CNPS Bulletin 2023 | issue | Month

CNPS SCHOOL VISION: To build a community of curious, creative and engaged learners who are empowered to meet the challenges of our rapidly changing world. Collectively we will work with our students to become responsible global citizens who have the skills, knowledge and personal attributes they need for their future.

Principal’s Column

Wominjeka everyone,

We made it! Congratulations! As we bid farewell to another incredible year at CNPS, it is with immense pride and gratitude that we reflect on the wonderful journey we've shared together. The memories created, the lessons learned, and the achievements celebrated have made this year truly special.

We extend our appreciation to each family for your support and partnership. Your commitment to your child's education and the collaborative spirit you bring to our school community have been the driving forces behind our success.

Reflecting on the year, we're happy to acknowledge the outstanding accomplishments of our students. From academic achievements to artistic endeavours and athletic triumphs, every milestone reached is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our remarkable students, embodying the values of respect, resilience and responsibility.

As we look ahead to the well deserved break, I'd like to take a moment to express our gratitude to our exceptional teaching and support staff. Their passion, creativity and tireless efforts have created a nurturing environment where every child has the opportunity to thrive.

As we close this chapter and eagerly anticipate the possibilities that the new academic year will bring, let's celebrate the unity and camaraderie that define our school community. We are more than a school; we are a family—a family that learns, grows, and supports one another.

Thank you for entrusting us with the privilege of educating and nurturing your children. It has been an honor to be part of their academic and personal development.

Before my send off, I'd like to share a few more announcements:

Babies, Babies, Babies!

2024 will see more babies from 3 of our staff members

There is something in the water at CNPS. Just recently, three of our teachers have announced that they are expecting! We are pleased to announce that, Laura Mackinnon, Geordie Corbet and Bernadette Maxwell will all become first time mothers next year!

We have been very busy looking for replacements and we are pleased to announce that we have secured two teachers to start at the beginning of the year to replace both Laura and Geordie and another teacher to be announced next year for term 2 for Bernadette. Both Laura and Geordie will be with the new teachers for the first week of school to help with transition and a handover for our newly appointed teachers. More news to come to announce Bernadette’s replacement in the new year.

I’d like to announce that the teachers will be:

  • Rocco Giuliano Francesco Cascio (Year 4C)
  • Ridah Hassan (Year 5B)
  • TBC early next year (Year 1C)

We are extremely lucky to have secured teachers for next year as this is not the case for many schools in Victoria with the teacher shortage.

If you see either Laura, Geordie or Bernadette in the school grounds, make sure you give them a big congratulations for this very exciting time in their lives.

Farewell to our 2023 Graduates

Year Six Graduates 2023

Our graduates first began at Coburg North Primary School in 2017, when there were only 415 students. Over their 7 years of schooling, they saw many changes. They had 5 principals, they lived through a construction site which spanned over 2 years. Then they went into lockdown and were forced to live through a global pandemic which lasted 2 years. When they finally came back to school, they got to experience the covid recovery year where they all got covid, the flu and gastro! Thank goodness there were no major challenges in their final year of primary school! Needless to say, they have been through a lot.

Many of Year 6 graduates have shown notable growth, resilience, and achievements. As they embark on the next chapter of their educational journey, I trust that they will carry with them the values of respect, resilience, and responsibility that has been instilled here at Coburg North PS. From myself and all of the staff at CNPS, we wish our graduates the very best for the next chapter of their schooling.

Thank you to our 2023 School Captains

Freya, Edie, Alex and Mateo

A big thank you goes to our 2023 school captains, Alex, Edie, Freya and Mateo. They have taken on many roles this year including taking school tours, running assemblies and representing the school at community events such as Anzac Day and Remembrance Day.

On the last day of term our captains will be saying goodbye and introducing the 2024 captains. We look forward to meeting the new leaders of the school including our other significant student leaders.

Thank you Parents and Friends

A heartfelt thank you to our dedicated parents and friends who have been the driving force behind the success of our school community. Their support and dedication have made a significant impact on the student's schooling experience. Throughout the year, their participation in events such as Harmony Night, Parent Appreciation days, Plant Sale, Trivia Night, Bunnings BBQ, Election days and Carols has not only brought joy and excitement but has also contributed immensely to our school's growth.

We are thrilled to announce that, collectively, these events raised an impressive $20 500 for the water play pump in the Junior Playground and contributing to the audio system that will be placed in the assembly area (under our COLA). This generous contribution will undoubtedly enhance the educational opportunities and resources available to our students. Thank you for each and every one of you who played a part in making these events successful.

