Birdwell Primary School Spring Term 2 Newsletter


These five-week half terms certainly do seem to come and go in a 'blink and you'll miss it' fashion but as we approach the end of another successful half term, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the positive experiences and achievements that have taken place at our school.

First and foremost, I am thrilled to share that we are currently conducting our first EVER residential trip to London with our Year 5 students. This exciting opportunity allows our students to explore the city, visit iconic landmarks and immerse themselves in new experiences. I am confident that this trip will create lasting memories!

During British Science Week, we had the pleasure of hosting AmazeLab, who provided engaging and interactive science workshops for our students. It was inspiring to see our young learners enthusiastically participating in hands-on experiments and discovering the wonders of the scientific world.

Our students have also been passionately discussing their art learning this half term. From studying the works of Alberto Giacometti to Jean-Michel Basquiat, their creativity and artistic expression have flourished. The outcomes of their artistic ability has been truly remarkable, showcasing their talent and dedication.

Lastly, I would like to express my appreciation for the wonderful turnout at our recent parents' evening. It was a fantastic opportunity for our teachers to share the successes and progress of our students with their families. The partnership between home and school is invaluable and events like these allow us to celebrate the achievements of our students together.

Next term is jam-packed again! We have the small matter of KS1 & KS2 SATs, more Sporting Competitions and our Humanities units to name but a few!

Key dates are included at the bottom of this newsletter.

Curriculum Update

There has been a real variety across school in children's learning and it is great to see the development of their positive learning behaviours based on resilience and perseverance. Learning should be tough but children are loving the extra challenge this provides!


This half term the children have been using their imagination to develop their own ideas in art. The children have found out about Andy Goldsworthy and looked at his different sculptures. Our Forest School sessions have continued weekly and children have created their own sculptures using natural materials. The children have designed and created their own ice sculptures, adding colour and materials to water when creating ice. We have also done lots of colour mixing and explored painting using different sized paintbrushes and natural materials found at Forest School.

In maths, the children have continued to develop their counting skills when adding and taking away. We have focussed on sharing quantities and created repeating patterns. We had a number workshop this half term and it was great to see so many parents attend. The children were able to share their maths learning of how we explore number at school.

We have ended the half term with a focus on the Easter story. We visited Birdwell Chapel and the children asked many questions to find out more about the church. We have ended the half term with a surprise visit from the Easter bunny and an egg hunt at Forest School.

Year 1

It has been another busy half term in Year 1.

In art we have been learning about the artists, David Hockney and Pablo Picasso. We know how to colour mix to make secondary colours. Ask us all about it!

PE for this half term has been gymnastics. We have worked with a partner to create movements, remembering to point our toes and think about our posture. We also had an extra PE session thanks to Jo from All Stars Cricket. We loved it!

In science we have been learning about plants. Ask us what a plant needs to be able to grow. We have been identifying different leaves and know the difference between evergreen and deciduous trees.

We have really enjoyed our literacy text and can talk about our book 'The Shopping Basket' with confidence. The unit started with a visit to Aldi and since then Year 1 have completed a trip advisor review about the shop and will be producing a recount of the story this week.

In maths we have been measuring the length and height of objects plus weighing them using the vocabulary, heavier and lighter. We continue to count in 2's, 5.s and 10's. Ask us to tell you!

Year 2

Literacy: Year 2 have been focusing on stories from other cultures. We have read the story 'Lila and the secret of rain' and produced a diary entry from the point of view of the main character. We have also used these skills to write a recount of our weekend.

Maths: We have been exploring fractions, measuring, money, multiplication and division!

Science: We are learning about habitats and how they are suitable for the plants and animals that live there.

PE: Gymnastics

Topic: In our art unit we have been learning about two artists - Hepworth and Giacometti. We saw their work in person at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park and we have created our own sculptures in the style of Giacometti. We have built on our sketching skills and learned new techniques to manipulate clay.

