Hook Community Primary School October 18th 2024

Dear Parents/guardians,

It has been another busy and successful week in Hook School. Despite the technical difficulties, pupils performed beautifully on Tuesday during our Harvest Festival. Thank you to all of the parents who supported the Friends of the School Auction. All of the money raised is gratefully received.

Mobile Phones- Online Safety (Final week of the consultation)

During the summer term. the Local Authority contacted all schools and Governing bodies asking them to review their Mobile Telephone Policy. In recent years, internet enabled mobile devices have caused a significant increase in incidents of online bullying and inappropriate behaviour. Gradually, device usage has become more popular in younger year groups and whereas previously primary schools had very few serious incidents related to devices, this has changed in recent years.

There is broad consensus amongst experts that the use of mobile telephones can be detrimental to child development. At a time when children are particularly anxious and parts of their brains are still developing, mobile telephones can exacerbate concerns and worries that pupils might have. Social Psychologist, Jonathan Haidt, said that the decline of free-play in childhood and the rise of smartphone usage among adolescents are the twin sources of increased mental distress among teenagers.

During the next governing body meeting, I am going to be discussing this guidance with governors at Hook. If you would like to provide your opinion, please click on the click below.


Well done to Dolffin! You have won a special treat for next week! I will visit your class early in the week to help organise your prize.

Chess Information


Every few weeks I write postcards to pupils have been working hard and going over and above. There are lots out for delivery this week !

Sports Fixtures

Unfortunately rugby was postponed on Thursday and the weather called time on netball too!

A reminder - we have our village schools cross country event next week. The event is arranged for pupils in Years 2-6. We will arrange for an early lunch on this day to leave school at around 12:00. We ask for a contribution of £2.00 towards the cost of the bus. The event will be open to all pupils who would like to attend and it is going to be held at Penrhyn Church in Wales VC School (Address: Hundleton, Pembroke, SA71 5RD)

  • Please complete the form on ParentMail if you would like your child to travel on the bus so that we can ensure the we have enough seating.

Christmas Dates

  • Christmas Concerts will be held on: Morning of the 9th December; afternoon of 10th December and after school that day; afternoon of 11th December and after school.

Year Six Trip

Year Six had a great time at Scolton Manor on Wednesday. Pupils visited to compliment the learning they have been doing linked to their current topic.

Residential Information

Years five and six will have the opportunity to visit the URDD centre in Llangrannog this year. We will be visiting between April 30th and May 2nd. To reduce costs, we will be travelling with Johnston School but pupils will not be mixed in rooms or activities. I will accompany both schools for the visit. Residentials are always one of my favourite weeks of the year. We will send out a letter with all of the information as soon as we have it available.

Year four pupils will have an opportunity to camp for a night some time around the 21st June. I haven't decided all of the details yet but the costs for this will be very low.

Curriculum Corner - Knowledge

One area that I am keen to develop is our curriculum planning, mapping and structure. In Wales, all schools are able to set their own curriculum with the aim of providing children with broad and balanced experiences. During the next few weeks, I am planning on working with staff to develop our curriculum mapping in more detail. Whilst it is important that we provide pupil voice, without mapping underpinning our work, we can never have a clear understanding of what we have taught pupils. To learn children need to build elements of knowledge, linking past learning with new learning. To do this well, schools need to know what they have taught, what they are going to teach and how pupils are going to experience this content. I look forward to sharing more of this work with you in the coming weeks.

New Lunch Menu

As ever, if there is anything that I can help with, my email address is Williamsr1688@hwbcymru.net

Kind regards,

Mr Williams.

Music Information

Pupils from years 2 to year 6 are given the opportunity to have small group music lessons with Mrs Wilkinson every Tuesday afternoon. Dosbarth Morlo and Dosbarth Ser Mor already receive 30 minute class music lessons which have kindly been funded by the FOHS. In addition to this Mrs Wilkinson is able to offer additional small group music instrumental lessons at a cost of £4 per week. If you would like your child to have additional music lessons then please call Mrs Milward to put your child’s name down and make termly payments.

Inset days for 2024-2025

  1. Monday 2nd September 2024 - Focus: Direct Instruction and Teacher Modeling.
  2. Wednesday 9th October 2024 - Focus: Oracy, independence and continuous and enhanced provision.
  3. Thursday 21st November - Focus: Cluster Working.
  4. Friday 10th January - Focus: Welsh Language.
  5. Monday 23rd June - Cluster Day Two
  6. Day Six will be taken as twilight sessions.

Seren yr Wythnos