what about those with other interests?

• Everyone would like us to stay committed to promoting kindness and respect at all times.

It was lovely to hear all the positives about the school, but also great to see that all three parties came up with largely the same areas of feedback. We have big plans for next year to help with this. As I keep saying, remember, we are only getting started.

Academia – Opportunity- Belonging

Mr Ferguson - Headteacher


Welcome to our Festive newsletter, celebrating all the amazing things that have happened during Term 2.


Remembrance Day was an opportunity to come together as a whole school to remember not only those who fought in the First World War, but those who have and currently do help defend our country. The event was made up of an assembly where students learnt about the origins of the ‘Poppy’ as a symbol of remembrance. All students gathered on the 3G at 11am on the 11 November to take part in a short ceremony and two minutes silence to show that they would ‘not forget’ those who fought in the war.

Students were so respectful
Mr Ferguson led the Remembrance Ceremony
Students really understood the importance of the 'Poppy'
Jack read beautifully in assembly

YEar 11 - Strive for Success

Year 11s completed their Pre-Public Mock Examinations (PPEs) at the start of term. This involved them having to prepare to sit exams in several subjects, each taking part in one of our exam rooms. The students conducted themselves in an excellent manner, taking each exam very seriously. They received their results during a PPE Exam Results Day where they were given an assembly on where they currently are, where they are heading and what they need to do. The Year 11 consultation evenings will be happening on Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 January.

As a school we have invested in GCSEPod GCSE Learning and Revision |

GCSEPod which is a great revision tool that all Year 10 and 11 students can use to support their revision and exam preparation.

Year 11 Students worked incredibly hard for their PPEs

Reading for Pleasure

Reading is such an important part of life at The Lenham School. We truly believe it is vital that students are supported in their reading and develop a real love of reading. Each term we recognise those students in Years 7, 8 and 9 who have read the most words that term. For Term 1, Mr. Davies and Ms. Kenny Purcell had the pleasure of meeting three students (Alex, Isabella and Oscar) to discuss their love of reading, what sort of literature they like and find out what could be done to try and promote reading more within the school.

Alex and Isabella are 'star readers'

Paul Cree - Poet and Rapper

This term we welcomed poet Paul Cree into the school to run workshops with our Year 7 and 8 students. Paul is a writer, poet and rapper and his session really engaged the students to think about how they could articulate the challenges that they face in their life and give their feelings a voice. The students loved the workshops and listening to Paul talk about his life and how he has used poetry and rap to inspire other young people into the craft.

Our students were inspired by Paul Cree

The Growth of the Sixth Form

It has been an incredibly busy term for our Sixth Form students both in and out of the classroom. This term they have taken part in two team building events: they visited Go Ape at Leeds Castle; and took part in a Leadership Challenge programme run by the British Army. There have also been several extra-curricular opportunities such as a trip to Warner Bros Studio for Media students; a STEM Day organised by the National Space Academy; and an Over 60s Afternoon Tea Party where the local community came and enjoyed sandwiches and cakes baked by the students, a performance from the school choir and cast of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ as well as other fun activities all organised the students.

For students currently in Year 11 who are looking for an award winning Sixth Form that offers a great opportunity to not only seek a great range of subjects to study but also enjoy a vast array of extra-curricular activities, do ensure that you look to apply for your place via the Kent Choices website: KentChoices | Home

TLS 6th Form enjoyed their team building day at 'Go Ape'
As well as their Leadership Challenge Day with the British Army
Everyone enjoyed the 'Over 60s Tea Party'
The Year 12 STEM Day was an inspiration for our students

Work with a Primary School

This term some of our Year 9 students have been visiting Leybourne Chase Primary School (one of the VIAT Trust’s Primary Schools) to carry out some volunteer work with their students. The students involved have thoroughly enjoyed being part of the project and their hard work has been recognised by the school’s Executive Headteacher, Jeanette Brumby, who visited the students to say thank you for their support and present them with a certificate.

Year 9 Students helped our sister Primary School Leybourne Chase

Student Council go to Parliament

Student voice is an extremely important part of ensuring that students have their say in the development of the school. Students in all year groups can put their name forward to join the student council and meet regularly to discuss all aspects of the school. This term we took those students on a trip to visit the Houses of Parliament where they were given a guided tour of the Palace of Westminster and participated in a workshop: they looked at how petitions worked and discussed issues that they were passionate about. They were also visited by our local MP Helen Whately who took questions from the students about what got her interested in becoming a politician and what she finds rewarding about her work, as well as challenging her on her political views in relation to current topical affairs. The students had a great day out and are looking forward to using this experience in their future role as part of the student council.

The Student Council really enjoyed their visit to Parliament
Students were able to meet local MP Helen Whately

Spotlight on Performing Arts

The Christmas period is always a busy time for our Performing Arts students and this year has been no different. In November, some of our Dance students took part in a ‘Dance Dash’ where they visited a variety of local places in our community performing a Dance routine and, in the process, raising £260 for Children in Need.

