Welcome to our May edition of the newletter, and the last one before the half term break. We have had a busy few weeks, and have lots to look forward to after the holiday . Read on to find out more!
Dates for your diary:
- Fri 24th May - break up for Half Term
- Mon 3rd June - Children return for Summer Term 2
- Wed 5th June - Y1 singing to parents (3pm)
- Tue 11th June - Hockey at Endike
- Fri 14th June - Hockey masterclass at Endike
- Fri 14th June - Author visit (F2 - Y3)
- Mon 17th June - Athletics trials (Wold)
- w/c 17th June - Sports days (See below for details)
- Thu 20th June - Y1 Scrapstore DT workshop
- Fri 21st June - Y3 / Y4 Big Malarkey (East Park)
- Fri 21st June - Quad golf - Hessle golf club
- Tue 25th June - Athletics masterclass (Wold)
- Thu 27th June - Handball - Y4 / Y5 (Sirius Academy West)
- Fri 28th June - Y6 residential
F1 & Beehive
Well, what a wet start we have had to the term. This has not stopped the children enjoying the beginning of their topic on ‘growing’. The children have been given a seed and asked to predict what it might grow into. We have had some very strange and wonderful predictions such as a chocolate bar and a pencil along with some strawberries and apples. They loved getting dirty in the mud and telling us what plants need to grow. They have also loved singing the song ‘The seed song’. It is on YouTube if you wish to sing along with your child.
We have discussed important people and the role of a teacher. The children even got to interview Miss King. We had some lovely questions posed, such as what’s your favourite colour? Do you have any children? and What is your job? The children also got to speak to our school chef, the school nurse and Mr Snelgrove, the caretaker. We must honestly say the children did very well with the questions they posed to the important people that visited.
We had a wonderful St Georges stay and play day. The children thoroughly enjoyed taking part in activities with their parents. It was a huge success, so thank you!
In ‘TFW’ F1 and the Beehive children enjoyed learning about how honey was made and were shocked to hear that honey is actually ‘bee sick’! This did not stop them from sampling the honey on toast. Some had second and third helpings. Even the teachers enjoyed a slice... YUM!
Please make sure to look after the plants that your children have been given, we would love to see some pictures of how they are growing on Tapestry.
Next term will hopefully be a sunny one! The children will be learning about different materials in their science topic and Kings and Queens in their history topic. We will be getting ready for our graduation to say goodbye to our older children who are starting our F2 in September. We look forward to the Purple Pig Farm visiting and lots more activities that we can do outside in the nice hot weather.
Thank you for your continued support.
F2 have some exciting news to share with you! Our caterpillars grew into cocoons and recently grew their wings and developed into beautiful butterflies. We enjoyed watching them flutter away on the field and singing our goodbye song to them. This linked nicely to our music unit ‘Animal antics’ where we looked at rhythm and tempo.
During CKC we have been Artists and explored different lines. We used rulers to help us draw straight lines and this linked nicely to our History unit ‘10 Downing Street’ where we researched lots of different London landmarks. We looked at the role of Rishi Sunak and linked it to our school council. We also practiced democracy and carried out lots of votes.
In Design and Technology we have made jam tarts and jam sandwiches. We have practiced using tools safely such as rolling pins and knifes.
In maths we have been looking at the composition of number and exploring number bonds to 10. We used numicon and paint to help us visualise this. We have also become pattern experts and had some lovely home learning around patterns too.
In Talk for Writing we have mastered ‘Jack and the Robbers’ and we are also coming towards the end of our next story ‘Old Mac’s Farm.’ We enjoyed innovating the setting to a zoo and changing the characters to zoo animals instead.
We cannot believe our final half term is soon approaching but we are so proud of the progress all children have made. We will be carrying out lots of transition activities to support them with the move to Year 1.
Year 1
The children in Year 1 have worked hard in all areas of our curriculum this half term. In T4W, the children have been creating their own magical giants and have made their own fact files for them. We have enjoyed learning about plants in science. We have labelled them, drawn and seen them in our outside environment. Please see the photos below.
