Sea Turtle Family Press IMportant things for Sanderlin families to know!

Previous Week Recap from Mrs. Cormier

Students were busy around campus this weekend with all of the election festivities! I also want to thank PTSA for organizing the fun Top Golf event. Families were able to come out and enjoy a fun experience together!

This coming week has many fun opportunities as well. Don't forget that our Veteran's Day breakfast is on Monday, November 11th. Contact Ms. Fink for more details if interested in attending. Also, the Great American Teach In is on Wednesday, Nov. 13th which is a part of our Career Week. Please see the calendar below for daily career week activities. Thank you to all of the presenters who signed up to come and present. Our Basketball game season starts on Wednesday as well. The Boys play at Thurgood Marshall at 4:45 and the Girls play at Bay Point Middle at 4:45. Go Sanderlin!

Important Reminders for this Week

We have seen a recent increase in dress code and cell phone policy issues - primarily in middle school. Please remember that Sanderlin follows the Pinellas County Schools dress code outlines in the Student Code of Conduct. Additionally, School Board Policy requires that all cell phones, headphones, ear buds, smart watches, etc., be off AND put away while on campus. Please be sure to review these policies with your child.

Please note: The PCS School Board has approved updates to the instructional calendar.

Students will attend school on Jan. 6, 2025, which was a designated make-up day, and Feb. 17, 2025, which will be a hurricane make-up day.

In addition, the last day of school for students, May 29, 2025, will change from an early-release day to a full day of instruction.

The School Board also agreed to waive first semester exams to add four days of instruction back to the calendar.

Please make sure you have a FOCUS account. If you do not have a FOCUS account set up, please contact Mrs. Cumbie at

*Please note: Students are encouraged to dress up on Friday wearing attire that they would wear for a future career!

Our IB Attribute focus for November is being a RISK TAKER!

Check out the flier below to learn how you can support your child in developing this attribute!

PBIS RISE Incentive Calendar

LOST ITEMS: Our pile is growing -- Please claim if any of these items are yours!

Students are invited to wear traditional clothing from a country/culture and parade around our campus to kick off this evening event! All participants must sign up using the link below by Dec. 4


Taking Action Opportunities!

Have you helped someone recover from Hurricane Helene damage? Let us know!

All of the action opportunities listed below also "count" as taking action!

*Please remember to secure your items into a bag prior to putting it in the bin.

PICTURE DAY has been rescheduled to Friday, NOVEMBER 15, 2024