The talented cast of Beauty and the Beast had the opportunity to perform different songs from the show as part of the Lenham Lights experience.

We are looking forward to welcoming guests to our school to see the upcoming Winter Showcase on Wednesday 8 January and the performance of Beauty and the Beast on Thursday 23 and Friday 24 January.

Beauty and the Beast was a highlight of Lenham Lights
Dance Dash raising money for Children in Need
The choir performed for the 'Over 60s Afternoon Tea'

Sport at TLS

It has been another successful term for our sports teams. Both boys and girls football teams have competed and been successful in their fixtures this term and the senior Pro Soccer Academy goes from strength to strength. Please keep an eye on our Facebook page, as well as the news section of our website News Blog - The Lenham School , to keep up to date with all of the latest success stories from our sporting teams.

Sport is taking off for both girls...
... and boys

Trips, Trips, Trips

It has been another busy term for trips, with lots of students getting the opportunity to extend their learning outside of the classroom. Year 11 Geography students had the opportunity to find out more about the development of Stratford in London; Year 7s visited the Rochester Christmas Markets as part of their Languages learning; Year 10 and Sixth Form Film and Media students visited the Warner Bros Studio: The Making of the Harry Potter Experience; and Year 9s were able to visit the Belgian Battlefields as part of their learning about the First World War. Thank you to all the staff who make these trips possible and well done to the students who represented their school so well.

Year 7s loved their trip to Rochester
Year 11s learnt lots from visiting Stratford
Year 9s really enjoyed their trip to Belgium
Students were so respectful during their visit

Careers - Shaping the Future

Our annual careers fair saw 58 employers, universities, colleges and other further education destinations meet with all of our students to discuss some of the exciting opportunities that they offer and to inspire students about their potential future careers. Students in Year 9 also took part in a workshop offered by the architects of our Science Building (Bailey Partnership Architects) where they learnt some of the fundamentals of how to build a stable structure before taking part in a challenge to build a structure out of spaghetti and marshmallows.

Our second careers fair was a huge success

TLS at Christmas

The last week of term is a great time to get into the ‘festive’ mood. Students celebrated throughout the week – with the choir performing for visitors to Leeds Castle; wearing Christmas Jumpers for Christmas Jumper Day; and over 400 students enjoying a cooked Christmas dinner served in our school restaurant.

Stunning to see the choir perform at Leeds Castle
TLS enjoyed Christmas Jumper Day

Kent Teacher of the Year 2025

We think we have a great school full of amazing students and supported by dedicated and hard-working members of staff. If you wish to show your appreciation for either a teaching or non-teaching member of staff, you can vote for them in the Kent Teacher of the Year awards 2025 by using the following link: Kent Teacher of the Year

Your chance to say Thank You

The closing date for nominations is Friday, 28 February.

kent Family hub

Kent Family Hubs offer support to children, young people and their families. They make it easier for you to get the services you need throughout your family journey - from newborns to 19-year-olds, or up to 25-year old's with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). Click on the following link to book: Kent Family Hub Booking

Refer Kent

KCC have launched a new website that lists all the agencies you can refer into for support. These include services that would support with housing, debt, benefits, mental and physical health amongst many more.

Please find more information and a link to it below:

ReferKent is a safe, secure, and local online referral system that aims to mitigate the action of signposting. The system enables referrals to be made securely between advice agencies and their partners across Kent. ReferKent allows referring agencies to report on activity and outcomes. With this system local organisations can help residents through referrals, ensuring that residents are getting the support they need to alleviate their circumstances.

How to Find Out More

Please feel free to join our Facebook Page The Lenham School | Maidstone | Facebook to keep up to date with all the exciting things that are happening both in and out of the classroom.

Second Hand Uniform

Details of how to access our second-hand uniform is available on our school website. With the continued rise in household costs, we hope this initiative can make a small difference by helping some of our families to access free uniform

We hope you all have a well-deserved Christmas break and look forward to welcoming you back on Monday, 6 January 2025.


Dates for the Diary

6 January Start of Term

8 January Winter Showcase

14 January Key Stage 5 Cadbury World Trip

15 January Key Stage 5 Art Trip to Turner Gallery

15-16 January Year 11 Consultation Evening

23-24 January Beauty and the Beast School Production

27 January Duke of Edinburgh Awards Evening

29 January Year 9 Business Enterprise Day

30 January Key Stage 4 Graphics Trip to Folkestone

3 February Year 10 Art Trip to Courtauld Gallery

10 February Key Stage 5 Art Trip to Tate Britain

11 February Year 7 Humanities Trip to Canterbury

14 February Last Day of Term 3


Created with an image by Edar - "diary ipad to write"