Northwestern Elementary Newsletter May/June 2024
A Message from the Principal
Dear NWE Families,
We made it to May! Thank you for a great first year as principal. It is truly our pleasure here at NWE to work with each and every one of our students and their families.
As is typical for this time of year, there are several exciting events on the horizon. Please be sure to check the building calendar and any teacher communications for important information on upcoming field trips, field days, performances and more!
5th Grade Promotion will be held on Tuesday, June 4th at 9:30am in the NWE Gym. It is always bittersweet as we prepare to send another group of amazing kids off to the Middle School! The last day of school is Wednesday, June 5th. There is Noon Dismissal on both June 4th and 5th.
Thank you again for a great year. From all of us at NWE, we wish you a safe and enjoyable summer. See you in August!
Mrs. Krista Keys
May Musical Memo
May is a VERY busy time in the music department here at Northwestern Elementary. The Third Grade students are preparing for their musical premiere titled "Journey ‘Round the Sun." This full-fledged musical, which takes place in outer space, will be playing one day only on Thursday, May 9th, at 7:00 PM in the NWE Gym. All parents, friends, and community members are welcome to attend this awesome annual event!
Also in May, the Fifth Grade chorus and band students are preparing for their Spring Concert and Art Show on May 16th at 7:00 PM in the NWE Gym. It is truly amazing to see how far each of these students has progressed musically over the last year! I think you will be amazed at what they are able to do, as well! This event will also feature a Spring Book Fair. We hope to see you there!
Fifth Grade Promotion is set for June 4th at 9:30 AM. This event is a culminating event to celebrate all of the fifth graders and their achievements over the last six years. This event is open to all Fifth Grade families and friends and will be held in our NWE Gym.
Library News
Our spring book fair is right around the corner and we need help from our wonderful volunteers to make it a success. We realize it is a very busy time of year, but if you could spare a few hours, we would be extremely grateful! As always we appreciate your support so much! Please email Mrs. Hanlon any questions!
Can you read for 24 hours? Not in a row of course! Just read 20 minutes at a time for 72 days (summer is more than 80 days long!). Shade in a circle on the Summer Reading Challenge sheet and bring it back to show Mrs. Hanlon. You can earn a special bookmark and be entered into a contest to win a free book!
News from the Nurses
Fun in the Sun
Spring is here! The sun’s rays are definitely getting hotter and stronger. It is time to check your supply of sunscreen! Be sure to check the expiration date on any bottles left from last year. As we look toward the end of the school year, more activities are being planned for outdoors. Please be aware of these activities and be alert to the need to apply sunscreen to your child before school to provide protection for extended exposure to the sun.
Summer Health Reminders
Emergency Health Care Plans: If your child received medication and/or had a Health Care Plan in place during this school year, it will be necessary to update and complete a new Health Care Plan and Medication Authorization form for next school year prior to the first day of school (August 26, 2024). New forms will be sent home with your child or provided when you come to pick up your child’s medication at the end of the school year. If possible, please bring the completed forms and/or medication to school prior to the first day of school. A nurse will be in the district buildings periodically throughout the summer and August 19-21, 2024, please call or email to ensure availability for dropping off medications and forms.
Physical and Dental Reminder: Students entering kindergarten, 6th grade, and 11th grade are required by the state to have a physical examination completed. Students entering kindergarten, 3rd grade, and 7th grade are required to have a dental examination completed. Forms will be coming home soon for students entering the specified grades. Physical and dental exams can be completed anytime from January 1, 2024 through next school year.
Have a Safe Summer
The nurses hope that everyone has a safe and healthy summer! Remember to stay safe when swimming, biking, hiking or playing! Always use protective gear for the activity in which you are engaging (helmets, sunscreen, and elbow and knee pads). We want to see everyone return happy and healthy next year!!
P.I.E News
All of the hard work for our fall Boosterthon Fun Run paid off! All students at NWE earned an assembly by The Brain Show. Students and staff got to participate in a game show. It was action packed and everyone loved it!
Save the Dates and Sign up to Volunteer!
**Must have current clearances on file with the district**
6/5 - 5th Grade Family Picnic at Ontelaunee Park – 4:00pm-6pm**
6/5 – Ice Cream party at Ontelaunee Park – 6pm-8pm**
***Events taking place outside of school hours at Ontelaunee Park are not district sponsored activities***
PIE needs help! All of the fun activities that our students love will not be able to happen without new board members. Several of our current PIE board members will be leaving after next year. Without new members taking over, unfortunately there will be no one to run and organize all of the fun events your kids love!
For example: field trips, pretzel days, boosterthon and all the rewards that come with it, bounce house day, the holiday shoppe, end of year carnival, Kona ice days and many more!
Next school year would be a great time to get involved with PIE. There are many things that go on behind the scenes to make all the fun happen for the kids. If people do not take over there will be NO PIE after next school year.
There is also a need for someone to take over the yearbook. If we do not have any volunteers for this, there will be NO yearbook next school year.
Make sure to keep an eye on our Facebook page for the most up to date information & activities. Any questions or for more information please contact us at