Dear Parents and Carers,
Despite it being a four day week, the children have experienced a busy week of learning and extra-curricular activtities.
Two more Year 6 classes have completed their Bikeability training and other year groups have been busy honing their creativity with various art projects. On Thursday, the school was wowed by the extraordinary talents of Jeff Rich whose important message reminded the children that hard work and perseverance can enable them to achieve their dreams.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend,
Best wishes,
Cheryl Woolf
Executive Headteacher
Diary Dates
New dates in italics
Advance Notice: End of year school reports will be sent home on Friday 12th July to your personal email address held in the school office.
- Monday 10th - Friday 14th Years 3, 4 & 5 Test Week
- Seesma Rehearsal at Cliffs Pavillion
- Seesma concert - 7pm - 8.30pm
- FOWLS Significant Males Sale
- Tuesday 11th - Year 4 Book Look 3.30pm - 3.45pm
- Tuesday 11th - Father David Lower School Assembly
- Maths Quiz Club semi finals
- Wednesday 12th - Father David Upper School Assembly
- Borough Sports - 12pm - 3pm
- Thursday 13th - Friday 14th - Year 3 Residential to Danbury
- Thursday 13th - Transition meeting for Year 4 parents (7.30pm)
- Monday 17th - Music workshop Year 4
- Tuesday 18th - Year 3 Induction Meeting for Year 2 parents from 7.30pm
- National School Sports Week - Year 6
- Football trials for 4G, 5K & 5F 3.30pm - 5pm
- Thursday 20th - SPSSA Southend Gotta Dance @ The Palace Theatre from 7pm
- Sunday 23rd - Girls' Choir concert @ Plaza Centre from 3pm
- Monday 24th - Friday 28th - Year 6 Residential to Ilam Hall and Southend Week
- Tuesday 25th & Wednesday 26th - Year 6 Transition Day (King John)
- Tuesday 25th - Super Sports (track) @ Garons from 4pm
- Wednesday 26th - Super Sports (field) @ Garons from 4pm
- Coastal Schools - 4G
- Thursday 27th - Coastal Schools - 4B
- Girls' football fixture at Chalkwell Park 4pm - 4.45pm
July 2024
- Tuesday 2nd - King John Transition morning
- Adalah Care Home visit from 1pm
- Football trials 5R & 4B 3.30pm - 5pm
- Wednesday 3rd - 3T & 3M Field Study
- Friday 5th - Year 6 Transition Day
- Year 3N & 3L Field Study
- Monday 8th - Fun Swim Week
- Tuesday 9th - Music Man project
- Football Trials 4E, 4S & 5J
- Wednesday 10th - Meet your new teacher day
- Thursday 11th - Open Evening (5pm - 7pm)
- Monday 15th - Year 6 House Team Swimming Gala
- Tuesday 16th - Sports Morning 9am - 12pm
- Thursday 18th - Year 6 Leavers' Assembly 2pm - 3pm
- Friday 19th - Last Day of Term
- No After School Club
- Monday 22nd - INSET DAY
Year 3
It has been a wonderful start to the last half term of the year. The children have returned refreshed, positive and are looking very grown up all of a sudden. There has been lots of enthusiasm displayed this week with the introduction of our narrative writing in English lessons. The children watched a short animation called 'The Lighthouse' in which there is no dialogue but the powerful imagery and music certainly left them inspired. They began by identifying the five points in the story, noticing when the mood changed and linking that to their work on emotional literacy. They went on to write in character as the lighthouse keeper creating diary entries at two different points within the story, noting how his mood and perspective had changed. The final lesson saw the children write a powerful description, setting the tone for the events that were to unfold.
Maths has been an opportunity to review many of the skills, knowledge and understanding that has been covered so far this term. The children have all reviewed the four operations, place value and tackled word problems.
"Let there be light" is the focus of this half term's science learning. The children sorted a range of light sources and there was lots of discussion over the moon; the children were quite surprised to find out that it only reflects light and is not actually a source of light.
The children became history detectives in Connected Curriculum lessons this week. They used their detailed observation skills to compare historical photos of Leigh with ones from the present day. They enjoyed recognising local landmarks and identifying the many changes to our local area that have taken place over the years.
We are all very much looking forward to our upcoming residential to Danbury next week. Please remember that Monday to Wednesday forms part of our termly test week which will be continued on the week beginning Monday 17th June so we appreciate your support in ensuring that your children are in school during this time.
All information regarding the Danbury trip and equipment list can be found in the letters sent home.
Wishing you all a restful weekend.
Year 4
Despite only having a four day week, the children have come back to a full and busy learning schedule. Each class has completed the official Multiplication Tables Check and we were proud of the positive and mature way they conducted themselves. Also, in preparation for our upcoming test week, the children have reviewed the four rules of number and have attempted a number of challenges to really demonstrate their knowledge and understanding.
