Excellence 24/7 Improving the Healthcare Experience One Patient at a Time

What Patients are Saying about the Excellence 24/7 Patient Outreach Process

When asking patients the following question: "We are dedicated to continuously improve our services to you and all of our patients. We would like to hear your thoughts about our e-mail communication outreach, both this post appointment outreach and as well the e-mails you received prior to your appointment." these are a sampling of the responses that we have received.

All excellent and helpful

Your emails are both helpful and informative.

Your email communications were helpful and informative.

Emails were a helpful reminder. Thanks!

I appreciate the outreach, both before and after the appointments.

I appreciate the regular communications. It makes me feel taken care of and not forgotten.

Excellent email communication! I love the 1-page instruction sheet. It’s amazing.


The emails were efficient and accurate.

All communications are very welcome.

The Pre-exam e-mails are helpful for confirming and getting any special instructions.


Communication is good. I always know when and where I need to be and any preparations that are needed.

I appreciated the emails and communication a great deal.

Clear & concise always

Receiving these emails is very helpful in reminding me of appointments as well as providing information to me of my test results.


I appreciate the reminders and information I need to attend the appointment prepared.

E-mail communication has been very clear and informative.

Really appreciate the communication!

Emails helpful and clear.

All very helpful, and I appreciate it very much.

I LOVE the new reminder emails sent before my scans. Super helpful and I can refer back to it if needed!

All communications pre-and post-appointment were excellent. Thanks

I appreciated all communications re: this appointment.

They kept me informed and prepared beforehand; and I like the fact that I’m given the chance to give my feedback.

I've been a patient at the COH and seen many changes. I really like receiving emails and this post email.

I love them and they’re helpful. 😊

Very much like your email outreach.

Excellent communication via email

The email communication answered all my questions prior to the MRI. I knew exactly what time to check in and what department/location to report to.

Your emails are clear and direct.

I really like the ease of getting emails and getting my test results. Thank you.


The reminder emails are very helpful.

Very explanatory. Couldn't ask for anything better. I'm very satisfied.

YOU are amazing...ALWAYS!

All communication is timely and informative.