Dear Parents,
As we come to the end of the first half-term of this school year, there is already so much to celebrate from all areas of the school. Amazing outcomes from our 'Who Are We?' Theme of Investigation, outstanding senior school success (more on that below), our brilliant new pupils settling in so well, a fantastic set of Grade cards and reports, our sunny and successful BBQ, a magical theatre trip, the first sporting fixtures for our new Year 3 class, our most successful Open Day yet and a whole week celebrating our community, culture and languages. Next half term is certain to be just as varied and exciting, so keep your eye on the website calendar to make sure you don't miss anything.
Something I would like to celebrate in particular today is the achievements of our hard-working Year 6 pupils who have received their grammar school test results this week. I have to say well done to all of those who sat the tests, with a very high number having passed and now eagerly awaiting the news about places to be announced in March 2025. We are so proud of those that have passed, for those that had the courage to give it a go and for everything they have put into preparing for this next milestone.
I would also like to give a special mention here to Aryan in Year 6 for the confidence and musical skills he demonstrated when he gave an amazing guitar performance of Hotel California for all our prospective families at Open Day last week. He absolutely deserves the Headteachers Award he received in assembly this morning.
A final note before the updates and reminders below; please join me in wishing Years 3 to 6 lots of luck for the highly anticipated House Football tournament taking place at Sulhamstead this afternoon. The weather forecast has greatly improved and we are looking forward to seeing some of you there. A report to follow in the next update!
Photo Highlights
Years 5 and 6 came together for their final Theme of Investigation lessons to share their work from this half term with each other. Year 5 presented their family trees, self-portraits and information about the countries they identify with, while Year 6 showed their findings about the impact of Britain on the world and their Banksy-inspired artwork reflecting their views on the British Empire and its colonial past. They have all produced some fantastically creative and in-depth work and it was wonderful to see them so engaged in learning from each other.
Year 3 gave their final presentations of their completed STEM projects, explaining their incredibly imaginative creations to their fellow classmates. They have each designed and made a room in a chocolate factory and then thought about healthy alternatives, linking into their Science and Theme of Investigation work around how the choices we make contribute towards a healthy lifestyle.
Reception have been using Owl Babies as their story of the week, supporting their learning about emotions and families. They were particularly proud of the clay owls they created, independently shaping their models and using tools and other resources to add their features.
Calendar Reminders
Here are the key dates for the first week and a half after the break. The website calendar is now up-to-date up to Christmas.
- School Returns: Thursday 31 October
- Swimming: A reminder that Year 4 will have lessons with Year 2 on Wednesday mornings next half-term. Year 3 will resume sessions in the New Year. Reception and Year 1 will continue to have lessons on Tuesday mornings.
- Festival of Light competition: Deadline for submissions - Wednesday 6 November.
- Little Hatchlings Stay & Play: Sessions resume on Thursday 7 November.
- Celebration Assembly: Celebration Assembly will resume on Friday 8 November with our Remembrance Assembly.
- Reception Discovery Morning: Friday 8 November - see separate invite email.
- Football Fixtures - Friday 1 November - Y3/4 vs Dolphin (home), Wednesday 6 November - Y5/6 vs Sherfield (home), Friday 8 November - Y3/4 vs Sherfield (away).
Reminder: Festival of Light Competition
Don't forget to send us your photos of light and celebration connected to the time of Diwali. You are all invited to submit entries to our judging panel who will select winners in four groups: EYFS, Pre-Prep, Prep and Family. Each winner will receive bonus points for the House and from the four selected, one will have their image published on the St Edward's school website and social media pages. Follow the link below for the competition guidelines.
Please submit your photographs to by Wednesday 6 November, with the winners to be announced in Celebration Assembly on Friday 8 November.
Online Safety Update
Understanding trending 'slang' in the digital world.
With the start of half term, we thought it was important to share this guidance. We understand the rapid pace of technological changes can make it challenging for us to stay ahead of emerging trends and risks. Knowing the ever-changing slang helps you stay connected and keeps your children safe online. Recent trends like "skibidi" show how quickly these words spread, and staying informed helps bridge the gap between generations.
What you can do at home: If you hear slang you don't understand or that seems inappropriate, talk to your child about it calmly. Ask what it means and why they are using it, which opens up a conversation and provides a chance to explain why some words may be inappropriate, hurtful or unsafe.
Encourage them to come to you if they see or hear something that makes them uncomfortable. Setting clear rules about internet use, checking privacy settings and discussing online safety can also help protect them from harmful content.
Our approach: As part of our pastoral programme, we ensure that online safety is not treated as a standalone topic, but as an integral part of both our pastoral strategy and wider curriculum. Through Computer Science and PSHE sessions we ensure our children are equipped with the knowledge and strategies to navigate the online world safely, responsibly and confidently, but also know where and who to go to when things go wrong.
Whole School Photo Orders
This is the last weekend to order the whole school photo using code TAMHNZ to receive the 10% Earlybird Discount and free delivery to school. The image reference to use on the website is 1FY DBV K04.
Xmas4Schools Order Deadline
You should now have received your child's Christmas designs for the Xmas4Schools project in support of our brilliant Parents' Association, FREDs. If you would like to purchase cards or any of the other items available, please complete the form included and return it to school by the first day back after the break, Thursday 31 October,
Years 3 to 6: Gum Shields and Shin Pads
A message from Mr Winship that all pupils in Years 3 to 6 will need gum shields and shin pads for sports next half term. They will start being introduced to game-related drills and matches in Football after spending this half-term developing and refining basic skills in dribbling, passing and tackling, as well as starting to be introduced to Rugby.
You are welcome to purchase both items from the supplier of your choice but if you would like to have St Edward's branding for gum shields we have a partnership with OPRO - follow this link and search for our school to see the options.
Bus Drivers Needed
We are looking for minibus drivers to join our friendly team carrying out the morning and after school runs, with opportunities for optional work within the operations team in between. If you or anyone you know might be interested, please follow the link below to download the candidate pack and complete an application form.
All parents of children in Years 1 to 6 should now have received the Grade Card for your child with a Form Tutor comment. Reception comments from Mrs Turner are on Tapestry and Nursery reports are not due until Christmas. Please do let me know if you have any questions or have not received anything for your child.
I hope you all enjoy the half term break and I look forward to seeing you again on Thursday 31 October. Don't forget it's a slightly longer holiday this time due to the length of the Autumn term.
Best wishes,