Joshua and the Battle of Jericho OSHI ONLINE SUNDAY SCHOOL


After God's people left Egypt, they wondered in the wilderness for 40 years. Finally, it was time to enter the Promised Land with their new leader Joshua. God told Joshua to do some pretty crazy things! But Joshua obeyed God because he knew he couldn't lead by himself. He helped the Israelites understand that they needed to depend on God for everything, big and small.


What have been your highs and Lows from the Last week?

Sing and Dance

Sing to the tune of "Father Abraham."

God told Joshua to march around, march around with horns and tru-u-mpets! For seven days he played, around the walls until they all fell down!

Like "Father Abraham" add movements: right arm, left arm, right foot, left foot, nod your head, spin around, sit down.


God's Word

Read today's Bible story in Joshua 5:13-16 and Joshua 6.

Memory Verses

The seventh time around, when the priests sounded the trumpet blast, Joshua commanded the army, “Shout! For the Lord has given you the city! Joshua 6:16 NIV


In this story, we see how God acts in our favor. We can depend on Him. Our ultimate Promised Land is heaven. Jesus acted on our behalf when He died and rose and toppled the walls of sin and shame in our lives.

How did the Israelites depend on God in this story? What things do you depend on God for? Why is it important to obey God, even when God's instructions don't make sense? How can we depend on God when we disobey?


Reenact the story. Braid a red cord. Build a block wall. Make a trumpet. Knock down the wall. Sing and shout God's praises.


We'll close with a prayer litany today. Have one person pray a line and then everyone answers back with, "We need you, God!"

Dear God,

For guidance to make right choices . . . We need you, God!

To remember to trust in your word. . . We need you, God!

To know that we are always loved. . . We need you, God!

For your wisdom, strength, and care. . . We need you, God!

Help us always obey you and seek your will. Amen.

2nd half of welcome, song verse, some talk about questions, and prayer from Spark Classroom "The Battle of Jericho" Large Group Opening.