Welcome back to the final term. The potatoes are in various levels of development- some triffid like, others smaller (but still alive!). Our growing competition will conclude at the end of the month!
We have a lot of assessments to be submitted this month. Year 1 will be doing their phonics screening check and year 4, their multiplication check.
Rounders at Charles Read
Well done to the rounders team who came second at the rounders CRA tournament against local schools!
We are the champions (again)!
Following their win at the Northern Primary Cup, our Netballers went on to play some practice games against Edenham, then Charles Read pupils (including year 10s)- we won! The team were confident ahead of the Champions Day and won every match, again bringing home the trophy.
Kestrels Planetarium visit to school and workshop
Road safety
I have received complaints regarding unsafe travel including unsafe use of restraints in vehicles, speeding and unsafe driving practice. I can only share this information with you and local services but would appreciate it if we could all work together to keep our lovely community safe.
Please park on the road at pick up and drop off times.
Thank you again to those who have supported us with using the carpark more safely. Please remember, even with permission to use the carpark due to injury/ illness, we expect parents to refrain from driving in and out during the busiest periods by arriving early and waiting. Parents still need to exit their vehicles to collect pupils using the path provided.
If you have a prior arrangement with the Principal for example if you hold a blue badge, the far side of the car park may be used but arriving early (before 8.25 am or 3.15 pm 4.20 pm) and waiting until pupils and parents have left (after 8.55 am/ 3.35 pm/ 4.45 pm) to exit the car park is a condition for it's use.
Please do not encourage children to walk across the car park. We are monitoring this term to see whether these improvements sufficiently improve safety. We reserve the right to withdraw access to anyone using the space in an unsafe way.
Reading Challenge
Studies show that reading for pleasure makes a big difference to children’s educational performance. Here’s how you can get your child off to a great start.
Evidence suggests that children who read for enjoyment every day not only perform better in reading tests than those who don’t, but also develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other cultures.
In fact, reading for pleasure is more likely to determine whether a child does well at school than their social or economic background.
You can make a huge difference! Parents are the most important educators in a child’s life – even more important than their teachers – and it’s never too early to start reading together.
To encourage great reading routines, we are planning a tea party for every child who completes their reading expectations this term.
Uniform reminder
Safeguarding spotlight
Stay Safe Partnership’s Upcoming Online Safety Q+A events for Parents
In our 2023 Keeping Safe Survey Lincolnshire showed that effective parental/guardian supervision of a child’s online activity reduced the risk of children being bullied online by up to 39%. Being able to keep up to date with the latest apps and trends in order to keep your children safe can feel like an overwhelming task. The Stay Safe Partnership deliver Online Safety workshops in Primary and Secondary schools across Lincolnshire everyday. In this event we will give you the most up to date information and tools, so you feel confident that you can keep your children safe from online harm whilst still allowing them to explore the online world. Whether you want to know more around age appropriate apps, online trends, parental controls, social media or any other burning questions this is the event for you! Sign up is required.
Stay Safe Partnerships Online Safety Q+A for Parents of Primary Aged Children 5th June 2024 6-7:30pm FREE TEAMS event sign up required:
Diary Dates
- 07/06/2024 Lenton church Buzzards (in RE lesson)
- 17/06/2024 - Red kites and Falcons Hamerton Zoo trip
- 28/06/2024 - Family Fun day
- 02/07/2024 – 04/07/2024 Transition days Walton, Charles Read Academy, Kings School, KGGS
- 05/07/2024- Dance showcase for parents 2.30 pm
- 9/07/2024 - Summer cup
- 11/07/2024 - Twinlakes Year 6
- 16/07/2024 - Sports Day
- 18/07/2024 - Sports day reserve
- 19/07/2024 – Last day of term break up for summer holidays
- 19/07/2024 – Leavers assembly morning
- 19/07/2024 – PTFA lunch for Year 6
- 19/07/2024 – 2pm PTFA disco
- 19/07/2024 – Non-uniform day and clubs finish at 3.20pm no wraparound or afterschool clubs
To be aware of:
- Attendance letters (below 90%) / reminders (below 93%) will be sent this week
- Letters are being sent with curriculum details to parents of KS2 pupils about the 'Changing Me' unit for PSHE.