Our Connected Curriculum topic of ‘All the fun of the Fair’ has influenced our English lessons this week. Learning about ‘The Greatest Showman’ P.T. Barnum, the children have collected information about his life.
The children have also begun to create their beachscapes, influenced by the artwork of L.S. Lowry, including their observations from our recent visit to Southend seafront. Backgrounds using water colours have been painted and in future weeks, the children will add elements from the seafront including rides they saw at Adventure Island.
On Thursday, we were certainly ‘Rocking All Over The World’ with Jeff Rich - the drummer from Status Quo. Not only did the children have the pleasure of listening to a truly top class drummer but they also got to play a variety of percussion instruments and learnt so much about the history of drums and drumming.
We are not setting spellings this week but in preparation for their upcoming tests, it would be useful for the children to remind themselves of the spelling patterns they have learnt over the year by logging into Spelling Shed.
Due to a swap of our mixed afternoon next week, (week commencing 10th June) the following PE day changes will be in place:
- 4G and 4E will need to come in wearing PE kit on Wednesday
- 4B and 4S will need to come in wearing PE kit on Thursday
Year 5
The children have returned from half term refreshed and have actively engaged with every aspect of their learning this week.
In English, we have continued to read The Firework Maker’s Daughter in readiness to predict what Lila will do upon discovering that her father, Lalchand, has been imprisoned by the King of China. We have focused on consolidating and extending a range of reading skills.
The children have also been introduced to their new science topic: Properties of Materials. As scientists, they explored the purpose of materials and refined their application of scientific vocabulary when reasoning and explaining scientific concepts. Can your child define the terminology: viscosity, pourability and translucency? We had great fun exploring and explaining why companies would not manufacture and sell a chocolate teapot, nor a paper raincoat, amongst other unusual product ideas!
As mathematicians, the children have continued to develop and progress their understanding within the area of learning that they are currently studying with their maths teacher. Across all four maths classes, we have been impressed with the children’s resilience when stretching their mathematical thinking.
Year 6
As writers, some children have been creating a new section of an unwritten chapter of The Explorer, attempting to develop the characters in keeping with those created by the highly talented Catherine Rundell. They have also been writing news articles inspired by some rather unique images of animals in unexpected situations.
In Connected Curriculum, the children have continued to write and finalise their knowledge organisers while some have taken on several design challenges using Lego Wedo kits, combining their understanding of algorithms, their creativity and making links to the flanimals that they designed earlier in the term.
As artists, many of the children have embarked on a study of Monet’s iconic painting of the Houses of Parliament as an introduction to their Awesome Art topic. They have subsequently analysed his artistic style and applied aspects of it in their own artwork, linked to their newly-found knowledge of significant landmarks within the region of their Connected Curriculum independent topic choice.
Online Safety
On the internet or on social media, it’s likely that you’ve come across the occasional pop-up – promising a great deal on some product or service, declaring that you’ve won some kind of prize, or making any other number of tempting claims. This marketing tactic has been around for almost 30 years and shows no signs of disappearing any time soon.
Unfortunately, pop-up advertising carries with it various online safety risks, as we can never be certain where those links will take us or how legitimate their creators are. These ads can be especially risky for children and young people who may not yet be able to look at such marketing with a critical eye. However, our free online safety guide will educate you on pop-ups, their associated risks, and how to safeguard yourself and young people from this phenomenon.
The National College and Online Safety
If you still need to sign up to the Online Safety portal, please follow the link and add yourself as a parent.
Jeff Rich Visit
On Thursday, the children were treated to a drumming masterclass from none other than the drummer from Status Quo: Jeff Rich. From 1985 to 2000, Jeff toured the world with the band as well as working with other bands throughout his career including Def Leppard, and for just one day, he was live at West Leigh Juniors!! Across two sessions, Jeff explained to the children how drumming and percussion developed over time and allowed many volunteers to play alongside him using his own instruments.
We were all enthralled by his talent and clear passion for the drums, as well as his passion to educate and share his knowledge. At the end of each of the sessions, all the children had the opportunity to play along with Jeff in a huge improvisation piece. They can all tick off ‘play music with a rock god’ from their bucket lists now! What a way to kick off the final part of the year – ‘Rockin all over the World!’
Key Notices this Week
Breakfast and After School Club Fees: From the start of the new academic year (2024 - 2025), the fees for our wraparound childcare will be increasing due to rising costs, as detailed below:
- Breakfast Club £6.50
- After School Club (full session) £12.00
- After School Club (From 4:30pm) £8.50
ParentPay: We are sorry for any inconvenience caused with the various ParentPay issues this week. Unfortunately, these have been out of our control and ParentPay are looking to resolve all the issues.
