The Honda - Ohio State Partnership, formed as a result of the establishment and evolution of the Transportation Research Center, marks its 20th anniversary in October 2020. Today’s strong partnership has benefited from both organic and deliberate growth, now focused on the mutually beneficial areas of research, talent and community. We're pleased to share some of the stories from this successful university-industry partnership through this impact report.
The Honda - Ohio State Partnership Impact Report
The Honda - Ohio State partnership dates back to the establishment of the Honda facility in East Liberty Ohio in 1988, when an endowment for transportation research was established at the Ohio State’s College of Engineering in conjunction with Honda. See how the partnership has grown, beginning before the original memorandum of understanding was signed in 2000.
The Honda - Ohio State Partnership is founded on three pillars of strategic focus: research, talent and community. Each pillar provides a solid foundation for a holistic relationship that is focused on developing a strong, talented workforce and solving problems that help improve lives.
Research is an important part of the story. From the partnership's beginnings through the Transportation Research Center, Honda has also been the catalyst for adding research facilities and capabilities at Ohio State.
Honda and Ohio State have worked together in recent years to focus on building skills in the current and future workforce. This effort is two-pronged: providing continuing education for current associates and ensuring that classroom and experiential learning opportunities for students are designed to meet future talent needs.
Together, Honda and Ohio State have focused on supporting diversity and philanthropic initiatives that impact people and benefit society as a whole. Through the Transportation Research Endowment Program and direct support, Honda has donated more than $68 million to Ohio State over the years and efforts have taken off in recent years to develop a diverse workforce.
Please note that all photos in this report were taken prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Honda - Ohio State Partnership celebrates 20 years
On October 13, 2020, a celebration highlighting the 20 years of the partnership was held, reflecting on the impact the partnership has had on the state’s economy and workforce. The virtual panel featured leaders from Ohio State, Honda, TRC and One Columbus in a lively discussion celebrating the past, present and future of this unique and fruitful relationship.