In geography, we have continued to learn about the UK; looking at Scotland and Northern Ireland. We have been learning about the physical and human features. Ask your child to tell you about these. We have explored creation stories from different religions and looked at their similarities and differences. The children have enjoyed thinking about and discussing our wonderful world.
The children have been busy learning songs telling the story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk' in music. We are excited to be able to invite you into class Wednesday 5th June 2024 to listen to some of our songs. Please arrive at the office by 3pm on this date if you wish to attend.
After half term, we are looking forward to taking a closer look at our capital city London in geography. We will be learning about living things and their habitats in science and how to use Scratch in computing.
We are very excited to announce that Scrapstore will be providing the children with a workshop looking at our DT topic next half term: Wheels and Axels. More information to follow.
Year 2
In Y2 we have been looking at warning tales in our T4W and we have been reading the story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood.’ We then applied our knowledge to write our own warning tales and we were very impressed with the vocabulary choices the children made. Our music topic also links with ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and we have been learning some songs looking at the pitch and rhythms. We are excited to announce that next half term we will be performing these to parents (date to follow shortly!)
In maths we have enjoyed the recent topic of ‘Statistics’ and we have created and interpreted lots of different types of data . We have now moved onto ‘Place Value’ and we have been counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s! We especially enjoyed taking our learning outside to practise our counting. All of our hard work on TTRockstars means that lots of us have found this easy!
In science we really enjoyed looking at our topic about living things and their habitats. We have explored our outside area to find different creatures and their microhabitats. For our final experiment we predicted where we would find the most daisies on our school site and then we tested different areas to see if our predictions were correct.
In geography and history we have been looking at the River Nile and how important it is now and also to the Ancient Egyptians. As historians, we wrote a persuasive postcard as Egyptians telling our friend about how wonderful life was along the River Nile and in geography we created a poster about all of the crops which grow today along the River Nile. The children have worked hard on this and we were very impressed with quite a few pupils who scored highly in both of the CKC quizzes.
Year 3
In Y3, we have had a busy few weeks, with lots of things happening.
In T4W, we have been looking at the story of King Midas. The children have used a range of language skills to enhance their own versions of the story, including adding clauses and speech effectively. Everyone has risen to the challenge and produced some excellent, imaginative work.
In T4R, we have now completed our fiction-fantasy text, 'The Nowhere Emporium'. We loved having our own ’Nowhere Emporium’, filled with strange and unusual objects, as part of our classroom area. It really helped to bring the story to life! This text will now become a class read next half term. As part of our reading curriculum, we are delighted to have been invited to the Big Malarkey reading festival in East Park next half term. More information on this will be sent out soon and we are looking forward to rewarding the children for their hard work by giving them the opportunity to work with real authors, artists, and creatives!
In RE, we welcomed a visitor (Peter) into our class who shared lots of information with us about how being a Buddhist impacts his daily life. Peter brought in some Buddhist artefacts to show us and then demonstrated a short meditation activity. Everyone enjoyed asking Peter questions about Buddhism, as well as sharing information we have researched about Buddhist celebrations such as Wesak and Nirvana Day.
Our science topic on plants is now coming to an end. We have carried out a range of experiments and observations, including using plants in the school grounds to investigate photosynthesis. We have also looked at the conditions needed for germination and how plants transport water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves.
As we near the end of this half term, we will be revisiting Ancient Greece to look at the lives of one of the most influential empires to ever exist. The children will explore topics such as the Panathenaic games, architecture, and democracy as well as the everyday lives of people at the time.
Finally, as the weather gets warmer, could we please ask that children start bringing in hats, sun cream and water bottles have them marked clearly with their names so that they can find their way back to their owners if they are left in the dining hall, playground etc. Also, this is just a reminder that staff do not apply suncream, so please ensure the children have it on before coming to school and are able to apply it themselves before going out for lunch.