Year 3

This half term, our Literacy topic has been Tutankhamun. First, we read The story of Tutankhamun, in preparation for writing a non-chronological report. The report was made up of a character description of Tutankhamun, a piece about the discovery of his tomb and finally, a description of Howard Carter. The focus for both pieces of writing was to create expanded noun phrases, use pronouns, and writing sentences including coordinating and subordating conjunctions.

In Maths, we have focused on the following areas: fractions, geometry, measure and statistics. The children particularly enjoyed exploring 3D shapes and comaring measurements.

Our Science this half term has been ‘Magnets’. We learnt about how magnets work, and we became waste management technicians finding out which materials were magnetic. For Science Week, we were lucky to have AmazeLabs in school, who taught us about extra-terrestrial life in space. We then used our results to create our own space picture.

Art has been our art topic. We have been focusing on graffiti art in the style of Michael Basquiat. The children really enjoyed researching his work and comparing him with other artists. We also went on our trip to the Cooper Gallery to see other types of art and portaits. We did our final pieces in the style of Michael Basquiat and did an amazing job, well done to all!

PE this half term has been focusing on gymnastics. We have worked with partners and in small groups to develop key movements and balances and put these together as sequences.

In music lessons, we have enjoyed learning about Disco Music and enjoyed learning our class song ‘Bring us together’

Year 4

This half term, our Literacy topic has been Greek Myths. First, we read Theseus and the Minotaur, in preparation for writing a character description of the minotaur. After that, we read Perseus and Medusa, which led us to writing a setting description of Medusa’s lair and telling the part of the story when Perseus meets Medusa, including some dialogue. The focus for both pieces of writing was ambitious adjectives to create expanded noun phrases, powerful verbs and adverbs, figurative language such as similes, metaphors and personification, prepositional phrases, and fronted adverbials.

In Maths, we have focused on the following areas: fractions and decimals, area and perimeter, angles and regular polygons, and reading, interpreting and constructing line graphs.

Our Science this half term has been ‘Living Things and their Habitats’. We learnt about life processes and compared plants and animals. We researched how animals are suited to their environments and why different organisms are found in different habitats. For Science Week, we were lucky to have AmazeLabs in school, who taught us about Chromatography. We then used our results to create our own space picture.

Pottery has been our art topic. We began by looking at the clay work of Kate Malone, then comparing pottery from different cultures: African, Egyptian and Japanese. After this, we enjoyed learning different skills, such as pinching, slabbing and coiling, before choosing which style to choose to make our final pots. We are so proud of them!

PE this half term has been focusing on gymnastics. We have worked with partners and in small groups to develop key movements and balances and put these together as sequences.

In music lessons, we have enjoyed learning about Calypso Music and how song lyrics are often about topical news or issues.

Year 5

We have had a great half term in Year 5! Our subject driver this half term has been Art and our topic has been ‘Palette Knife Portraits’. The children have really enjoyed exploring the work of our key artists and trying to replicate the style of Salman Khoshroo using palette knives.

In literacy, we have been writing a newspaper report all about a catastrophic event at Birdwell Primary School involving a strange species of plant. This has been linked to the book we have been exploring, ‘Boy in the Tower’. The children have been great at stepping into the shoes of different people to think about how they would be feeling and what they might say to news reporters.

In maths, we started the half term with fractions, specifically looking at improper fractions and mixed numbers. We have also done some reflection and translation across more than one quadrant, drawing and measuring angles, calculating the perimeter of shapes with missing measurements and started to estimate and compare volume and capacity.

Our Science topic has been ‘Plants’; we have explored how they adapt and also how different plants reproduce. It was also Science week this half term and the children had fun designing, making and testing a space rover.

Year 6

What an excellent half term we’ve had in Year 6. We started off the half term with our residential to Marrick Priory, where the children showed excellent resilience and represented themselves and the school well. For our subject driver, we have focused on art specifically looking the skill of sculpting.

The children have perfected their skills of slabbing, coiling and pinching to mould clay around an armature (skeleton). Next half term, the children will be gearing up and getting ready for their SATs and I am sure they will be more than ready!

