THE UK Music Industry #QUIZWAR! The best team building, accidental networking and smash-your-competitors-to-smithereens-in-soho night on planet earth!

"QuizWar is the Quiz to end all quizzes. A brilliant match of knowledge, skill, chance and overall silliness. It’s a unique and highly competitive entertaining evening, even when you don’t win... but you have to keep trying!" - Annabella Coldrick, CEO MMF UK

For ten years, we have brought you the UK's premier no-holes-barred-music-industry quiz social. With fastest fingers on the buzzers style questions on everything from general knowledge to music, hardcore industry questions to album covers made with socks, to guess the PRS exec's salary... It's all here! But it's not just trivia, oh no... we've lyric-a-oke, or you can bet some of your points on a horse* race live** from a racecourse somewhere*** around the world. With a set number of jokers given at random, there's also side rounds to steal points and prizes... spin the wheel of fortune to see if you'll be battling it out with e-sports, the pop up pirate, giant playing cards, or the infamous Space Hopper Challenge™

Previous quizzes have welcomed teams or solo combatants who joined forces with other loose cannons (from foot soldiers to Presidents and CEO's), from companies as diverse as Sony ATV, Universal, BMG, Warner Music, Downtown, Virgin Music, MMF, Ticketmaster, Amazon Music, AWAL, PRSF, Ivors Academy, AIM, Help Musicians, The Royal Albert Hall, The Printworks, The Orchard, Believe, FUGA, Absolute, Deviate Digital, Ignition Management, Rockstar Management, Liquid Management, Tribe Management, Big Group, Bucks Music, Karousel Music, Wixen Music UK, DISCO, The Roundhouse, Music Ally, Media Insight Consulting, FastForward, RAK Studios, SESAC, The Creative Corporation, Music Glue, Music Venue Trust, PX Records, Songlink International and Band Theme to name a selection; as well as musicians from bands like Everything Everything, The Magic Numbers, and many, many more

"An uproarious and unexpectedly brilliant evening that kicks off with easy questions and friendly rivalry before mushrooming into a hilarious hurricane of Space Hoppers, prize stealing, Pop-Up Pirate and Sambuca sabotage. And laughs. Lots and lots of laughs. You don’t need to know much about music and the upside down scoring and ingenious Joker rounds mean everyone is still in the game right to the end. It's like a great pub quiz that quickly descends into the best night ever." - Marc Connor and Jenny Carroll, Rockstar Management (Jamie Cullum, Ferris & Sylvester)

With our own brand of tongue in cheek chaos built around the brilliant SpeedQuizzing app brought to you by drum legend Alan Leach, there are two kinds of night we run. The first are bespoke nights for your in-house teams and invited guests - recent events include Amazon Music's Christmas party and events for music charities Help Musicians and Music Venue Trust, as well as the ILMC conference and Fast Forward conference aftershow parties. The second is our regular come one and all industry social hosted by Karousel Music twice(ish) a year to encourage a bit of cross pollination and give everyone something else to look forward to. Our regular nights are in the award winning, legendary Soho institution The Phoenix Arts Club who are always happy for us to host bespoke nights there too where there is availability, but we can take it elsewhere if needed.

Have you and your colleagues got what it takes to take home the Ivor Quizello™ Award?

The absolute best Music Industry networking event out there. Everyone is welcome and the ability to socialize with all areas of the industryo is something special. - Naomi Asher - VP, Songwriter Services and Neighbouring Rights, Sony ATV
"Quiz War is the most fun networking opportunity music has to offer. It's a great mix of people, the rivalries add to the fun ... Where else do you get the CEO of one of the UK's most famous music companies pulling their hair out at as they lose at Pop Up Pirate to the social media manager at an artist management company?! - Chris Carey, Founder/CEO FastForward & Media Insight Consulting

There's a whole bundle of prizes from The Ivor Quizello™ to memberships to the Phoenix Arts Club (worth £200!) - as well as all manner of things in previous quizzes from a Super Nintendo Mini to a Retro Arcade Game unit; 80's Sweet Shop selection to a Commodore 64; cookbooks, biographies, espresso makers, chilli sauce, vinyl and T-Shirts to a beer belly bum bag, lava lamps, solid gold**** Oscar trophies, Kindles and so much more...

The quiz is a great way of everyone letting off steam, and a fantastic night for team building or friendly rivalry among sub labels, other management companies or outright mortal enemies! Organised chaos at it's most ludicrous. (We can tone it down if you reeeeally want, but we can also book half time entertainment including Drag Kings/Queens or a magician. It's in the UK's most serial award winning Soho haunt, the legendary Phoenix, after all). But don't just take our word for it... check the quotes to see what previous attendees thought of the whole shebang...


Chris Sheehan


t: +44 (0)7971959032

*Sort of | **almost | *** Japan | **** Plastic where Gold not available