Dear Families,
I would like to extend a huge thank you to all the wonderful volunteers that gave of their time to help out this week with all the classroom Halloween parties. The classrooms were full of delicious food, fun games and lots of laughter. So many great memories were made! I have to add that I was beyond impressed with all the creative costumes that the kids came up with this year. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Edward Scissorhands, a blast from the past!
As we say good-bye to October and hello to November, I'd like to take this time to share a few reminders of what it means for students to follow the rules at school by living the Blue Jay Way. As I have been getting to know the students across Barnard I have been pleased with the positive character traits I see exemplified day in and day out at Barnard. While visiting classrooms, engaging out at recess, monitoring in the lunchroom, or simply walking through the halls, I observe students demonstrating kindness toward others, respectful interactions between kids and adults, perseverance, compassion and many instances of lending a helping hand to name just a few.
While there is much to celebrate and recognize, it is also important that we identify areas for improvement as we strive to create positive and safe learning environments each and everyday for all of our students. Each morning the students say their pledge to Be Responsible, Be Respectful and Build Positive Relationships. These 3 R's were established by the Barnard Staff and serve as our guide toward expected behavior. I believe that the partnership between the home and the school is vital in helping our children achieve their best. I am asking you to please take time at home to discuss appropriate behavior with your child that demonstrates respect for others, both children and adults, as well as responsibility and building positive relationships. This includes keeping hands and objects to yourself by demonstrating safe hands at ALL times as well as using appropriate language, kind words that are encouraging, not hurtful.
This expected behavior also includes the bus rides to and from school. When children are hearing a consistent message from all the adults in their world, along with follow through of consequences, the results are much more positive. Please know that we continue to have these conversations at school as well. I thank you in advance for your partnership and having these conversations again and again to model and remind them of the "Blue Jay Way."
We ended our week with a special school-wide assembly from the Detroit Pistons! A positive message was delivered to the entire school body about the importance of their commitment to put "School First" in their lives. Students enjoyed participating in contests to earn small prizes with a focus on encouragement of others! The fun doesn't stop here, come join the Barnard Community on Saturday December 2nd for a fun night out at the Pistons Game! The Detroit Pistons will be offering Barnard Families special tickets for this game against the Cleveland Cavaliers. The theme of the night is to promote Detroit, they are calling it “In It for My City Night”. All family and friends are encouraged to buy a ticket and join in on the fun! The Pistons will also donate $5 of every ticket sold back to our school! Incentives will be awarded to classes for selling tickets. To buy tickets, please go to We can’t wait to see all of our families at the game!
November is full of busy events coming up so be sure to mark your calendars and be on the look out from reminders from the office and your child's teacher to stay in touch. One BIG event I am excited to announce is the return of our Blue Jay in the Spotlight tradition is returning and we are kicking off our first assembly this week on Thursday to welcome the families of those students who will be honored this week.
Karen Bush
- Wednesday, November 8th- Picture Retakes and Candid Photo Shoots; Early Dismissal at 2:37 pm for District Teacher Professional Learning; Nest Lessons for Character Education; Restaurant Night at Buddy's Pizza till 8:00 pm!
- Thursday, November 9th- Return of Blue Jay in the Spotlight School Assembly 9:30-10:15 am
- Friday, November 10th- A.L.I.C.E Lockdown Safety Drill *See additional letter with details.
- Monday, November 13th- PTO Meeting at 7:00 pm with special guest, Dr. Machesky to present on State of the District
- Tuesday, November 14th- Donuts with Grownups- Community Event 8:00-9:00 am *Caregivers and students welcome, please make arrangements for siblings as this is not a full family event due to space and safety. Sign ups came home last week, please send in RSVP to help PTO prepare.
- Wednesday, November 22-Friday November 24th- Thanksgiving Break- NO SCHOOL
- Thursday, November 30th- End of First Marking Period
- Friday, December 1st- NO SCHOOL- Teacher workday
- Saturday, December 2d- Detroit Pistons Game- Barnard Community Event- Buy your tickets soon to join the fun!
Celebrating these special Barnard Blue Jay Birthdays with a trip to the book vending machine!
PTO Sponsored Community Event- Flyer went home last week. Please be sure to send back in with your RSVP to help PTO plan accordingly.
Restaurant Night this Wednesday at Buddy's
Next PTO Meeting- Monday, November 13th with special guest Dr. Machesky, TSD Superintendent
Now that the weather has begun to get a little cooler in the mornings, we have more items in our Lost & Found. The Lost & Found is located in our ART hallway. You can access it before or after school if you need to pick something up or look for a misplaced item. Students walk past this on their way to lunch daily as well.
Community Outreach Committee Steps Out with their First Schoolwide Initiatives
The Barnard Community Outreach Committee will be hosting a Gift Card Drive starting Monday October 23rd. These gift cards will go towards Barnard families in need throughout the year. Students can bring these gift cards in give them to their teachers. We will also have a collection bin in the office. We thank you in advance for all your help!!! To donate a gift card please use our sign-up genius by clicking the button below. *Please note that we already have a list of Barnard Families in need of support. Your contributions are greatly appreciated!!
You may have noticed the large green donation bin in our parking lot. As a reminder, this recycling bin serves as a repurposing service for our Barnard Community while helping those in our local and surrounding communities in need.
It's not t0o late to join Cub Scouts today!
Free Breakfast
If you would like your child to receive breakfast, Elementary Students must sign up by submitting a one-time enrollment form. If you would like to unenroll from the program, you can do so as well. Please complete one form for each of your children by clicking on the link below. You may sign up or unenroll at anytime throughout the year. Please check in with your child to ensure they are eating and enjoying the breakfast options. In the event they share that they are not enjoying the options, you can unenroll. This helps us avoid food waste. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Food Service Program, please call our office at 248-823-5089.