KS2 Spanish

In Y3, we can now take part in simple dialogues about ourselves using familiar questions and answers. We can recall and use previously learnt language. We have learned numbers in Spanish so that we can read and write dates in Spanish.

In Y4, we In Spanish this half term, we have been having lots of fun through our learning. We have learned names for body parts, we have played ‘Simon Says’ and sang ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ in Spanish. We have enjoyed taking part in Spanish Yoga sessions and even designed our own routines.

In Y5, have studied clothing. We have learned how to conjugate the verb ‘to wear’ in order to describe what we are wearing in detail using Spanish adjectives. We also designed and labelled our own sports kit. This half term we have been able to take advantage of the Interactive Home Games which we love to play in competitive teams to beat each other’s time scores.

In Y6, we have been ‘at the funfair’ designing and making our own 3d fun fair. We have learned lots of new vocab about fun fair rides and how to describe them and have a conversation about which rides we like and don’t like and be able to say why.

Next Half Term - Focus Subject and Learning to Come...

Moving into the Summer Term, all our classes will be starting new curriculum drivers as well as the usual weekly lessons. Our key driver this half term will be Humanities (History & Geography) as we utilise the concepts of history and human & physical geography to consolidate our learning in those areas from this academic year.

Reception: Growth & Change
Year 1: Christopher Columbus
Year 2: Shackleton's Journey
Year 3: Ancient Maya Civilisation
Year 4: The Golden Age of Piracy
Year 5: The British Empire
Year 6: War and Refugee

Maths Ambassadors

We are in the process of recruiting Maths Ambassadors for our school. These ambassadors will play a crucial role in promoting a love for mathematics among our students and fostering a positive attitude towards the subject.

Our dedicated School Councillors have taken the initiative to create interview questions that will be posed to potential candidates. This ensures that the selection process is fair and aligns with the values of our school community.

The role of a Maths Ambassador will involve various responsibilities, including:

  • Supporting and mentoring fellow students who may require additional help in understanding mathematical concepts.
  • Organising and participating in mathematics-related activities, such as competitions, clubs, and trips.
  • Promoting a positive attitude towards mathematics among peers and encouraging them to explore its real-world applications.

By recruiting Maths Ambassadors, we aim to create a supportive environment where every student can thrive in their mathematical journey. We believe that these ambassadors will not only enhance the learning experience of their peers but also contribute to the overall development of our school community.

We will keep you updated on the selection process and the appointment of our Maths Ambassadors.


At Birdwell Primary School, we fully recognise the impact of good attendance and punctuality on the success and development of young people both socially and academically.

Research has proved that any student with attendance under 95% is at risk of achieving a grade lower in every subject by the time they leave school. We expect all students to attend school regularly and our whole school attendance attendance target is 97%. We have introduced the 100 Club as an outstanding target for classes to meet each week.

For more information regarding attendance, please see the dedicated page on our school website which features the school's attendance policy.

Birdwell Primary School: Spring Term Attendance Year to date Figures

Whole School Target: 97%

Whole School Attendance: 95.4%

  • Reception: 94.9%
  • Year 1: 94.4%
  • Year 2: 96%
  • Year 3: 96.2%
  • Year 4: 94.5%
  • Year 5: 96.7%
  • Year 6: 95.5%

We will send our attendance traffic light information letters to parents and carers on Friday 21st March.

Punctuality Reminder

As we settle into the new term when we return, I would like to take a moment to remind you about the importance of punctuality at Birdwell Primary.

Arriving to school on time is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it allows your child to start their day in a calm and organised manner. By arriving promptly, they have the opportunity to prepare for the day ahead, settle into their classroom, and engage in any necessary morning routines or activities. This ensures that they are prepared for learning and can make the most of their educational experience.

Please remember that the school doors open at 8:45am, allowing ample time for children to enter the premises and make their way to their classrooms. It is important to note that the register closes promptly at 9am.

We understand that unforeseen circumstances may occasionally arise, causing delays in the morning routine. If you anticipate that your child will be late, please inform the school office as soon as possible.

