In May 2021 I received my doctorate in Educational Leadership with a focus on Equity and Social Justice from San Francisco State University.
My 3-year research process culminated in a narrative inquiry collaboration with 8 grassroots Dalit educators from an alternative learning that I founded in south India in 2008.
On this page are my dissertation defense and the various presentations I made during my 3-year educational journey.
This is my online dissertation defense on April 16, 2021, with 40+ friends and family in attendance.
Slides to a symposium where I presented my dissertation to students and faculty from our EDD program, May 2021.
A webinar where I co-presented with 2 of my Indian colleagues, Arun and Nabiya, for my cohort at SFSU, July 2020.
My dissertation proposal, May 2020
A class presentation on Humanizing Leadership, Year 2. May 2020.
A class presentation on Radical Healing. April 2020.
A class presentation on English language learning. Year 1, July 2019.
A 3-part video series I designed as a class project on emotional intelligence. Year 2, September 2019.
My QE defense research proposal slides. Year 1, March 2019.
Celebrating my graduation with my family, wearing a flower crown and Indian as a gesture toward decolonizing the traditional academic hood.
All photos and videos are original and by Dr. Dayamudra Dennehy