porters grange weekly newsletter week ending 22nd march 2024

Diary Dates


  • Monday 25th - School Nurse Drop in sessions at 8.40am & 3.00pm
  • Thursday 28th - Octopus Trip to The British Museum
  • Friday 29th - GOOD FRIDAY - School closed


  • Monday 1st - EASTER MONDAY - School closed
  • Tuesday 2nd - Friday 12th - EASTER HOLIDAYS
  • Wednesday 24th & Thursday 25th - Y3 & Y4 Performance


  • Monday 6th - BANK HOLIDAY - School Closed
  • Monday 13th - Thursday 16th - KS2 SATS week
  • Wednesday 15th - Nursery parents in for National Smiles Week
  • Monday 20th - Making the Band Day Y5/6
  • Monday 27th - BANK HOLIDAY - School Closed
  • Tuesday 28th - Friday 31st - May Half Term


  • Monday 3rd - INSET DAY
  • Wednesday 5th - Drumming Workshop
  • Monday 10th - Friday 14th - Phonics Screening Test Week
  • Monday 24th - Wednesday 26th - Swimming Lessons at West Leigh Junior School


  • Friday 5th - Year 6 Transition Day
  • Monday 8th - Wednesday 10th - Art and D&T Festival
  • Tuesday 9th July - Open Evening
  • Wednesday 10th - Friday 12th - Danbury Residential trip
  • Friday 19th - Last Day of Term


We have had a great week at nursery. We are really enjoying ‘writing’ wanting to write all the time which is amazing. We have also enjoyed lots of climbing outside and water play inside where we cared for our babies, washing them and keeping them clean.

REMINDERS:Please remember to continue to bring in your child’s favourite story to read to the class.


This week we have been discussing seasons and the changes in the weather. We have enjoyed creating weather pictures, learning new vocabulary and matching appropriate clothing to the different weather. We have explored patterns in the environment, listened to stories with repeated patterns, copied repeating sound patterns, colour patterns and shape patterns. We have been learning to identify the pattern rule and work out what comes next. In our Phonics sessions we have been learning to segment and spell words using the sounds we know.

REMINDER: Please ensure all items of clothing are named as the weather is changing children are choosing to remove their coats and jumpers.

Please read regularly at home and sign the reading journal.

Year 1

This week we have been reflecting on how we made our jam sandwich. We thought of each instructional step in order and wrote them down including ‘bossy verbs’! Maybe your child could instruct you in how to make a jam sandwich at home? We have also been learning about length and height in maths, using specific vocabulary like ‘longer’, ‘shorter’ and ‘taller’. We have recapped the cities in the UK and London has been our main focus, looking at where London is in comparison to Southend-on-Sea. The children have noted the main landmarks in London and discussed human and physical features.

REMINDER: Please refer to SeeSaw to engage in our home learning activities.

Also, please make a note of when you read with your child. It is important for the teacher to know how your child reads at home.

Year 2

In our English class this week, we made use of QR codes to explore two dinosaurs and created fact files on one of them following a well-organized plan. In Maths, we focused on mass, comparing and working with measurements in grams and kilograms, applying the four basic operations. Continuing our study of Habitats in Science, we discussed the intricate relationships between animals and their interdependencies. Lastly, in PE, we strengthened our bodies with a farm-themed yoga session.

REMINDER:Please remember your child’s PE kit on Tuesdays and to enjoy nightly reading sessions with your child.

Year 3

This week in English we have been exploring posters and what makes them the most impactful. In Math’s we have started a new topic – Mass and capacity. In geography we have been on a local walk to the sea front to look at a river in more detail and what having rivers close opens up for our local community.

REMINDER: If you have any measuring equipment at home it would be great to let the children look at them and explore how and what we measure different things with i.e. jugs measure water but tape measures, measure the length of something.

Year 4

This week in English we have been discussing all the reasons why people like to come and visit Southend-on-Sea. Children have been learning about persuasive text and how words can have a powerful influence on our thinking. In maths, children have been converting improper fractions into mixed numbers. In geography we have been exploring the divisions of the earth and why the countries nearer the equator are super-hot! In food technology children have been demonstrating great culinary skills, by following a recipe to make delicious enchiladas.

REMINDER: Times table fact for this week:

Jump up and down on the floor because 6 x 9 is 54!

Please encourage your child to read for at least 15-20 minutes every night.

Year 5

This week in English, we have been needing our mummies! A very famous mummy to be precise, as we learnt about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb by archaeologist Howard Carter. We used primary historical resources to plan our own version of his diary entry, ready to write up next week. In maths, we have been learning about area and perimeter of a variety of shapes. In PSHE, we learnt about sustainable spending, what fair trade is and how our actions as consumers has an impact on our environment.

