Researching Multilingually and Translation as Method A Methods@Manchester masterclass On Thursday 9th may, 1-3pm, university of manchester campus

This in-person Methods@Manchester Masterclass is open to researchers and PGRs within the University of Manchester. The session is co-hosted with Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies & Manchester Institute of Education and features:

Anna, Rebecca, Leonie, and Richard
  • Dr Anna Strowe is a lecturer in Translation and Interpreting Studies at the University of Manchester. Her research focuses on translation theory, literary translation, and book history.
  • Dr Rebecca Tipton is a Lecturer in Interpreting and Translation Studies at the University of Manchester. Her research focuses on spoken language interpreting in state and voluntary sector services, from both contemporary and historical perspectives and draws on sociological approaches and qualitative research methods, including oral histories, focus groups and archival research.
  • Dr Leonie Gaiser is a Lecturer in Intercultural Communication at the University of Manchester’s Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies. Her research interests include urban multilingualism, heritage language maintenance, language policy, and ethnographic methodologies.
  • Dr Richard Fay is a Senior Lecturer in the Manchester Institute of Education where he specialises in language teacher education, intercultural education, research education, and more recently, intercultural musicking (klezmer).

Workshop Structure

In the first part of the session, we will have a brief panel discussion to introduce participants to some of the existing research on ’researching multilingually’, discuss research activity focusing on this aspect of research(er) practice, and explore ideas about translation and interpreting from the perspective of the discipline of Translation and Interpreting Studies.

In the second part, we will open up the session to think as a group about ways that participants have encountered multiple languages in their research, translation, or interpreting in research, and what kinds of support around these questions might be helpful in other disciplines.

Who should attend?

This workshop is open to University of Manchester researchers and PGRs.

It will be of interest to anyone who conducts research that potentially involves more than one language, wants to think about how to best use the various language resources that they or collaborators have, wants to think about the role of language differences and translation in research that they supervise, or anything else related to these topics.

You don’t need any knowledge or experience in translation or interpreting, or even access to another language, in order to participate.

To Register

Places for the workshop are strictly limited because of the nature of the activity. Please only register if you intend to attend.

If you do register and find that you can no longer attend, please email to cancel (this is to free up space for others and avoid catering waste).

This session will take place on Thursday 9th May 1-3pm.

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