Dietary requirements: Please can all parents and carers ensure their child’s dietary/food allergy requirements are kept up to date as this will impact on the lunch choices available for you to book.
Inspirational Person
Our final inspirational person for this year is Favio Chavez. He is known for his work with the Cateura Orchestra of Recycled Instruments - an orchestra formed of young people living in Cateura, whose parents spend their days working on a rubbish dump, locating materials they can sell. In this town, a real musical instrument would be worth more than a house, so it would be dangerous for children to own one. Instead, Favio worked with the children to create instruments using recycled materials and taught them to play at a very high standard. He is an inspiration as he took something that others would consider worthless and used it to change the lives of children.
A huge well done to all those who completed last half term's Showbie challenge - make sure that you see Mrs London for your prize. For the final Showbie challenge of the year, you need to design something from rubbish! You could design a musical instrument like Favio, or it could be something else completely – but whatever it is, it must be something useful. You could draw and label your design, or even make it if you are feeling really creative! Drawings or photos of your creations can be uploaded to Showbie.
Dinner Menu
Week 1
Monday - Homemade Bacon, Tomato & Vegetable Wholemeal Pasta - Jacket Potato with Baked Beans, Cheese or Tuna Mayonnaise - Granary Baguette with Cheese - Sweetcorn, Coleslaw & Salad Bar - Fresh Fruit, Yoghurt or Fruit Cocktail
Tuesday - Traditional Roast Chicken with Yorkshire Pudding - Quorn in Vegetable Gravy with Yorkshire Pudding - Jacket Potato with Baked Beans, Cheese or Tuna Mayonnaise - Roast Potatoes, Carrots, Green Beans & Salad Bar - Fresh Fruit, Yoghurt to Fruity Flapjack
Wednesday - All Day Breakfast (Sausage, Baked Beans and Hash Browns) - Vegetarian All Day Breakfast (Vegetarian Sausage, Baked Beans and Hash Brown) - Granary Baguette with Tuna Mayonnaise - Mushrooms, Tomatoes and Salad Bar - Fresh Fruit, Yoghurt or Banana Cake
Thursday - Homemade Beef Lasagne- Homemade Vegetable Lasagne - Jacket Potato with Baked Beans, Cheese or Tuna Mayonnaise - Garlic Bread, Mixed Vegetables and Salad Bar - Fresh Fruit, Yoghurt or Carrot Cake
Friday - 100% Fish Fingers - Vegetable Fingers - Wholemeal Wrap with Salmon & Sweetcorn - Potato Wedges, Garden Peas & Salad Bar - Fresh Fruit, Yoghurt or Mandarin Jelly.
Don't forget to check out our new online bookshop here.
Please ensure that your child has their full kit with them on swimming days as we will no longer be phoning home for forgotten kits.
- 3M - Mrs Millham
- 4B - Mr Boylan
- 3N - Mrs Nash & Mrs Mitchinson
- 3L - Miss Playfair
- 4G - Mrs Garrett & Mrs Nash
- 4S - Miss Street
- 3T - Mrs Thompson
- 5K - Miss Chapman
- 5R - Mrs Lewis
- 6D - Miss Fletcher
- 5J - Mrs Wilson
- 5F - Mrs Flower
- 6W - Mr Dunn
- 4E - Mrs Rodger
- 6P - Miss Poysden
- 6A - Mrs Mears
PE Lessons
Please ensure that your child is wearing their full kit on PE days as we will no longer be phoning home for forgotten kits.
Second Half Term:
- Indoor PE - Wednesday
- Outdoor PE - Thursday
- Indoor PE - Wednesday
- Outdoor PE - Friday
- Indoor PE - Tuesday
- Outdoor PE - Friday
- Indoor PE - Tuesday
- Outdoor PE - Thursday
- Indoor PE - Tuesday
- Outdoor PE - Wednesday
- Indoor PE - Monday
- Outdoor PE - Thursdasy
- Indoor PE - Monday
- Outdoor PE - Thursday
- Indoor PE - Monday
- Outdoor PE - Wednesday
- Indoor PE - Friday
- Outdoor PE - Monday
- Indoor PE - Friday
- Outdoor PE - Tuesday
- Indoor PE - Friday
- Outdoor PE - Monday
- Indoor PE - Thursday
- Outdoor PE - Tuesday
- Indoor - Thursday
- Outdoor - Tuesday
- Indoor - Wednesday
- Outdoor - Monday
- Indoor - Thursday
- Outdoor - Monday
- Indoor - Thursday
- Outdoor - Tuesday
Congratulations to 6D who achieved the best attendance this week with 99.07%.