Popeth yn Wyrdd! Everything Green!

Cwestiwn Ymchwiliol / Investigative Question

Beth yw bod yn eco-gyfeillgar? / What is being eco-friendly?

Iaith, Llythrennedd a Chyfathebu / Language, Literacy and Communication

Ysgrifennu Erthygl Papur newydd ar lifogydd yn ein ardal leol, Sblot. / Write a Newspaper article on floods in our local area, Splott.

Ysgrifennu Pamffled ar gwmni sy'n hybu achub anifeiliaid prin. / Write a Pamphlet that encourages saving endangered animals.

Mynegi Barn gan ddefnyddio technegau Llais 21 wrth drafod y cwestiwn "A oes angen gwisg ysgol?". / Discussion work about social media by using voice 21 techniques by discussing the question "Do we need school uniform?".

Nofel Ddosbarth / Class Book - Greta and The Giants (Greta a'r Cewri) & Achub Anifail (Saving an Animal).

Rhifedd a Mathemateg / Mathematics and Numeracy

Wythnos 1 / Week One - Mesur Perimedr / Measuring Perimeter
Wythnos 2 / Week 2 - Measuring angles / Mesur onglau.
Wythnos 3 / Week 3 - Pictograms / Pictogramau.
Wythnos 4 / Week 4 - Amcangyfrif a Mesur Hyd, Pwysau a Chynhwysedd / Estimate and Measure Length, Weight and Volume.
Wythnos 5 / Week 5 - Darllen tymheredd yn uwch ac yn is na 0 / Reading temperatures higher and lower than 0.

Y Celfyddydau Mynegiannol / The Creative Arts

Efelychu Artistiaid - Keith Haring: Celf Pop, Syr John Kyffin Williams: Technegau Dyfrliw, Paul Klee: Technegau Graddiant / Emulate Artists - Keith Haring: Pop Art, Sir John Kyffin Williams: Watercolour Techniques, Paul Klee: Gradient Techniques.

Eisteddfod - Cyfle i ganu'n unigol, canu o fewn grwp a llefaru'n unigol neu ar y cyd. / Eisteddfod - Opportunities to sing individually, as a group and recite individually or in a group.

Iechyd a Lles / Health and Wellbeing

Ymarfer Corff - Sgiliau a Gemau Amrywiol. / Physical Education - Variety of Skills and Games.

Dysgu am gynnal y blaned ac effaith gweithredoedd bodau dynol ar ein blaned. / Learn about preserving our planet and the affects of human actions on our planet.

Profiadau / Experiences

Cyngerdd gan Fyfyrwyr Coleg Cerdd a Drama / Concert by Students of Music and Drama College.

Cymryd rhan o fewn gweithgareddau Wythnos Aml-Ddiwylliannol. / Taking part in activities during Multi-Cultural Week.