Parent Workshops: Year 1 Phonics screening check and year 4 multiplication times tables check

We are delighted to announce that we will be hosting two parent workshops on Tuesday 7th May at 3:30pm. These workshops are specifically designed to provide valuable information and support for parents of Year 1 and Year 4 students and will run in the respective classrooms for each year group.

For Year 1 parents, the workshop will focus on the Phonics Screening Check. We will explain what the check entails and how you can support your child at home. Understanding the phonics screening process will not only help you better understand your child's progress but also enable you to provide targeted assistance to enhance their phonics skills.

For Year 4 parents, the workshop will cover the Multiplication Times Tables Check. We will discuss what the assessment involves and what children can expect during the check. Equipping yourself with knowledge about the multiplication tables check will enable you to support your child's learning and help them feel more confident in their multiplication skills.

Both workshops aim to empower parents with the necessary information and strategies to actively engage in their child's learning journey. We encourage all Year 1 and Year 4 parents to attend these workshops and take advantage of this opportunity to enhance your understanding and support your child's progress.

Please mark your calendars for Tuesday 7th May at 3:30pm and join us for these informative sessions. We look forward to seeing you there!

The Great Birdwell Bake Off!

A massive thank you to all of the children, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles who made today possible! The generosity was incredible. people turned up with lovely buns and treats they had bought for us to sell on and raise money. Children made wonderful creative scenes or models! The level of creativity in the bake-off was unbelievable!

Choosing prize winners was almost impossible as it was clear the dedication and pride that had gone into all of the wonderful baking masterpieces that the children arrived at school with.

Thank you to everyone's help, we've raised an incredible £350 so far and we still have more to sell! We are so grateful for all you have done to support the school to raise money for our fitting tribute to Mrs Black

Parents' Evening

Thank you to all parents and carers that attended parents' evening to discuss your child's progress and how they have settled into this academic year.

If you haven't been able to book a slot with your child's teacher, please ensure that you speak with the teacher so you can arrange an alternative date as we know how important these evenings are in supporting your child's progress

As part of the evening, we also had a short survey for parents to complete regarding behaviour and attitudes in school. You can submit your response using the link below:

Extra-Curricular Clubs

Our Extra-Curricular club programme will be starting again after Easter. Make sure you sign up on Arbor from 5pm on Friday 21st March.

Parent Forum: You said, We did

KS1 and KS2 SATs

As I'm sure you're aware, children in Y2 and Y6 will be completing their KS1 and KS2 assessments during the months of May. These are a great opportunity for children to demonstrate and celebrate their learning across their journey at Birdwell Primary School and we are excited to support them to achieve their potential. The children have worked incredibly hard and it has been amazing to see their progress first-hand. They are fully prepared and I couldn't be more confident that the children will do their absolute best on the days!

When are the KS1 SATs 2024 and what do you need to know?

Key stage 1 SATs for Year 2 students will take place during May 2024, with the specific dates decided by each school. We will be conducting them on the week beginning Monday 6th May.

As of the 2023-2024 academic year, schools were given the choice whether the administer KS1 SATs to their pupils. As a school, we have opted to carry out KS1 SATs and these will be marked by the school and results will be released to parents via the class teacher. The assessments will test pupils’ levels of maths and English, in addition to a grammar, punctuation and spelling test.

Click the buttons below for more information about the assessments

SATs Breakfast Club

To support our children in Year 2 and Year 6 in May as they approach sitting their statutory tests, we will be offering a breakfast club each day for those children free of charge.

The aim of this is to ensure all children have had a substantial breakfast and to allow us to work with children to ease any worries they may have and provide reassurance being amongst their friends and staff. The dates will be as follows:

  • Year 2: Monday 6th May to Friday 10th May
  • Year 6: Monday 13th May, Tuesday 14th May, Wednesday 15th May and Thursday 16th May

Worsborough Cricket Club - All Stars Taster Session

Key Dates Summarised

From all at Birdwell, we hope you have a restful and enjoyable Easter Break!