Principal Update
Message from Vicky Ross, Principal
We’ve had a great half-term at the Richmond Academy. The children have been working as hard as always and this is the term when their hard work really starts to show. All the children have completed assessments ready for our reports to parents. A massive well done to Year 6 for completing their KS2 SATs – their effort was commendable.
Thank you to all those parents and family members who have been able to make it to all our celebration assemblies – the children are so pleased to see you and see how proud of them you are.
We have had some wonderful events for the children – sporting contest and of course Y6 had a brilliant time at PGL. We were very proud of all them!
It was lovely to welcome so many of our ptrospective parents for next year’s Reception class last week. It was a great turnout.
Key dates for the summer term are shared below – the main one being Sports’ Days and our PFA summer fete – all weather permitting of course. Please make a note of these in your diary—we hope you can attend!
A reminder that the children return to school on Monday 3rd June, after the half-term break. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the break. I can’t quite believe we will be returning for our final half-term before the summer holidays. How time flies!
A reminder that we are communicating via:
Email -
Mrs Ross - Principal
Trust News
Champions Day
Following on from the Primary Cup North and South events, The Richmond Primary football and netball squad were invited to the Primary Champions Day on Thursday 23rd May at Charnwood College in Loughborough.
The children made us very proud and played their hearts out. Unfortunately, this year, they didn’t win but what an achievement to make it there…watch out next year! Here is a lovely message from one of the organisers….
‘It was great to see you and everyone today at the Champions Day in Loughborough. Richmond pupils competed well all day against the other top Trust sporting academies in netball and football.’
Summer Cup
Continuing with the sporting theme, we are looking forward to attending the David Ross Summer Cup on 9th July. The Summer Cup, held annually at Grantham Meres Sports Stadium, sees over 1500 students take part in a celebration of competitive sport. With 7 sports to compete in and a plethora of Olympians helping to inspire and motivate them throughout, the Summer Cup is a day we are really looking forward to being a part of.
Some of our children will be selected to represent the school in athletics, swimming and track events. This is an annual event in the trust but our first time competing – wish us luck!
Staff Spotlight
A Sad Farewell....
This month, we are saying a sad farewell to Mrs Lara Potts. Mrs Potts has been working as a sports coach, with the children at The Richmond Primary Academy, for many years – developing their sporting prowess and sportsmanship. Her endless dedications has seen her at many sporting events and coaching tonnes of teams. She has taught across the age ranges and always inspires the best out of both staff and students.
Mrs Potts has promised to come back and visit us on Sports’ Days! We can’t wait to see her and truly hope that she will stay in touch.
Class News
Tremendous teaching and learning at Richmond!
This term, the curriculum has been our main focus – The DRET curriculum and teaching approaches are based on the Rosenshine Principles. We have spent time looking at the theory, and then applying our new knowledge to our new reading scheme – Talk 4 Reading.
The whole school is now following Talk 4 Reading for their reading session. This scheme promotes a love of reading, and focuses on a diverse range of high quality texts with an array of vocabulary (which is taught explicitly) to really stretch our children and help them close the word gap.
After half term, the whole school will be following the new maths & writing schemes: Effective Maths and Talk 4 Writing.
From September, all of the foundation subjects will also be rolled out across the school. These subjects also concentrate on both substantive and disciplinary knowledge, so that our children are learning the knowledge and facts (substantive) but also learning the skills (disciplinary) of being a Historian (comparing sources, looking at artefacts), Geographers (using fieldwork, looking at physical / human features) and Scientists (making predictions, carrying out investigations.) The balance of both of these is what we hope will ignite a passion for these subjects, hopefully leading to some of them choosing careers in these fields when they are older.
‘Learning social and interpersonal skills, giving encouragement to others and enjoying the benefits of peer support are key features of the PGL experience. These are powerful learning outcomes which contribute to a sense of belonging, feeling valued and making a positive contribution in their community and society at large.’
This year, our Year 6 cohort spent a fun-filled weekend at PGL Caythorpe. They were amazing! Showing courage and teamwork like we have never seen - from the brave souls who ran up the nets and climbing walls like they had been doing it all their lives, to those even braver souls who managed to overcome true fear just to put their foot on the first rung of the ladder - they made the staff and each other very, very, proud.
You Said, We Did
Important Dates
WB 3.6.24 – Y4 Multiplication Checks
Thursday 6th June – Year 6 Swimming begins
WB 10.06.24 – Year 1 /2 Phonics screening check
Thursday 20th June – KS2 Sports’ Day – Y3/4 am, Y5/6pm
Friday 21st June – EYFS/KS1 Sports’ Day - Y1/2 am, EYFS pm
Tuesday 25th June – Prospective EYFS Stay and Play
Thursday 27th June – Year 5 visit to Skegness Accademy
Tuesday 2nd July - Prospective EYFS Stay and Play
WB 1.07.24 and 8.07.24 – Transition Weeks – TBC
Tuesday 9th July – Grantham Summer Cup Event
Thursday 11th July – Y6 Induction Day Skegness Academy
Friday 12th July – Reports to Parents
Thursday 18th July – Y6 Leavers Picnic
Thursday 18th July – Last day of Summer Term.
Tuesday 3rd September – Return to school.