Farewell to our Families leaving CNPS

Our heartfelt goodbyes extend to the families who are leaving us—whether transitioning to high school or embarking on a new journey in a different suburb, town, state, or country. Your presence has been a cherished part of the CNPS community, and we express our gratitude for everything you've contributed. Thank you for being integral to our school family, and we wish each departing family all the very best. Farewell to the following families:

  • Alnazer, Abbott, Appleton, Austin
  • Baker, Beasy, Beale
  • Cadman, Crisara, Crowe, Curran
  • DiBlasi Huston, Dong
  • Freedman, Gandikota-Taboe
  • Hallam, Harrison, Hasni, Lewis
  • Mombini-Goodajdar, Matthews
  • Newell, O'Brien
  • Passaportis, Pokorski
  • Santacroce, Semkiw, Smith, Solly, Strahan
  • Unal, Vella, Vounoridis
  • Well, West, Whealy, Yabas

As we reflect on the year, we recognise the departure of several invaluable parents who have played pivotal roles in shaping not only the physical aspects of our school, such as the grounds, buildings, finances, and the school council but have also left an indelible mark on the very fabric of our school community.

The vibrant and welcoming atmosphere that permeates our school is a testament to the unwavering dedication of these parents. Their tireless efforts, spanning collaboration on school projects, involvement in the Parents and Friends association, and securing essential funding, have contributed immeasurably to the thriving culture we cherish.

Today, as we bid farewell to these remarkable families, I want to express my deepest respect and immense gratitude for the indomitable spirit they've infused into our school community. Their legacy will continue to resonate, and we are truly fortunate to have had such passionate individuals shaping the foundation of our educational home.

Ruzi Duric and Matt Abbott

Ruzi and Matt stand as pillars of dedication, having selflessly devoted countless hours to the betterment of CNPS throughout their many years with us. Ruzi, a multi-faceted force, has served as the Coburg Market manager, an integral member and president of the Parents and Friends association, and a valuable contributor to the school council.

Ruzi's exceptional efforts have ushered in significant financial support, bringing in tens of thousands to the school. The tangible benefits of this generosity are evident in the enhancements and opportunities we've been able to provide to our students.

Alongside Ruzi, Matt has been a steadfast supporter and extending his support to the school's financial matters. Their combined efforts have left an indelible mark on CNPS, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to both Ruzi and Matt for their outstanding contributions.

Briar Stevens and Phil Cadman

A resounding applause goes out to Briar Stevens and Phil Cadman for their transformative impact during my tenure at CNPS. Through their unwavering dedication, they illuminated the remarkable ways in which our community contributes, emphasising the pivotal role parents play in fostering greatness within our school community.

Briar, Phil, alongside the dynamic team of Sarah Kerr, Lisa Berlingeri, Emma Hopkins, and Jackie Hanson, embarked on a mission that left an indelible mark on CNPS. From the outset of my journey five years ago, they extended a warm welcome and shared a collective vision: to enhance our school grounds. This vision materialised through the Playground Committee, a group that convened tirelessly, even on Friday afternoons, to craft a plan inspired by the voices of our students, staff, and community.

Briar and Phil, your impact on CNPS is immeasurable, and I am sincerely grateful. Your outreach on my first day marked the beginning of a transformative journey. Without your visionary leadership, the incredible playgrounds we enjoy today wouldn't exist. I am committed to preserving this vision by seeing through the remaining plans we crafted during those Friday afternoons over the next 2-3 years.

Brad Appleton

A special acknowledgment goes to Brad Appleton, whose invaluable contributions to CNPS extend over the past three years as an integral member of the school council. Brad's solid understanding of the intricacies of Department of Education finances has proven to be an indispensable asset for our school.

Brad's commitment has been particularly evident during the late-night Finance meetings, held after work, where his dedication was evident. Additionally, his active involvement in numerous school council meetings over the course of three years has been instrumental in navigating the financial landscape.

I extend my heartfelt thanks for your tireless commitment and the numerous late-night meetings that have contributed to our shared success.

Jo Harrison

A sincere thank you to Jo Harrison, a driving force and leader within our school community. In her role as School Council President, Jo has exhibited unwavering dedication and strategic vision, leaving an indelible mark on the trajectory of our school.

Jo's impact extends beyond her role as president, as she played a pivotal part in securing an impressive $7 million for capital works within our school. Her tenacity and advocacy have paved the way for tangible improvements that will benefit generations of students to come.

