
Call-to-Action from Business to Governments on the 20th Anniversary of UNCAC SOCIAL MEDIA TOOLKIT

The Call-to-Action on the 20th anniversary of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), is put forth as an appeal by companies to Governments to intensify efforts to tackle corruption affecting the business communities around the world and to join forces in this endeavour. The Call-to-Action urges governments to underscore anti-corruption and good governance as fundamental pillars of a sustainable and inclusive global economy and embrace them as important tenets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Concretely, this Call-to-Action signed by companies across the world, will be submitted at the tenth session of the Conference of the States Parties (CoSP10) to serve as a basis for Government discussions and decisions on this matter.

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Social Media Messaging

Post 1: Proud supporter of the Call-to-Action on the 20th Anniversary of the UN Convention Against Corruption! Join us in urging Governments to underscore anti-corruption and good governance as key pillars of sustainable development. Together, we are #UnitedAgainstCorruption. 👉 bit.ly/3txhM5l

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Post 2: The UN @globalcompact has issued an appeal on behalf of companies for Governments to intensify efforts in tackling corruption that impacts business communities worldwide. Let's unite for a more transparent & accountable business environment: bit.ly/3txhM5l #CoSP10

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Post 3: Join the UN @globalcompact Call-to-Action! Integrity-driven companies are calling for #CollectiveAction to strengthen anti-corruption efforts and promote good governance for a sustainable, inclusive global economy. Sign now: 👉 bit.ly/3txhM5l #CoSP10 #UnitedAgainstCorruption

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Post 4: Join the UN @globalcompact Call-to-Action, uniting integrity-driven companies to advocate for stronger anti-corruption efforts and good governance — critical to the 2030 Agenda. Learn more 👉 bit.ly/3txhM5l #CoSP10 #UnitedAgainstCorruption

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Post 5: Join the UN @globalcompact Call-to-Action! Companies worldwide are uniting with Governments to strengthen anti-corruption efforts and promote good governance, vital components of a sustainable and inclusive global economy. 👉 bit.ly/3txhM5l

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Post 6: Are you from the private sector and passionate about business integrity? Join us at the Private Sector Forum during #CoSP10 in Atlanta, USA, on 11-12 December. Your voice is key to bring the corporate perspective to the global discussions. Register now: 👉 bit.ly/3t0YYuO. Let's stand #UnitedAgainstCorruption. 🤝🌐

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Post 7: Join us in shaping the global business integrity agenda! @UNODC and UN @globalcompact are co-hosting the Private Sector Forum on the sidelines of #CoSP10.

🗓️ 11-12 December

📍 Atlanta, USA

🔗 Register: bit.ly/3t0YYuO

Let's make a positive impact together! #UnitedAgainstCorruption

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For more information, visit our website at unglobalcompact.org/take-action/action/anti-corruption-call-to-action.