Rogers Band News April 5th, 2024

Rogers Band NEws

April 5th, 2024

This Weeks Sectional Schedule

In preparation for our final competitions in April we are going to combine larger sections together. Students may schedule a time to meet 1 on 1 with a band director for solo help. Beginners may also use morning and afternoon practice time in the band hall to pass-off their scales or music lines.

Meet the new Walnut Grove HS Band Director

We are pleased to announce our new Walnut Grove Director of Bands will be at WGHS this Tuesday April 9th with a meet and greet in the Band Hall from 6:00pm - 8:00pm. Please join us as we hear about the goals and vision going forward as well as the marching show reveal.

Congratulations are also in order for both WGHS bands receiving first division rating at UIL, continuing the success of our band programs. We are so proud of our WGHS Band Students!

The Contest Season is Upon Us!!!!!

The Spring is always a busy time for music with many contests and festivals to participate in. While more information will be coming out as we are closer to the actual dates, we wanted to keep you in the loop of what is ahead! Times listed are scheduled times when each band performs.

Symphonic Winds

Concert Band I

Concert Band II

Beginning Band

  • May 14th - Beginning Band After school Rehearsal - 3:30-4:45pm
  • May 15th - Spring Band Competition - WGHS - The Cove Little Elm - 9:30am
  • May 16th Rogers Spring Concert @ WGHS Auditorium - 6:30pm

Rogers Band Solo Contest

The Rogers Solo Contest is coming up on the evening of Wednesday, April 17th! This is an optional event for students who have prepared a solo either in their private lessons or in their band class. Next week, participating students will receive an information sheet with their assigned performance time and room number. Performance times will be around 6-7 minutes long and range between 4:00PM at 7:00PM. If any changes need to be made regarding your student's performance time, please email Mrs. Ferris at

Beginner 4th 9-weeks Project

All of our beginners are starting to work on their BIG 4th 9-weeks pass-off project. They are working to pass-off major scales and also lines out of the book. With each scale passed off, they will receive a different colored bead to display how far they are getting. We will also keep track with a sticker/pass-off chart and on the back of their practice record. This a great project that students can move at their own pace.

Prosper ISD Band Camp

We are VERY excited to announce the Third Annual PISD Middle School Band Camp. The camp is for students who will be in 7th or 8th grade for the 2024-2025 School year (current 6th/7th graders).

This is an amazing time to reach across the entire district to learn music, make some new friends and have a ton of fun! (and if nothing else, get your kids out of the house for a few hours) There will be a 7th grade camp in the morning and an 8th grade camp in the afternoon. Friday, we will present a concert and a take a trip for the all campers. Camp Week - June 3rd - 7th 2024

Upcoming Dates:

  • Apr 17th - Rogers Solo Contest
  • Apr 24th - CBII, CBI, SW at North Texas Festival of Distinction (Richland HS)
  • Apr 27th - PISD Concerto Contest Finals
  • May 2nd - Percussion Ensemble Concert Dress Rehearsal 4:45pm @WGHS
  • May 3rd - Percussion Concert with WGHS @WGHS 6:30pm
  • May 7th - Spring Concert and Awards Ceremony for SW, CBI, CBII
  • May 14th - Monster Band Rehearsal for Beginners (3:30 -4:45)
  • May 15th - Beginner Band Festival
  • May 16th - Spring Concert and Awards Ceremony for Beginners + SW Performance