March 17, 2024

The Week Ahead

Spring Break 2024

This Friday, March 22, is a half day of school and marks the beginning of Spring Break. As with other extended breaks this school year, we at MSE are asking that families fully unplug from school until we return on Monday April 1. Take the time to relax, recharge, and don't think about school for the week!

MSE Literacy Night

Please save the date for our MSE Literacy Night that will be held on Monday March 18. Please see the information below and use the button below the image to RSVP.

Around East Lately!!

Spanish 2 students worked in groups to trace someone and then label the body with as many body parts as they could en espaƱol.
Math 7 Students Celebrated "Pi Day" by working through Pi Day stations.
NJHS Sponsored "Penny Wars" this week
Students in Mrs. Bayly's class work on a hoop activity to focus on this month's theme of "teamwork"
5 of MSE's finest musicians will represent the Eagle Bands in the All-District Honors Band in April. They will learn challenging music along with the finest middle school musicians from Metro Detroit. Congrats to Khloe M, khloe F, Lincoln K, Sonny S, and Julianna P!!
MSE Wrestlers competed at Lincoln High School this weekend.
Special Shout Out to Mrs. Winters for having the wonderful artwork of our MSE Students on display at conferences!

Eagle of the Week

Congratulations to our Eagle of the Week, Khloe A. who was nominated by Mrs. Conger. Mrs. Conger wrote that: "It is my honor to nominate Khloe for Eagle of the week. Khloe has been a great addition for 6th Grade here at MSE. Khloe is a leader who works very hard in class to maintain all A's and B's. She has earned Outstanding and Good Behavior from every teacher. by being respectful to teachers and other students. Khloe is Responsible and isn't afraid to ask questions when she doesn't understand something and she will assist with helping others when needed. Khloe always has a smile on her face and hugs for whoever may need one."

Be the Change: Positive Referral Student of the Week

Congratulations to our "Be The Change" winner of the week, Gracie H.! Thank you for working hard and being a role model of positive behavior for all.

Dress Code Reminders:

Spring Testing Season

Parents, please save the dates below for Spring Testing Season and make every effort to ensure your child is in attendance on these days so they do not have to make up the tests.

Be a Part of MSE's Parent Community Connection!

Next Meeting is Wednesday March 20 at 5:00pm in the MSE Kiva

National Reading Month Activities at MSE

Mentor Lunches

LCPS Bond Election Information

L'Anse Creuse Public Schools will extend the current tax rate for the entirety of the bond, which is not projected to increase the tax rate to complete the projects. In addition, the bonds will be sold in two series, resulting in reduced interest costs.

This is how the upcoming May 7 bond will impact Middle School East Specifically:

For more information on the upcoming LCPS Bond Proposal, please click the button below to go the LCPS Bond Information Website

How Do I Vote?

Vote at your polling location on May 7, 2024 OR vote by absentee ballot from March 28, 2024 through Election Day (May 7). For more information on absentee ballots, call your local clerk's office OR use the link below to access information from Macomb County about absent voter ballots

Upcoming Track Season Information

Tuesday, March 19th: Track Informational Meeting during 7th & 8th Grade Lunches. Practice Calendar & other information will be distributed to those students who signed up March 12th & March 13th. 1st Track Practices: Tuesday, April 2: ALL 7th & 8th Grade Girls + 8th Grade Boys. Wednesday, April 3: 7th Grade Boys ONLY

IM Morning Volleyball Information

Girl's Basketball Schedule

Around L'Anse Creuse Public Schools

Pankow Career Night

Career Night isĀ March 20, 2024 - Doors open to the public promptly at 6:30-8:00 pm. This is a free event, open to all ages! Students and families - we have a fantastic line-up of participants! Explore and talk face-to-face with over 65+ career professionals and ask questions about their exciting career journey. Arrive on time so you have ample time to talk to as many as you like. The first 150 students get a free Pankow tote! Senior students-although not required, it wouldn't hurt to bring a polished resume if you are looking for post-graduation opportunities. Scan the QR Code on the flyer to see a list of participants.