In addition to her financial accomplishments, Jo has been the guiding force behind the development of the AIMS (Amazing Incredible Magnificent School) Plan. Her leadership in this initiative has not only defined a roadmap for the school's future but has also fostered an environment of excellence and innovation.

We extend our deepest gratitude for her leadership, tireless efforts, and the remarkable achievements that have enriched the educational experience for all at our school.

Kirrily Noonan

A big shout-out to Kirrily Noonan for her impactful contributions to our school community. Kirrily has been a key player in Parents and Friends, dedicating considerable time to fundraising and adding a dynamic vibe to our farmers' market involvement.

Beyond the hustle of Parents and Friends, Kirrily has been a solid contributor to school council activities, providing insights and putting in the hours for finance committee meetings.

We appreciate Kirrily's practical approach, countless hours, and her significant role in enhancing various aspects of our school. Thanks for your hard work!

Shirley Santacroce

A shout-out to Shirley Santacrose for her solid contributions to our community at CNPS. Shirley's commitment to keeping the community spirit alive is commendable, seen through her active role in Parents and Friends and volunteering for various fundraisers. She also lent her support to the Out of School Care program.

Shirley's hands-on involvement in fundraising activities has left a lasting impact, contributing to the success of various initiatives. Her dedication to the community is evident in both large and small ways, making a positive difference in the lives of our students.

We appreciate Shirley for her involvement, dedication, and the positive atmosphere she brings to our community. Her efforts truly embody the spirit of community collaboration that makes our school a vibrant place for everyone.

Owen West

A heartfelt thank you to Owen West, a pivotal figure in the progress and development of our school. Owen's dedication and expertise played a crucial role in securing much-needed capital works for CNPS.

As a major contributor, Owen generously volunteered his time, leveraging his extensive knowledge of educational architecture. His commitment went above and beyond as he actively engaged with students, staff, and the community to develop a concept design that resonated with our collective vision.

Owen's tireless efforts did not go unnoticed, leaving a lasting impression on our local Member of Parliament. Recognising the school's dedication, our local MP granted the school the capital works necessary to bring these plans to fruition.

We extend our sincere gratitude to Owen West for his outstanding contributions, and the positive impact he has made on the future of our school.

Wishing you all a restful and rejuvenating summer break. We look forward to welcoming everyone back for another exciting school year filled with new opportunities and achievements.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Monika Gruss

2024 Upcoming Events!

We are still in the process of finalising all of our events, but in the meantime, feel free to add the following BIG confirmed events in your 2023 calendar!

Term Dates

  • Term One: 30 January - 28 March
  • Term Two: 15 April - 28 June
  • Term Three: 15 July - 20 September
  • Term Four: 7 October - 20 December

Curriculum Days (student free days)

  • Monday, 26 February
  • Friday, 15 March
  • Tuesday, 16 April
  • Friday, 10 May

Confirmed Events for Term 1, 2024

  • First Day of School Year 1-6 (Tuesday, 30 January)
  • Foundation Testing (Tuesday 30 January to Monday 5 March)
  • First Day of School for Foundation Students (Tuesday, 6 February)
  • Tea and Tears - Foundation Families (Tuesday, 6 February)
  • Safer Internet Day (Tuesday, 6 February)
  • Closing Date for School Council Nominations (Monday, 12 February)
  • Year 3 Incursion - Team Building, 3A, 3B (Monday, 12 February)
  • Year 3 Incursion - Team Building 3C, 3D (Monday, 12 February)
  • Year 1 Testing (Tuesday 13 February to 23 February)
  • Meet the Teacher (Wednesday 14 February and Thursday 15 February)
  • Welcome to Country Assembly (Friday, 16 February)
  • School Photos (Monday 19 February to Friday 23 February)
  • Foundation Home Reading Information Night (Tuesday, 27 February)
  • School Council meeting (Wednesday February)
  • NAPLAN (Tuesday 12 March to Friday 22 March)
  • Year 6 Camp to Mt Evelyn (Tuesday 12 March to Thursday 14 March)
  • National Ride to School Day (Friday, 22 March)Paddle Power Excursion Years 5 and 6 (Tuesday 26-27 March)
  • Harmony Night (Wednesday, 27 March)
  • School Council meeting (Wednesday 27 March)
  • Carnivale (Thursday 28, March)
  • Last day of Term 1 (Thursday, 28 March)
At CNPS we believe that by being respectful, responsible and resilient we can succeed and thrive as a community.