REMINDER: Please remember PE kit for Monday and Friday.

Please also strive to read for 20 minutes per night and record this in reading records.

Year 6

This week in English, we have been planning a non-chronological report about the ancient Greeks using knowledge gained from the history lessons about the topic. The children have continued to learn about using formulas in excel spreadsheets to calculate data and have learnt about how to keep money in safe in our PSHE lesson. The children finally enjoyed a sunny outdoor PE lesson learning how to defend in tag rugby.

REMINDER: Please have a PE kit in school on Wednesday and Friday.

Please read daily and record in your home school diary.


This week year one have been perfecting their descriptions of things under the sea; year four have been writing up their knowledge of what they will do at the weekend; year six have been completing a written assignment on describing themselves.


On Friday 15th March, the children from the Key Stage 2 choir represented the school on the stage of the Palace Theatre in Westcliff as part of the Music on Sea festival. Their performance was outstanding! They took to the stage like professional singers who had been singing for years and wowed the audience with their singing, energy and dazzling smiles. Well done to all the performers and thank you to the staff and parents who came to support the children.

It was the turn of our Year Two choir to shine on Tuesday 19th March. They took part in the Infant Music Festival, performing on stage and singing together with three other schools. Each and every child was a credit to the school, and when our turn came to accompany one of the songs with boomwhackers and clatterpillars, they excelled themselves.

Future Events

  • 13th June Junior Music Fesitval - KS2 Choir

Online Safety

Cultural and technological changes have made the experiences of today’s children vastly different to our own childhoods; it can be challenging to engage youngsters in open, honest conversation – especially about more sensitive topics. This, combined with many children’s instinct to avoid “rocking the boat”, can make it difficult to stay up to date with the goings on in their lives.

However, it’s hugely important that trusted adults still offer an empathetic ear and feel able to encourage young people to open up about their day-to-day activities. This guide provides ten top tips for promoting open conversations with children – helping to make sure there’s someone they know they can turn to in times of need.

Second Hand Uniform Shop

Our Uniform shop is located within the front reception area of the school and is open Monday-Friday 8.15am - 4.00pm. All items are 50p each. We always have a good selection of skirts, trousers, jumpers, tops, dresses and P.E items. Please ask at the office to point you in the right direction.

School Uniform Donations

We always welcome school uniform donations for us to sell at our school uniform shop. Could we please ask that the clothes are in good, clean condition. All items can be dropped off at the school office between 8.15am - 4.00pm. Thank you so much for doing this for the school as it helps our parents out tremendously.



Congratulations to the four classes that achieved our attendance target this week, our highest number of classes to be awarded certificates and CLASSOPOLY awards in the same week this year. A big well done also went to Pebble Class who had the highest attendance in Key Stage 1.

This week we had 354 children who achieved 100% attendance, which is absolutely fabulous, back up to the high number of children we had in our highest number week last month.

Aim to attend school 100% of every week.

Punctuality Week - 18th -22nd March

We had a fantastic response to Punctuality Week, we could see that every class made the effort to be at school, on time, each day. Was your child a Punctuality HERO this week?




On time

On Monday we had a slow start to the challenge, as we had a staggering 28 late arrivals, however between Tuesday and Thursday late arrivals dramatically decreased. The classes and pupils who have achieved punctuality awards will be announced next Monday in assembly.

Being here Is half the Battle.

Contact us

If you would like to talk to someone for support or advice on attendance or punctuality, please do not hesitate to contact the Attendance Team, Mrs S. Wyer, Attendance Administrator or Mrs D Morris Assistant Principal and Senior Leader for Attendance, you can pop in to the school office to speak face to face, alternatively you call the school or drop an email to attendance@pgps.porticoacademytrust.co.uk we here and we are always happy to help!

From the first day of term to the last, the small moments in a school day make a real difference to your child.

Dinner Menu

Week 1

Monday - Beef Bolognaise with Spaghetti - Vegan Bolognaise with Spaghetti- Baked Jacket with Grated Cheese - Peas & Broccoli - Maryland Cookie.

Tuesday - Ham & Cheese Pizza with Baked Wedges - Margherita Pizza with Baked Wedges - Pasta & Tomato Sauce - Carrots & Sweetcorn - Apple Crumble & Custard

Wednesday - Roast Chicken with Roast Potatoes & Gravy - Vegan Vegetable Biryani - Baked Jacket with Baked Beans - Seasonal Greens & Cauliflower - Cherry Cornflake Cake

Thursday - Chilli Con Carne with Steamed Rice - Vegan Bean Chilli with Steamed Rice - Pasta & Tomato Sauce - Broccoli & Carrots - Chocolate & Pear Sponge
