Year 7 camp

School Development Days – TWO at start of Term 3

The two school development days at the beginning of this term, allowed the staff from Randwick Boys’ and Girls’ to continue with preparations for the new Randwick High School. We thank our community for their understanding with the additional day and, I am sure, the students enjoyed an extra day to keep occupied before returning to their studies in Term 3.

Year 7 camp

The Year 7 camp took place during the last week of Term 2 and, from all reports, was a huge success! The students thoroughly enjoyed the activities and many ‘stepped out of their comfort zones’ to attempt things they had never done so previously. This shows the students what camps and life is all about, trying new things and seeing if they have a talent in them and really enjoy them! Think about the Olympic athletes in Paris. They were not born being exceptional at their chosen sport, but they tried it, liked it, honed their talents and are now competing against athletes on the highest of stages! Upon their return, I spoke with many of the students and asked them to rate the camp out of 10. Not one rated the camp lower than 9. High praise, indeed! I would also like to thank Mr Maunder, Year 7 Advisor, for coordinating the experience and thank all staff who gave their time so freely to supervise the students.

Year 8, 9 and 10 Parent Techer interviews

The Year 8, 9 and 10 Parent Teacher event will take place on Tuesday 6th August, beginning at 4.30pm. All Year 8, 9 and 10 academic reports will be available for collection and review from 4pm on the 6th August, before families begin discussing progress with staff. Reports can be collected from the foyer of the RBHS Library.

Please ensure you have booked appointments, as per guidelines issued to all families and bring a list of your son’s teachers for reference. Many families attend with their son’s; however, you can attend without your son.

The following list outlines the venue for the faculty discussions.

Faculty Locations:

Library – English, HSIE, PDHPE, Music, Visual Arts, Languages, National School of Languages, Careers, Learning Support

School Hall – Maths, Science, TAS

HSC Trials begin August 5. Best wishes to all Year 12 students!

We wish all Year 12 students well in their Trial Higher School Certificate examinations, which begin on the 5th August. Mandatory coursework still needs to be covered during Term 3 and revision of all content will take place towards the end of the Term, in preparation for the HSC examinations in October and November.

P & C Meeting – August 20th at 7pm

Our next P & C Meeting will take place on Tuesday 20th August at 7pm. All welcome.

Year 8 and 10 Subject Selection evening

Congratulations to all staff for the very successful Subject Selection evening yesterday. Year 8 and 10 students are now equipped to make informed decisions concerning their study patterns over the next 2 years. Students and Parents were able to hear the requirements for successfully completing electives in stages 5 (Year 9 and 10) and stage 6 (Year 11 and 12). With their booklets, seeing the displays last night, talking with staff and families, I am sure the students will make appropriate choices and enjoy the subjects on offer at Randwick High School.

It is wonderful to be back after my maternity leave. Thank you so much to all of you in our RBHS community who sent good wishes, and it's been lovely to see some of you this week. For those of you who had your bets on, I had a baby girl (the numbers were definitely on a boy). I'm looking forward to catching up with all of you at our upcoming events; it has been great to see how our young men have grown (in self and height!) over the past three terms. A huge thank you to Mr Jackson who relieved as Deputy Principal in my absence. Mr Jackson will continue as Relieving Deputy on Mondays.

A few reminders from the senior executive this week:


Hoodies are not to be worn under (or over) school uniform, and all students should be wearing black, leather school shoes. There will be a blitz on uniform over the next few weeks, so students are encouraged to show up in full school uniform, and follow the process of reporting to Mr Dimopoulos or Ms Harris for a uniform slip if needed.

Mobile phones:

Students should be locking all digital devices in their Yondr pouches upon entry to the school grounds in the morning. If any phones, AirPods, gaming devices or laptops are used inappropriately throughout the day, students will receive interventions in line with our Digital Devices and School Discipline Policies.

Fairvale High School Prefect Afternoon Tea

On behalf of the Randwick Boys’ Prefect Team, thank you to Nissa (Fairvale Prefect) who had provided us with a personal invite to attend their Prefect Afternoon Tea Friday, last term Among the 14 schools that were invited, they included: Parramatta High, St John’s Park, Moorebank High, and Fairfield High, to name a few.

On arrival, we received a warm welcome from Farevale’s Prefect Team, where they directed us towards their gymnasium, in which the event was to be held. We participated in group-based monopoly activities, with the capitalist-objective to cultivate our wealth by diminishing the resources of opposing groups. In doing so, we were encouraged to effectively coordinate strategies and develop crucial communication skills with peers that were initially strangers to us; mimicking real-life situations where we are forced to coordinate and complete tasks with individuals that we may not necessarily know and still work collaboratively.

It was immensely insightful in what will be coming up ahead for the Randwick Boys’ Prefect Team in Term 3, in terms of the planning commitments, event measures and overall what makes a successful multi-school Year 12 event. Furthermore, we would like to reiterate the value in having these opportunities and building these connections with other students and schools, especially ones that are outside the Eastern suburbs area, and hope that the future Prefect Team of Randwick High School will be able to do the same.

This week marked a significant milestone for Randwick Boys' High School in the winter grade sports competition. Our U16’s and opens rugby 7’s teams made it through to the semi-finals, showcasing their hard work and dedication throughout the season.

In an impressive display of skill and determination, our opens team has secured a spot in the grand final next week. This is a remarkable achievement, reflecting their resilience and the true spirit of being a Randwick Boy. Their performance this season has been exceptional, and they have demonstrated what it means to compete with heart and tenacity.

As they prepare for the grand final, let’s extend our best wishes and support to the team. Congratulations on reaching this stage, and good luck for the final match next week!

The 2024 Show Sponsors

Randwick Boys' and Randwick Girls' High Schools express their gratitude to all proud sponsors of the 2024 production of the Show, "A Brand New Day."

The P&C Welcomes all Students and Families Back for Term 3!

We hope everyone had a safe and relaxing holiday period and look forward to seeing old and new faces at our next P&C meeting on Tuesday 20th August.

In the coming weeks, we can’t wait to share the exciting P&C activities we have planned for Term 3 and 4 of 2024. As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any ideas you may have or to volunteer some time. There is always something to do and we’d love to have you.

Hard to believe we are halfway through the year - here’s to Semester 2!

School Absence Notification System

Regular attendance at school is essential to assist students to maximise their potential. At Randwick Boys' High School, we must ensure our school has effective measures in place to monitor and follow up students absences. We are required under Section 22 of the Education Act (1990) to undertake all reasonable measures to contact parents promptly and within two school days of absence. We have implemented additional measures to ensure we are upholding the NSW Department of Education standards here at Randwick Boys' High School. Our school absence notification system consists of a text message, follow up email and Sentral notification in the parent portal, to minimise unexplained absences. An absence is unexplained if parents have failed to provide an explanation to the school within 7 days. Thank you for your understanding and assistance.