Family Consumer Sciences (FCS) Newsletter • Food for thought: November 2024 •

30 for 30 Walking Challenge

It is that time of year again. Join our online Walking Facebook group: 30 for 30 Walk-a-Weigh! The goal of our page is to inspire participants to walk 30 minutes per day for 30 straight days from November 1 – November 30. There will be daily posts about nutrition or wellness from an Extension professional. We are asking participants to share step counts, exercise/food pictures, recipes, articles, or motivational messages to the group. The more interaction the better! We look forward to taking a step (lots of steps) in the right direction to a healthier future.

If you want a Walking Log to help you with this challenge, here is a Walking Log from our Faithful Families Thriving Communities that you can use during the month of November.

Get the Dish: Virtual Cooking Series

Tired of making up the same old recipes in your kitchen and looking for some inspiration? If this sounds like you, then get ready for a mouthwatering virtual and free cooking series—”Get the Dish!”, which will take place each week Tuesday from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Eastern Time, November 5, 12, and 19 on the topics of Old School Cafeteria Rolls, Spice Up Your Life, and Healthy Habits Start with Breakfast. Please visit this link to register:

Have a Healthy Holiday Meal

Surviving the Holidays in a Healthy Manner

Join us Wednesday, November 6 at 1:00 p.m. at the South Granville Public Library for our "Healthy Holidays" workshop. Come learn about: cooking healthy, delicious recipes, food safety, and using leftovers.

Learn how to enjoy "Holiday Classics with a Spin", turning your recipes into a healthier version while still enjoying the holiday traditions. Bring your lunch and learn with us during this virtual workshop on Tuesday, November 12 at 12:00 p.m. Register at or scan QR code below.

Join us to gain an understanding of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, provide care for yourself and your loved one during the holidays, adjust expectations and holiday plans to you and your loved one’s needs and abilities, and remain flexible and education family and friends about the disease, holiday safety, and sensitivity. Join us on Wednesday, November 13 at 12:00 p.m. at the Person County Office Building for this “Caregiving During the Holidays” Lunch N’ Learn. $5 registration fee is due by Friday, November 8.

Do you or someone you love have diabetes or heart disease? Preparing nutritious foods that taste good can be difficult at any time of the year, but the holidays present special challenges for those with chronic illnesses. This workshop on Surviving the Holidays will be held Friday, November 22 at 11:00 a.m. at the Berea Branch Library will provide you with tips for managing your health during the holidays. You will learn how to prepare holiday favorites that are both nutritious and delicious.

Follow Us Online @persongranvillefcs

Person & Granville Counties, Family Consumer Science (FCS) For more information, contact Jennifer Brown at