


Welcome to Our Savior Hawaii's Online Sunday School! Our word for today is belonging. We belong to God, and everything we have is given to us by God. Let's explore what that means for our lives!


What have been your highs and Lows from the Last week? What has God given you this week?


Sing and Dance

All of our blessings come from God! How many can you count today?  Let's sing about that!

God's Word

Read today's story from Matthew 22:15-22.

Memory Verse

“Therefore give back to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” Matthew 22:21b HCSB


Name 10 things GOd has given you just today. What's one way you can share what Jesus has given you this week? How does Jesus show us that we belong to him?


We belong to Jesus! He died and rose for us and gives us all we need. In response, we can give back to others. We can think about giving back to God through our time, talent, and treasure.

  • Time: How can you give of your time this week?
  • Talent: What is something you're good at? How can you use this gift to help others and the world?
  • Treasure: What things do you have? What could you give and share with others?

Pray+ Bless

Prayer: Dear Jesus, You give us more blessings than we can imagine, the best of all Your saving love. We belong to you. Help us to give to others what you have given us. Amen.

Blessing: Circle up as a household. Pick someone to start the blessing. They say, "Jesus provides for us. And that means me (place a hand on your chest). And that means you (place your other hand on the shoulder of the person next to you)". Pass the blessing by repeating those words and actions. When the blessing makes it back to the first person, they say, "Go and bless the world."

Lesson inspired by Whirl Grades 1–2 Leader Guide. wearesparkhouse.org.