
MKA Newsletter finland | Aug - Sept 2023

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

The Holy Quran

(Surah Al-An’am Verse 73)


(Sahih Muslim Volume 3, Hadees No. 1095)

MKA & Atfal Ijtema 2023

InshaAllah our national Ijtema will held on 14th & 15th of October. MKA year is going to end soon. Those who haven't paid their majlis chanda yet, Kindly pay it as soon as possible.

This year's educational competitions for Khuddams and Atfal are following:

Physical activities for this year's ijtema are as follows:

Below is the timetable of this year's Ijtema:

Friday Sermon

Brief Summary of Friday Sermon 29th September 2023

After reciting Tashahhud, Ta`awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad(aba) said that he had been mentioning incidents that took place after the Battle of Badr. Not only do these incidents give us a window into the history of the Holy Prophet(sa), they also shed light on certain historical aspects, and also elucidate inauthentic narrations, which some have taken as the wrongful image of Islam. The opponents of Islam use such things to counter Islam, whereas extremists use such accounts to support their actions.

His Holiness(aba) said that the first incident pertains to Umair bin Wahb. After the battle, he wished to avenge the loss suffered by the Makkans, and so he travelled from Makkah to Madinah with the intention of killing the Holy Prophet(sa). However, God’s decree was such that he ended up accepting Islam instead. One day, Umar and another man Safwan were sitting near the Ka’bah and discussing the loss suffered by the Makkans and the prominent chieftains that had been killed. Umar’s son was also held captive by the Muslims. Safwan incited Umair to go to Makkah and kill the Holy Prophet(sa), vowing to take the responsibility of paying his loans and looking after his family.

His Holiness(aba) said that Umair dipped his sword in poison and headed to Makkah. Once, there he came across Hazrat Umar(ra), who immediately suspected his ill intentions. Hazrat Umar(ra) immediately informed the Holy Prophet(sa), however the Holy Prophet(sa) invited Umair into his home. Still remaining vigilant and holding the handle of Umair’s sword, Hazrat Umar(ra) escorted Umar in. The Holy Prophet(sa) instructed Hazrat Umar(ra) to let go of Umair’s sword, and then instructed Umari to come closer. The Holy Prophet(sa) asked him why he had come, to which Umair responded that he was there to free his captive son. The Holy Prophet(sa) asked why he had brought this unsheathed sword. Umar made som excuse, saying that the sword meant nothing as it had not proved useful before (referring to the Battle of Badr). However, the Holy Prophet(sa) was not satisfied with this answer. The Holy Prophet(sa) said to him, that one day he and Safwan had been sitting near the Ka’bah speaking about those who had been killed at the Battle of Badr, and at that time Umair expressed to Safwan that if he did not have loans to repay and a family to tend to he would go and kill the Holy Prophet(sa), however Safwan took this responsibility upon himself so that Umar could go and kill the Holy Prophet(sa). Hearing this, Umair got up and attested that the Holy Prophet(sa) was surely the Messenger of God, for he received news from the heavens, as on that day, there was no one nearby other than him and Safwan. Thus, there could have been no one other than God who informed the Holy Prophet(sa). Thus, Umair accepted Islam, and the Holy Prophet(sa) instructed the Companions to teach him the faith and free his son.

His Holiness(aba) said that Umar expressed how he had always tried to extinguish Islam and cause as much difficulty as he could to the Muslims. However, now he wished to return to Makkah and spread the light of Islam. In the meantime, Safwan had been telling the Makkans that something was about to happen that would make them very happy. However, after finding out that Umair had accepted Islam he became extremely displeased. Umair returned to Makkah and professed his faith in Islam.

Full Summary

Atfal picnic

On August 13, a picnic for Atfal was arranged by Muhtamim Atfal. They participated in a boat trip and then went to the Korkeasaari Zoo.Three Atfal participated in that trip.


During the month of August, National Ijlas-e-Aam was held in Helsinki Namaz center. In that, Khuddam who participated in Waqf-e-Aarzi during the UK Jalsa Salana 2023 shared their experience and showed the pictures and videos which they took during their Waqf-e-Aarzi.

Below is the video of Ijlas-e-Aam, Incase if someone missed the live session they can watch it. The part in which Khuddam shared their experience is at the end.

Study in Finland Seminar

An online seminar on educational opportunities in Finland was organized on 24 August by the Department of Umoor-e-Talba Finland with the Collaboration of the Department of Taaleem Finland. Several people participated in it from around the world. In this, the admission process in Finland, the documents required for it and several other things related to studies in Finland were discussed.

Nordic Sports Tournament

On August 25-27, a sports tournament was organized in Denmark between Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. 12 Khuddams from Finland participated in it. Some went to Denmark by air and others by road. There were four games football, cricket, volleyball and tug of war. Finland took 1st place in cricket in group 1 and 2nd place in cricket in group 2. At the end of the tournament, Khuddams went on a boat trip and afterwards went for dinner.

Following is a video documentary of Nordic tournament made by the Jamaat of Denmark.


In September, Fazal Raheem Shb did waqf e aarzi on Jalsa Salana Germany. Below are some of his pictures from Waqf e Aarzi.

Tabligh Stall

A Tableegh stall was held in the city center on 9th September between 12:00-1600. Atfal, Khuddam, and Ansar participated in this stall at different times. In which:

  • 11 people visited the stall.
  • Brochures were distributed.
  • Books were also distributed.

Maal Week

During the month of September, Maal week was held between 11th -17th. Like every year, this year for Chanda MKA ends in October. Those who haven't paid their majlis chanda completely, Kindly try to pay it as soon as possible. The expenditures for upcoming ijtema are also fulfilled from this fund. And only those who have paid their chanda can participate in the upcoming MKA president elections for the year of 2023-2025.

Khuddam & Atfal trip to UK

Alhumdulilah, we have planned an exciting trip for Khuddam and Atfal of Jamaat Finland to visit Markaz in UK in Autumn holidays (Syysloma), right after our annual Ijtema (14-15 October) from 16th to 23rd October for a week.

In this tour, we will insha Allah get a chance to offer prayers behind Huzoor e Anwar ABA, visit landmark places of Jamaat in UK (e.g. Baitul Futuh Mosque, Islamabad, Fazal Mosque, Jamia UK etc.), sittings with Bazurgan and Murabbyan, experience of MTA International, Sports activities with teams from UK, performing Hifazat e Markaz duties and much more.

Please try your best to participate in this historic tour and make it successful. We have also requested for group Mulaqat with Huzoor e Anwar ABA. Join the WhatsApp group if you want to participate.

Upcoming Events

  • MKA & Atfal Ijtema (Elections of National President MKA): 14th – 15th October
  • Khuddam & Atfal trip to UK: 16th to 23rd October
  • Leaf Raking - Waqar E Amal: 29th October
  • Book Fair: 26th - 29th October

Published by the Department of Ishaat Majlis Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya Finland