
CCY Connect november 2023 EDITION

I feel like as followers of Christ sometimes we live between the tension of breathing for a moment and moving ahead full steam. The other night, the Leadership team of Christ’s Church of Yukon met. We were discussing the 2024 budget and talking about the future. We were reminded of how the Lord has provided through His people this past year – and past years.

We have recently replaced half of our HVAC units here at CCY. I think we have 30 total– and we replaced 15. We also had another major project to tackle – our Sanctuary lights. They were – can I say – horrible. Now, we can see and read our Bibles!!! Our hope is we can now breathe a bit when it comes to big projects and move forward. As funds allow, we want to see some movement on our outside Gathering Area located just south of our gym bldg. as it had to be pushed back due to the lighting and ac units. This area will be an awesome area for years to come for all ages when it’s completed.

But that is not why we are here. Lights and heat and air are great but if that is all we are about, it’s all for not. We want to see God do great things here at Christ’s Church of Yukon. How can we love God and honor Him more and love other people in Jesus’ name? Christ’s Church of Yukon has a rich history. We have seen God do some awesome things here. We’ve built churches overseas. We have seen lives transformed by God’s Grace. But I don’t want to live in the rear-view mirror. I want to see a great move of God. What’s next?

At the meeting the other night, we decided to sincerely seek the Lord when it comes to what’s next for this church family. Will you join us in praying that God would speak to us; we would listen to His voice; We follow it faithfully – and many more come to this church family and begin to Grow in the Grace of God. May we step out in Faith as 2024 is quickly approaching.

What’s next? All for the Glory of God!


By Tori Lambert | Children's Director

As a Children’s Pastor and mom of two toddlers, I have the honor of witnessing the profound wisdom that comes out of the mouths of babes. There is one phrase that is often on repeat in my home and sometimes in the church classrooms. Can anyone guess what that might be? “Sharing is caring”. In a world that sometimes seems divided and self-centered, the concept of sharing is caring takes on an entirely new level of significance.

“Sharing is Caring” is something we say so often, but it isn’t just a catchy phrase, it is a call to action, a call to be loving, compassionate, and show empathy. It’s a call to be like Jesus. When our kiddos learn to share, they are learning that by sharing we show that we care about others, demonstrate kindness and generosity, and try to make the world a better place one small act at a time. Sometimes it feels like I find myself saying “Sharing is caring” so much that it has just become white noise in the midst of the chaos. I sound like a broken record, but as we are entering the Season of Sharing, I personally want to make that phrase meaningful once again. It is a great time to be reminded by our young ones that sharing is a testament to our caring hearts. As we continue to share and care for each other and our community we are spreading God’s love and making a positive impact on those around us.

By Jennifer Mitchell | CCY Member

I love Fall! We get to enjoy the cooler temps, the autumn colors, and football (ok, the food), and it’s the beginning of the season when we devote quality time with family and friends.

As I prepare for these special moments, I see how blessed I am. God has placed Brian and I in a season, preparing us for ministry. Brian will graduate from Dallas Christian College in May and start his pastoral ministry. We are so excited! We are counting down the months til school is finished. But fear is there, too. Brian will have to make himself vulnerable to rejection. This isn’t a normal job process. In ministry, the church needs the right person, One who will fit in with their church and help grow God’s kingdom. So if Brian isn't what they need, they will have to say no. Another fear is the thought of moving. To see the country would be amazing, but leaving is the hardest part. Our family and friends are here.

While God has been grooming Brian, God has been grooming me. I asked God to prepare me to be a good Pastor’s wife. Even though I am not applying for the job, the congregation looks at the spouse to see where she can plug in. I can’t play the piano or sing, so I didn’t know where God gifted me in this. Looking back, I can now see God has been preparing me. When my dad passed in 2021, Brian did his eulogy and shared the legacy my dad left and how committed to God he was. He mentioned that each one of my dad’s unique gifts can be seen in his children. My gift is writing and proclaiming God’s word. Until then, I didn’t see it. Fast forward to today, I started a podcast and use my Christian t-shirts as a billboard for Christ. So many conversations have come from those shirts, and I never start them.

It's crazy how COVID played a huge role in this. We were two kids bored and looking for something to do while COVID took its course. God always shines even in our struggles. And He plants seeds in each one of us. As we grow, we see His love, faithfulness, and glory—seasons of life’s changes. If we step back, we will see the beautiful picture He is painting for our lives.

by Rose Miller

In college I had a really hard time using my talents. I made a lot of awesome things, but only under the pressure of a timeline. I couldn’t convince myself to do my set designs, my paintings, drafting or models without the intense pressure of a looming deadline that I had spent way too much time procrastinating. After a rough end at one school and a transition to another where I was pressured into doing more with less time, I lost any love and desire I had for anything that involved creativity. My talents became gifts that I kept hidden with the hopes of not letting people find them out because I was fearful of being asked to do something with them. I was wasting my God given gift because I was directing it in the wrong way.

Thankfully, through my personal growth, both mentally and spiritually, I have learned that my talents can have a profound impact when directed towards a higher purpose. When we are able to see that “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above” (James 1:17) and that we are called to “let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16), then we can use our gifts to help spread the kingdom of God. Every person is bestowed with innate abilities, whether it be in art, music, writing, leadership, teaching, or countless other domains, and they are not talents that are meant to be hidden away or used for personal gratification. When we dedicate our talents to spreading the kingdom, then we can tap into the power given to us by God to help transform lives and communities in His name.

