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April 26, 2024

News from the Main Office

New Messages

Staff Announcement for 24-25

Riffenburgh Families,

We wanted to share some information with all the adults that we will be sharing with students on Monday through our Morning Announcements. At the end of this year, Mr. Zawadzki, our art teacher, and Mrs. McAnally, our PE teacher, will be leaving Riffenburgh for some new adventures (see where they are going below). Students will watch a short video regarding their announcements and then will watch a short clip about the new teachers who will be starting with us in Art and PE next year. We wanted to share this information with you ahead of time as we know that for some students, they may need some time to process this ahead of when the announcement is made on Monday. If you feel this is the case for your child, please go ahead and share this info and let them know that everyone will know on Monday during announcements so please don't share with other friends ahead of that time. Thank you!

McAnally: After 11 years at Riffenburgh and 14 years in Colorado I am heading back home. My husband and I are moving to Spokane, WA in June to be closer to my family. I am both excited for our new journey and sad to leave Riffenburgh behind. I am excited to have a great last month of school with you all.

Mr. Z: Over the past 5 years, it's been such a joy watching you all learn and grow, and seeing your creativity shine in the art studio! I will be taking time to watch my son, Jones, and broadening my personal experience with new opportunities. While I’m also sad to say goodbye, I'm excited for new adventures allowing me to spend time with my family and express myself in new ways too. I'm ready to share an exciting end of the year together. Let’s make it amazing!

Our new teachers in 24-25 will be:

PE: Mr. Uhrich and Ms. Morgan-Mr. Uhrich is a part time PE teacher at Bamford and will be splitting his time between both Bamford and Riffenburgh (Mondays & Tuesdays) next year. Ms. Morgan will be teaching the other days of the week to complete a wonderful experience for our students in PE (Thursdays and Fridays). Coach Morgan (as she is known to the kids), has been subbing for Mrs. McAnally this year and is thrilled to be joining us next year too!

Art: Mrs. Thompson-Mrs. Thompson is joining us from many years of art experience in Loveland. She is excited to work with our Riffenburgh students promoting agency, choice, and continue their love of creation!

5th Grade Exhibition Group Message

We are the animal shelter fifth grade exhibition group. We are wanting to help the All Aboard Animal Rescue. It is a local animal shelter that holds many pets with no homes. This is Zumi. He is a Husky, Alaskan / Mixed Breed (Medium). He gets along well with other dogs and loves a good play session. Zumi likes to be outside and go on his walks. Adopt now at All Aboard Animal Rescue!

Repeat Messages

From Health Office

End of the Year Medication Pickup

Dear Parents/Guardians, Medications cannot be sent home with students at the end of the school year.

• Parents must pick up all medications on or before the last day of school. Medications must be picked up by the end of the school day. REMINDER: the last day of school is a half day.

• If medications need to be picked up before the last day of school, make arrangements with the school nurse or health tech.

• Emergency or as-needed medications (Epi-pens, Tylenol, Inhalers, etc.) must also be picked up.

• The school nurse will follow state health department procedures and deliver all medications not picked up to an approved medical disposal site for proper disposal.

5th Grade Families

Colorado law requires students who are entering sixth grade to receive a tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap) vaccine before their first day of school.

Please find the letter regarding Tdap vaccine from Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment in various languages in the link below.

Last Day of School - May 30, 2024

The last day of school for 2023-2024, May 30, 2024 will be a half day for students. Students will be released 3.5 hours early - Riffenburgh's dismissal time is 11:18am . Breakfast will be served. No lunch will be served on May 30. It will be a full day for staff.

PSD school bell schedules for 24.25 School Year

The Poudre School District Board of Education approved bell changes for the 2024-25 school year at their March 5, 2024, meeting. The new times will go into effect at the start of the 2024-25 school year.

Starting August 2024, Riffenburgh's new start time will be 8:30am and new dismissal time will be 3:13pm.



Upcoming State and District Required Assessments:

In our spring semester we will be administering annual state and district required assessments. Please make note of the dates for the assessments your child will be taking and, whenever possible, please avoid absences during the testing periods. Please note that, on testing days, if students arrive late after testing has begun, they will not be able to join their class until testing has completed for the day. Having students on time and present on testing days helps us gather valuable data while minimizing interruptions to daily instruction. Please help us meet that goal!

Typically, assessments begin in the morning and conclude each day prior to lunch.

2nd Grade:

Measures of Academic Progress (MAP): May 8th and May 9th

3rd Grade:

Measures of Academic Progress (MAP): May 2nd and May 3rd

4th Grade:

Measures of Academic Progress (MAP): April 30th and May 1st

5th Grade

Measures of Academic Progress (MAP): April 30th and May 1st

Kindergarten Registration 24.25

On-Line Registration for Kindergarten is now available! Please register your student as early as possible. And, please tell your friends and neighbors to register their students!! Children must by 5 years old on or by 10/01/2024 (birthdates on or before 10/01/2019).


Classroom Treats

If it is necessary to have food in classrooms during school hours (i.e. birthday snack, holidays, special occasions, school events, etc.),

  • only commercially prepared and packaged, INDIVIDUAL items (NO CAKES or HUGE COOKIES ) with ATTACHED ingredient labels from retail stores can be served
  • contact your child's teacher prior to sending food or treats in
  • do not send in Balloons or Gifts for the Birthday Child
  • all treats should come to the Main Office



PTO News



Do you dread shopping for school supplies at the end of summer? We've partnered with First Day School Supplies so that you can:, and won't have to worry about it in August.

and won't have to worry about it in August. Supplies will be delivered to Riffenburgh before school starts in an individual box with your student's name on it.





District News


How Sick is too Sick (District Guidelines)

If you have any questions regarding when your student can return to school, please contact your school’s health office. For more information on Poudre School District Illness Guidelines click on the button below:




Nutrislice is updated by our district nutrition team each day, the links below will be the most reliable source for daily options.

Calendar for the 2023-24 School Year

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • Wednesday, May 22, 2024 Celebration of Learning at Riffenburgh 3:30-6:30pm
  • Friday, May 24, 2024 - No School for Students
  • Monday, May 27, 2024 - Memorial Day - No School
  • Thursday, May 30, 2024 - Last Day of School - Half Day - Dismissal 11:18am