
PE “Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong” - John F Kennedy

PE Leader - Mrs J Groves

Our intent

We believe that children's happiness and readiness for learning is fundamentally linked to staying active and healthy inside and outside school. Physical education inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It is our aim to provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Giving children the opportunity to compete in sport and other activities builds character and helps to embed or our Christian values such as resilience, responsibility, relationships and respect.

Children will spend time becoming strong, healthy and active learners in all areas of our curriculum, underpinned by a progressive and engaging PE curriculum.

The national curriculum for PE aims to ensure that all pupils:

*develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities

*are physically active for sustained periods of time  engage in competitive sports and activities

*lead healthy, active lives

We endeavour to teach a high quality Physical Education curriculum to encourage children to build resilience, physical stamina and understand the importance of an active healthy lifestyle. It is underpinned by our academy values of ensuring that all our children flourish as unique individuals.


Our approach to the Physical Education Curriculum is taught discretely outside of topic time to ensure depth and rigour, whilst being underpinned by the accelerated learning approach to teaching and learning. The key concepts, principles and themes from the National Curriculum have been developed into a range of progressive skills taught through a variety of challenging and exciting sporting activities. Our curriculum is rigorously mapped for each year group to support this and ensure that children are progressing upon previously taught skills each year.

The PE curriculum we offer is designed to meet the needs of all our pupils by providing purposeful contexts which engage our children. It is rich, varied, imaginative and ambitious and meets the needs of all individual learners, including SEND pupils.

At St Botolph's, we have developed a comprehensive range of sporting and physical opportunities to provide every child with a wide range of unique activities, helping us ensure that children are active, physical learners who understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

Our aim is to promote the application of acquired skills and the variety of competitions that our children are offered. This ensures lessons are relevant to the skills that children need to be working on in order to succeed in the sporting opportunities at the end of each half term.

We offer children the chance to engage with sporting events through our school games organiser, ensuring that our child have the opportunity to experience new sports at a competitive level.

We empower our children to push their boundaries and try out new sports, engaging with the local community, local sports teams and seeking out the very best external sporting providers to ensure our children experience a range of traditional sports and outdoor adventurous activities.

We follow a progressive curriculum with opportunity for skills and key learning to repeat and build over time through the Get Set 4 PE initiative.

Developing new skills

As part our your child's Physical education curriculum, they will explore the wonders of nature and its benefits to our health and physical strength through our forest school led by a qualified forest school leader.

They will have the opportunity to explore several different sports with a fully qualified sports professional, who will expand their subject knowledge and allow children to push their physical fitness to new levels. We also have a specialist Table Tennis teacher who enables all our our children to access this unique sport at a competitive level.

Each child will have the opportunity to supplement their in school learning or outdoor adventurous activities through the opportunity to attend a residential visit to a high quality outdoor learning provider in years 5 and 6.

Through the schools commitment to outdoor play and learning, children will be active voices in their own learning environment, shaping the schools investment in creating active and engaging learning spaces.

We are committed to ensuring all children can swim confidently a distance of 25 meters by the time that they leave our school and all children are offered a swimming curriculum in year 4, with dedicated catch up sessions in year 6 to ensure children achieve this life saving skill.

We also offer a sports and games breakfast club each day where children can get off to the best start each day with a healthy breakfast followed by exciting and engaging sporting activities.

Delivering high quality learning and experiences

As an academy we endeavour to stay at the forefront of current thinking and developments in the world of physical education and sport. We follow guidance from the Association For Physical Education to ensure that children are safe, and the our curriculum is delivered by highly trained teachers and staff members.

We are actively involved in the Health and wellbeing charter initiative run by our local authority and offer children opportunities to learn about and improve their own mental and physical health and well being.