Newry News Friday, 26 July 2024

week 2

  • Wednesday, 31st July - Netball Gala Day for selected students @ Mullumbimby Netball courts
  • Thursday, 1st August - Knockout Netball for selected students @ Newrybar PS 10 am
  • Friday, 2nd August - Football Gala Day for selected students @ Ballina Heights Sports Fields
  • Saturday, 3rd August - Annual Fireworks Night @ Newrybar PS. Set up Friday afternoon.

week 3

  • Tuesday, 6th August - PSSA Golf Trials selected students @ Yamba Golf Club
  • Wednesday, 7th August - Byron Bay Writers Festival Years 4-6 @ Bangalow Showgrounds
  • Friday, 9th August - District Athletics selected students @ The Cavanbah Centre

week 4

  • Monday, 12th August - Scholastic Book Club LOOP orders due
  • Thursday, 15th August - Todd Woodbridge Tennis Cup @ Bangalow Tennis Club selected Year 3-4 students

week 6

  • Wednesday, 28th August - Principal Network Meeting

week 7

  • Wednesday, 4th September - LVLC Principal meeting

week 9

  • Sunday, 15th - Friday, 20th September - North Coast Creative Arts Camp selected senior students@ Tyalgum Ridge
  • Tuesday, 17th September - UNE Discovery incursion K-6
  • Thursday, 19th September - Life Education Healthy Harold incursion K-6

week 10

  • Friday, 27th September - Last day of term

annual fireworks night

set up and pack up

Please check the latest roster (Draft 4) that was emailed this afternoon. If any changes need to be made please let the office know asap. We need more helpers for Friday afternoon and Saturday morning set-up, and Sunday pack up. Many hands make light work. Please help if you can.


For the Fireworks night we need every family to donate at least 1 if not 2 or 3 cakes, biscuits, slices etc for the cake stall for us to sell. This is our biggest fundraiser out of the food stalls but it only works if every family contributes.

What we need:

  • We receive a lot of requests for gluten free, vegan and sugar free cakes.
  • Please ensure your name is on the container.
  • We also need whole cakes to cut up, cookies in bags, slices, muffins, cupcakes.
  • Traditional full fat and sugar products are perfectly acceptable too.

DROP OFF: Cakes can be dropped off on Friday 2nd August in the afternoon or morning of Saturday 3rd August to the canteen or even whenever you arrive on the night.

PSSA Small Schools Knockout Soccer competition

Newrybar PS played in the first and second rounds of the PSSA Small Schools Soccer Knockout competition yesterday. The results were Newrybar 6 defeated Crabbes Creek 0 and Newrybar 5 defeated Stokers Siding 0. Newrybar PS will now progress to round 3 of the Competition. Date and opposing school yet to be announced.

K-3 sport

K-3 enjoying sports rotations.