Our talents have a way of captivating and inspiring others around us. So, while my purpose with my art is to motivate through bold colors, provoke deep thoughts through verses and inspire creativity, it can also be used to communicate the message of God’s love, mercy and redemption. Through our gifts we can become channels for inspiration and sparks for change. Every talent, when harnessed for a greater purpose, can become a beacon of hope and a testament to the transformative power of God.

We live in a world where everyone is a “master scroller” and talents are watched more than practiced. We want to be perfect in our craft and we want to be perfect on the first try, or else it’s clearly not our calling. However, the path to discovering and utilizing our talents can present challenges, but it is through these challenges that personal growth and spiritual refinement occurs. Through these challenges we refine our character, deepen our faith, and become equipped with the resilience needed to press forward in adversity. By embracing these challenges, we better understand our purpose and become better equipped to spread the kingdom through our God given talents. It was through these challenges that I have discovered how my gifts can inspire, provoke thought and help guide people to Christ. Our world yearns for hope and meaning and by recognizing our unique gifts and dedicating them to a higher purpose, we can contribute to a transformative movement that brings light, love and salvation to those in need.

P.S. I want to thank you all for your prayers and support on my recent journey to Guatemala. Being able to go out and give life to this chapel was beyond anything I could do on my own. I am beyond blessed to call you my church family and to be able to be a vessel for God’s workmanship. I pray that these kids, teachers and leadership will be blessed, inspired and encouraged for years to come.

Operation Christmas Child

This opportunity is to provide local partners around the world with shoeboxes filled with small toys, hygiene items, and school supplies as a means of reaching out to children in their own communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Shoeboxes and corresponding material may be picked up at the Operation Christmas Child table in the Gathering area at CCY to take home to fill with suggested items. We started with 112 boxes, we have 19 left for anyone who has not had the opportunity to claim one yet. Filled boxes are due back to CCY by Sunday, November 12th, 2023.

Thanksgiving Bags

Brown paper bags with a suggested list of groceries will be available at CCY for pickup. Fill the bags with Thanksgiving groceries and return them to CCY by Sunday before Thanksgiving. The philosophy is if you are in need, take a bag and enjoy the blessing of a Thanksgiving meal. Any remaining bags will be donated to those in need.


We are five weeks away from the CCY annual Christmas Extravaganza on Saturday, Dec 2nd and our Toy Drive is in full swing! We are collecting new and like-new toys and gifts for the Extravaganza. You are welcome to bring the toys and put them in the roped-off section in the Gathering area. Donations needed include new and gently used toys for children of all ages as well as small gifts for parents. Our goal is to empower parents to choose gifts for their children while kids pick something special for their parents. Volunteer opportunities are available in all areas - please sign up today!


A Special Offering (outside the regular general offering) will be collected on Sunday, December 3rd, 2023. These funds will be collected for one of our ministry endeavors, usually involving overseas missions that are in a third-world country. Our goal this year is to raise $30,000 to build a church building in Punjab India.

As Veterans Day approaches, let's come together to honor and thank our brave veterans for their selfless service. These men and women have sacrificed to protect our freedoms and deserve our utmost gratitude.

This November 11th, join us in expressing your thanks to our veterans. A simple "Thank you for your service" or a small gesture can go a long way in showing our appreciation.

Let us unite in gratitude and faith as we remember and celebrate the heroes among us.



Join us in making a difference! Christ's Closet is open next Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and we could really use your help. We've received an abundance of clothing donations that need to be sorted and organized. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, will go a long way in supporting those in need. Please consider lending a hand and being a part of this ministry.

Christ's Closet


Senior Church Members - we would like to invite you all to join in for a potluck after the service on Sunday, November 5th, as we resume our Senior Connections group. We're looking forward to a great time of fellowship and delicious food, followed by a discussion led by Kathy Stanka. We hope to see you in the Celebrity Room for a wonderful time together!

Senior Connection Potluck


Calling all the ladies of CCY! Let's kick off the holiday season with some crafting fun. Come and make beautiful wood ornaments with us on Saturday, November 11th, from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. Maritza Kizzar will provide all the materials you need, so all you have to bring is your creative spirit! 🎨🪵 Don't forget to bring a snack to share, because what's crafting without a little nibble?

CCY Ladies Christmas Ornament Workshop


Have you registered for ICOM yet? Exciting news for all our church members! We have an all-church registration to the International Conference on Missions (ICOM) right here in OKC from November 15-18th this year that allows CCY members to attend for free, but you need to register yourself and use the Registration Code "OKC2023" to waive the attendee fee. To register go to https://theicom.org/register/attendees/

WHAT IS ICOM? ICOM is a missions-focused conference that takes place each Fall, and it's a game-changer for anyone passionate about global missions. With over 600 exhibit booths, 150 breakout sessions, and 5 main sessions, ICOM is your ultimate hub for making global mission connections, finding valuable resources, and discovering incredible service opportunities. Whether you're searching for your next step in ministry, looking to engage in various mission avenues, or simply eager to learn more about specific topics – ICOM is the place to be!

WHY ATTEND ICOM? ICOM's mission is clear: to encourage, equip, and enlist workers for the harvest. This extensive international conference serves not only the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ but also extends its reach beyond. It's a connection point for global missions, offering more than just a five-day event. ICOM passionately promotes missions through storytelling, resourcing churches, colleges, and missions, and uniting the world of missions in Christ. Learn more and register now at www.theicom.org to be a part of this incredible mission-driven experience! Let's come together to make a global impact and spread the love of Christ far and wide. See you at ICOM!

Register for ICOM


Happy Thanksgiving


CCY Participation


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620 W. VANDAMENT AVE YUKON OK 73099 | INFO@CCYOK.COM | 405-354-0245