We would like to thank all parents and carers for their continued support and look forward to seeing everybody back for the final half term!
Sports Day
Staff are currently planning our annual Sports Days. The format will be the same as previous years, with all children taking part in a minimum of 2 races. Weather permitting, these will be:
- Tuesday 18th June - Y1 and Y2 - Start time 9:15am
- Wednesday 19th June - Y3 and Y4 - Start time 9:15am
- Thursday 20th June - Y5 and Y6 - Start time 9:15am
- Monday 24th June - F2 - Start time 9:15am
Year 4
Year 4 have really enjoyed their Talk for Writing text of 'How to walk safely through the forest'. This has led to us creating our own version of instructions of how to survive in a dangerous place. Children have come up with new planets, jungles, the bottom of the ocean, to name but a few.
In T4R we have looked at texts to do with Beetles including 'Beetle Boy' and 'The beetle Keeper's Handbook'. Children have loved learning about the beetles and also the mystery of the story, and trying to solve what has happened in the story.
We loved our virtual author visit which allowed children to have the experience of listening to and speaking with a real life author. Children particularly enjoyed asking questions and finding out more about what it is like to be an author.
As a link to our RE, we had a visit from an Imam. The children enjoyed being able to ask questions and broaden their learning about their culture. Children learnt a great deal from him and enjoyed being able to see how life can be the same yet different to their own.
In science we have looked at light and performed a series of investigations to find out more about shadows and what objects make shadows, with some particularly interesting results.
We look forward to the final half term with many exciting things in store.
Year 5
Y5 have had a busy and enjoyable half term so far. The famous author A.M Howell held an online author interview with us and she talked to us about her best selling novel ‘Peril On The Atlantic’. She also introduced her new novel: ‘The Royal Jewel Plot’.
In our PE lessons we have been having gymnastics coaching from a professional gymnastics coach, Tom. All the children have said how much they enjoyed the sessions and many can do new gymnastics skills.
In the classroom, we have been particularly enjoying our new history topic of the Vikings - learning about where they came from and why they invaded.
In science we have been learning about evolution and adaptation, which has been complemented by our texts on Darwin and evolution in reading lessons.
In our writing lessons we have studied a biography of a ‘dragonologist’, and applied these skills to write a biography of Charles Darwin.
Our art lessons have focussed on drawing mythical creatures and children have enjoyed experimenting with drawing fur, scales and animal patterns.
Next half term we will be studying environmental science, oceans and also Norse culture. Our English lessons will focus on the Saxon myth of 'Beowulf'.
Year 6
Year 6 have worked tirelessly during the build-up to their SATs examinations, and wow, this paid off! The children did a fabulous job facing the papers last week and all the staff at Wold are proud of their positive attitudes, perseverance, and determination to be their best throughout! We would like to congratulate all of the Year 6 children for this – well done!
This is not the end for Year 6 however; we still have so much to explore including a unit of art, exploring ‘Street Art’; a study of The Blitz, as part of our World War 2 unit, including how this impacted Hull; a continuation of our current music unit, learning to perform ‘The Cup Song’; and, of course, preparations for the Leavers’ Performance will begin!
This last half-term will also, naturally, have a big focus upon ensuring the children are ready for their move to secondary education. This will include PSHE lessons, focusing upon this transition. In addition to this, our school policies regarding uniform and behaviour will be a key focus, in a bid to prepare pupils for rigorous uniform checks, meeting the highest expectations for all as they enter Year 7. We would like to thank you for your ongoing support with ensuring your child is prepared for this by checking your child always has the correct uniform, including black shoes, ties to be worn, no leggings etc. (as stated within our uniform policy).
Let's celebrate Hull!
We would like you to create some artwork, celebrating what Hull has to offer. We have amazing attractions such as The Deep and The MKM stadium. We have grand, historic buildings such as Hull Minster and The Guildhall. We also have some extraordinary graffiti artwork scattered around our city centre, not to mention the Humber Bridge.